remove first character from string

let str = 'Hello';
str = str.slice(1);
    Output: ello

GeorgeV 105 points

                                    let str = 'Hello';
str = str.substring(1);
    Output: ello

3.9 (10 Votes)
Shellenge 105 points

                                    s = "hello"
print s[1:]

4.4 (5 Votes)
Throwaway67 100 points

                                    String string = "Hello World";

//Remove first character
string.substring(1); //ello World

//Remove last character
string.substring(0, string.length()-1); //Hello Worl

//Remove first and last character
string.substring(1, string.length()-1); //ello Worl

KIN 85 points

                                    "Hello World".substring(1)  // ello World

3.67 (6 Votes)
Englishfox 85 points

                                    String str = "Hello World";
String str2 = str.substring(1,str.length());

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remove first and last character javascript python remove first letters of string python remove first letters of var remove first3 character from string javascript remove first character of a string how to remove first and last letters from string in python python remove first 4 character from string remove string first char javascript remove first and last character of string remove first n chars from string javascript js remove first and last character js remove words with first character remove beginning of string remove first letter from string java remove 1st char from string js nsstring remove first character cut first character of strijng javascript javascript remove first 0 from string remove first character special in java how to remove first letter in a string js delete first character string js delete first character string remove first character of string js filter first letters python in string remove first element from strin remove first two character from string java how to delete first letter and last letter of a string in java remove the first char in string js remove first value from a string remove first characters from string js remove first word js remoive first char from string nodejs remove first letter js remove first and second character from string delete first element in a string with condition in java javascript remove first string from string Javascript remove the first string removing the first character in a string java remove first 4 character from string how to remove first 4 char in js cut off first character java how to remove first k char from string remove first leeter form string js javascript pop first character of string javascript drop first character of string how to remove first char from a string in c++ js drop first character of string javascript remove to first charachters delete first letter from string python remove first characters js delete first letter of string delete first line of string python js remove first charakter python how to remove first element from string javascript remove first character from string if zero remove part of first string nodejs javascript preg remove first if specify char how to remove first character from string in javas delete first letter in string python delete the first char from string py how to strip first character in python javascript remove first char if its 0 remove firsth char js how to remove the first 5 letters of a string javascript line remove first letter python remove the first letter from string js python string remove first letter remove the first element of of a string python remove first 5 characters from string string trim first character javascript js remove beginning of string is there function to just delete the first letter of string in python? trim 1st character in javascrip delete first character of a string javascript remove first character from string node.js remove first srt in string in python delete first 4 chrractor of string js remove the first occurrence in string python java cut the first string remove first caratere from string pytho remove first caratere from string python remove first 0 from string remove first character on string javascript removing the first character of a string js delete the first 3 characters in string java remove first character from string slicing remove 1st character remove the first character froma string js remove first leter in js string remove the first letteri n string python how to remove first string form the other remove first letter kjs how to delete first string including second string in java remove first part of string python remove first caracter of string python string drop first character js string delete first character remove first letter of word javascript js remove first 5 characters from string remove first two charater from string javascript python remove first specific characters from string delete first char at 0 index and return that char in java delete first element in string java remove first letters from string python js remove first 4 head string characters remove first char in ststring c++ remove 1st char of string python remove first letter in word how to remove first position in python string remove string of first character remove first and last char javascript remove first character from string node js remove first word from a sring python get and remove first character of string remove first 5 character from string python javascrtip remove first chareter from string remove first charteter of string python remove first charteter of string how to remove first character from a string in javascript remove first letter in string js javascript delete first character in a string string cut first char js remove the first letters of a string java how to remove the first element in a string in python remove first char string substring remove first char striogn js remove only first specific characters from string in python js remove first letters remove first 5 characters from string javascript remove first character from string javascript mdn delete firstchar from string how to remove first character in a string javascript remove first character of string in python how to cut first letter in js remove the first char from string javascript remove the first char from string jasvrcirp remove first char js node js remove first char from string remove first character in python how to delete string js first letters remove the first element of a string in python javascript remove first letter from string eliminate first character of string remove first caractere in python python remove first letters of a string js remove first letter of string how to remove first char on string in pythin python pop first element of string remove first leters of string JS remove first char from strnig js remove first characters from string remove first from string js remove first char string in js remove first parts of string