throw and throws keyword in java

public void doChangePin(int oldPin, int pin) throws Exception {	//need to add throws followed by exception name
		if (oldPin == pinCode) {
			pinCode = pin;
		} else {
			throw new Exception("some message");	//throwing the exception by creating its new object

Ouida 110 points

                                    Throws keyword used for handling exceptions. 
  Where do you use it? Methods signature. 
 If you want to handling right away in selenium or Api use “throws” keyword.
Throw is creating an exception. Basically there are doing opposite. 
Where do you use it? We use it with in the block.

3.5 (2 Votes)

                                    Generally JVM throws the exception and
we handle the exceptions by 
using try catch block. But there are
situations where we have to throw 
userdefined exceptions or runtime exceptions.
  In such case we use throw keyword 
to throw exception explicitly.

  Syntax : throw throwableInstance;

3.78 (9 Votes)
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