node js delete first char of string java js remove first x elements from string python remove first part of string until character remove first charater from string js remove first string javascript javascript string remove first and second character remove first and secons element from a stringjavascript remove first chart string java remove first 4 characters from string using javascript how to remove the first word of a string python how to remove the first word of a string remove first character array js JS eliminate first and last character how to remove first char in js remove first character string java javascript remove first letter of string remove the first letter string js nodejs remove firsts character from string remove the first character from a string javascript javascript trim first character from string js remove first 5 character from string remove first character from string list javascript how to remove first characters from string delete first character of string remove first instance of substring python python 3 strip first character from string javascript delete first character of string delete first character in an array how to remove only first word from a string javascript how to remove only first string from a string javascript how to remove only first letter from a string javascript how to remove only first letter from a string how to remove first character from the string how to delete first latter in stringh python how to remove first and last letters of a string javascript python 3 delete first character from string remove first ocurrence of string javascript remove 1st char string in java java remove first 4 charters from string remove first word in string js substring of string removing 1st and lest remove first and last character of string java remove first char in string typescript string remove first 5 char js delete first char how to cut off first letter in string in pytohn string remove firsts characters python string remove firstchar delete 1st char at string using java remove first letter sitring java get rid of first char in string js remove first 4 characters of string python javascript remove first and last character javascript string strip first character remove first x number of characters from string js how to pop off the first char of an array js how to delete the first caracter in string js python remove first and last letter of string python remove n first caharcters form string remove first character of a straing in javascript java delete first leter of string node remove first character from string remove the first char of a string javascript java remove first letter of string how to remove first character from string js How to remove first n characters from a string in Python middle javascript remove first index of string js remove first symbol from string js remove first caracter cut first caracher from string js how to delete first character in string python java remove first ccharacter from a sriong how to remove the first element in a string trim first character in char* remove first character from a string in javascript python delete firsts chars in a str replace only removing first character remove first word in a string javascript remove first character in a string javascript remove first 5 characters in string java remove first and last letter from string javascript remove first letter from string by substruction remove first char string js js remove from string in beginning remove the substring elements from first string js remove first and charater word from string JS delete first word java remove first word of string delete the first character from a string in python remove first and last letter from string in js how to remove 1st element of a string js how to remove first letter of string in javascript remove first char from string javasffript delete only the first character how to delete first value of any string how to delete first element from string in python replace js only removing first character how to remove first string char javascript how to remove first sting char javascript how to remove first sting char javascript remove 1st character of string remove first item in js string remove first charater from string remove first of string js Mendix remove first charecter from string remove beginning of string python remove first character from char array remove first spesific character python delet first to characters of a string how to remove first and last character from a string in java python cut first char from string if string start with a delete first character delete first character in string java Which is correct formula for remove first character from string? javascript remove first string java remove first and last char of a strring take off first character string js delete first letter of string in python js cut off first character js remove first char from strng remove first 3 characters in js remove the first character off a string python remove first three characters from string java javascript regex remove first characters remove first instance of character from list python how to delete first element from a string in javascript string remove first letter JavaScript remove first n chars from string how to remove first character from string javascript remove first str element python js string strip first char java remove first word from string python remove first 3 words from string js string remove first words elixir string remove first character js string remove first letter javascript remove first leters of string remove the first character of string javascript how to remove first char in string delete first letter of string python js remove first element from string strip beginning character in javascript remove first x letters javascript how to remove the first element from a string in javascript how to remove the first element from a string trim the first character of a string javascript java 8 string remove first character if exist remove first sstring inpython in python how to trim first letter from string how to delete first character of string in java javascript remove first character from the string remove 1st letter python js remove first substring java remove 2 first character js remove the x first chars remove first cracter string js how to remove the first char of a string java cut first letter of string javascript delete the first letter in the string in the javascript how to remove first in string value in javascript delete first letter of string js alterxy remove first character from string cut first character from string js string delete first letter python javascript remove first and last character from string javacsript how to remove the first character form a string how to strip the first characters of a string in javascript how to remove first and last character of string in java remove first and last character of string in javascript remove first string char js remove first index in string remove first item from string python how to remove the first word in string java remove first character from string typescript remove the first charactre from the string delete first letter in string delete first characters in string js remove first specific character from string in js strip the first character from a string python remove 2 first character from string java remove first letter string java remove first letter string jav js remove first and last character from string how to remove first element from string in javascript javascript remove first character match how to remove the first finded character of a string in java python remove first four letters string how to remove first string in array javascript py remove 1st char from string remove first charcater from string javascript javascript string cut off first character remove first 5 characters from string js Java - remove first character from string remove first element of string python remove first element of sting how to remove the first character in a string js string delete first characters how to remove first and last character of a string in JavaScript js string cut first char dom remove first characters im p java remove first and last char from string python string without first character js strip first character how to remove the first char in string regex to remove first char in strign remove first letter of javascript string remove first Word From a string string pop first element python remove first 4 characters in javascript remove 0 at first letter javascript python remove first instance of substring java remove firstcharacter from string how to remove first character of sttering in java remove first element from char array in java javascript remove first char if is '/' js delete first letter of text javascript remove first char GET THE FIRST CHARECTOR and remove OF A STRING IN JAVASCRIPT remove all first letters from list python how to remove first character from string in python remove first string char java remove first character from string nodejs how to remove the first ecourance of a string in python javascript string remove first character and last character remove first character and last character from string javascript remove first word of string python remove 1st character from string javascript python remove first character form a luist remove first item from string javascript string pop first character how to strip the first and last letter of a string python how to remove the first character from a string remove first char from array remove first cahracter for a string removeing only the first element of a string cut first char of string js remove first letter from a string js how to remove first character javascript drop first 4 chars in string python remove the first letter of a string javascript remove first letter remove first words in javascript how to remove first character in string in pytohn delete first letter of a string python delete first letter of an element javascript string remove first child string javascript string remove first child remove first 3 char from string in java how to remove firstcharacter from string python javascript delete first letter of string type script get string with removing first charactor remove first charchter in string how to remove the first character in string javascript remove first 3 character from string removea first char from a string rby js string method to remove first remove first word from string js string remove first characters 5 substr remove first character how to remove the first word from a string in python how to remove first 5character from string how to remove first letter of a string in python remove the first character python python remove first n letters from string and return them cut first letter of the string js cut firste letter of the string delete first character of a string python remove text from strinng first js javascript remove first caracter how to remove first caharcter from a string in javascript how to remove first character of the string js remover first char from string how to get rid of the first character of a string js how to get rid of the first character of a string hs javascript remove first n characters from string remove first instance of character from string python remove the first character in a string javascript how to remove first element of string in python? cut the first character of a string python cut the first character of a string remove first string from array java remove first string from array java\ how to remove first letter from string in javascript remove the first letter of a strjng strip first caracters string delete first element python delete first element string str remove first char python remove first character from string in java remove first element of a string javascript remove first element of a stringjavascript how to remove first character in a string in python py remove first char from string remove first char in string js js remove first character if it isa x js remove beginning string how remove first character from string? javascript remove everything after first character how t remove the very first charater in javascript how to remove the first item of a string javascript javascript string cut first character remove first 6 letters from string python string remove first and last char java string remove first and last character python remove first 10 characters from string remove first character from string in typescript remove first 6 letters javascript remove first character from string javascript in an array remove first last character string java if remove first string is A python javascript how to remove first character and last character of string remove first occurrence of character in string python python string remove first substring how to remove first characters of a string in java remove first 0 from string javascript get rid of first character in string java js remove first letter remove the first 4 chars of string how to remove the first charecter in a string how to remove first WORD of a string in javascript how to remove first WORD of a string in js remove first word of string js remove first word from string js remove first char string remove first and last char from string java remove beginning of string in python javascript string remove first carachter python drop first character in string remove first character from stirng js delete first line of string java js remove first line from string python delete first character of string how to remove first char in string java delete first character stringc++ how to remove first and third character from string in javascript remove first string item from word javascript how to remove the first letter of a string in javascript filter first character of string javascript how to trim first and last character in java how to remove first character of a string in javscript remove first of a string remove first character using shift() to remove the first character in a string how to remove the first letter in a string python remove first letter javascript how to erase first letters from a string in js how to remove first item in a string python remove first word from sentence python python how to remove the first letter of a string how to remove first substring from string in java remove the first character from string java how to remove first letter of string in java remove first n specific characters from string in java remove first x specific characters from string in java remove first specific character from string in java remove first specific character from string in jav javascript string remove first n characters delete the first character of a string python need to remove 1st charcter from string python delete first occurrence in string remove first letter to strin js js remove first word from string remove first letter from array javascript how to remove first 5 character in python get rid of first character of a string python remove first letter of a string js how to remove first letter of string js java string remove first two characters skip first char string java remove first char in string c++ remove from string beginning with character java how to cut the first letter in a word python remove the first character from array javascript js remove first / from string drop first letter in string python how to remove first character of a string in jav remove first 7 characters in string js how to remove first element from string in python python remove first character from every each string in list regex delete first character of word javascript how to trim first characters of a string python remove first n elements from string remove first 2 chracters java remove first item from string javascript remove first character of a word python remove first character javascript remove first element in string js python remove first word from string python remove first x characters from string how to remove the first 3 letters from a string java how to remove first item from string js java remove first letter from string remove first character from string ks how to remove first character of a string in python java remove first and last character from string how to remove first char of string python javascript remove first character and last character from string python code to remove first and last character from string how to cut first letter string javascript how to cut first letter string how to remove a first instance of char from string in python java remove first and last characters from string remove first and last char js remove first charecter from string python remove the first char of a string remove first char of string java remove first char of string javascript js function to remove first character delete first elements from string python trim first character javascript remove first line of string remove first character pythin js cut first letter from string remove first index from string javascript Remove characters from the first string which are present in the second string in Java delete first character of string javascript how to remove first and last character from string in javascript string remove first caracter js string remove first word delet first letter amscript remove first occurrence of string python using substring in to remove first element remove first elemetn of a str js remove first character using js remove first and last letter from string python Python remove first value from string how to remove first character in string in javascript remove first word from string python remove first char from string js how to delete the first and last letter of a string in python python remove first char substring remove first letter delete first character of word javascript how to trim first 10 characters java remove first element from java string remove first and last character from string java remove first 4 characters from string How do I remove the first letter in an array python how to exclude the first character from string python python3 remove first character from string remove first character from number python remove first word remove beginning of string java js string remove first javascript substring remove first word check first character and remove in java python string remvoe first word javascript cut first char of string python remove first 3 characters from string remove first character of string typescript node js remove first character from string javascript strip first character remove first 4 characters from string python how to remove first characters from string javascript remove first and last character string java remove first character from string java java delete first character of string remove first and last character from string js cut first char of string python ecma remove first character from string how remove the first charecter in a string in java string remove first occurrence java remove first character of string javascript python remove first character from list how to remove first character and last character from string in javascript remove first 4 characters in python delete first character js remove first letter in string java remove first letter of string ndoejs remove first character of a message java java return and remove first element of string remove first char sctring remove first element of string array java remove first part of string array java remove first part of string[] java remove the first caracter of a string how to delete the first character in a string js how to remove first character of a string nodejs remvoe first char javascrip tremove first char delete first character from string python remove first char string java remove first x letter javascript javascript remove first character from number remove first element string js remove the first charecter of a string remove first element of string java remove first character of a string javascript js remove first ocurrence in a string how to delete the first character in a string python remove firstr character from string nodejs how to remove first character from string in js how to remove first letter in a word in javascript how to remove first index of string in javascript remoe first element of String[] java remove first charcater from string js delete the first character of an string how to remove first 0 of string in javascript string remove first character elixir in string string remove first character elixir how to remove the first character from a string in javascript java remove first 2 characters from string string remove first character python removing 1st space character java python remove first charater of string javascript remove first character in string how to remove first letter from string javascript how to remove the first leter from string remove first character from text python getline removes first letter of string remove first and 3 chahrchter from string in java java trim first character java stringbuilder remove first character string remove first and last character trim first letter from string javascript remove first character js python remove first set of specific characters delete first char of string python javascript remove first character of string how to take off the first letter of a string remove first letter from a string java remove first word from sring python How to remove characters from the first String which are present in the second String remove first character from string ard remove first characters from list python remove first character string python python pop first char from string remove the first character of a string python python remove first char of string how to remove first character python python string remove first value string python remove first character string remove first string from second java string remove first matching string python remove first n chars from string how to remove first character from string in c java remove first two characters from string c++ string erase first character remove only first character from string remove only first word from string delete the first few characters in a string java python strip first character remove first value text java python remove first element of string python remove first word in string python remove first character how to remove first and last character from string in java remove first index character from string java regex remove first character remove first from string[] java remove beginning 0 from string js how to remove first 3 characters from a string in python java string remove first occurrence remmove first letters of string python delete first char from string remove first x characters from string python python pop first char of string python delete first char of string java substring remove first character how to remove first letters of sting in python how to delete the first character in a string javascript how to delete the first character in a string java how to delete first element from str in python return first character of string and delete it python delete first character in cell string python remove first charater of string remove first character from array javascript how to remove first word from string in python java remove first and last chareacter how to cut off the first characters of a string javascript typescript remove first character from string remove first char in string pythn java remove the first char of a certain type java remove the first of a char java string remove first letter pop first character str python remove first element from String[] java python strip first for character of string string delete first char removing first letter of string in js python string remove first chars string erase first character remove first and last character js js to remove first character from word python remove first character if character is a java remove first character of int remove first character java java string remove first 5 chars remove first characto of string python how to eliminate the first char of a string c++ how to eliminate the first char of a string python remove first part of string if elem in string delete the first element python delete first element from string python string how to remove first letter python remove first caracter string how to remove first element of string java java cut first letters of string string eliminate first character mdn remove first character from string how to remove first string python remove beginning of string python strip removes first character only java remove first char of string remove first n chars from string python string remove first and last character python remove 1st letter from string python how to remove first character from string delete first char from string js remove 4 first characters from string pop first character of string python remove first character of a string in python string remove first and last character javascript delete first element in string method in js remove first and last character of a string java how to remove the first letter of a string in python remove first char in array removing firstchar of a string java remove first 34 character from string remove first elemebt from string python remove first n characters from a string java remove first 9 charactersfrom a string java remove first instance of a character in string python remvoe first char of string python java take away first character fro string java string deelete first character java string trim first character java remove a first character from a string python string cut first character Remove first and last character of a string in Java delete first n chars from string java trim first and last character java python remove first character from string remove first String[] element java remove first String[] element how to remove the first character from a string in node js python remove first character from string if match how to remove first character from a string in java python delete the first number from a string how to remove first element of string in js how to remove first element of string how to remove the first letter from a string python how to remove the first letter from a string python3 remove first n chars from string python remove first part of a string java remove first and last char of string remove 1st character from string java remove first character skript remove a first character in a number remove first character in number string remove 1st character js string remove 1st character java remove first 4 characters from string remove first word from string javascript remove first instance of string strip first character python remove first 3 char from string python remove first char from string python how to remove the first char of a string in java remove first char from string c++ javascritp remove first from string java string remove first character python remove everything but the first char how to remove first character in string python java remove first character from string remove first charactor of string remove first and last character from string javascript delete first character of string python python3 delete first char from a string java string array remove first element substring remove first character js substring remove first character remove first item in a string remove capital on the first letter of a python string remove first 3 characters in javascript how to delete first letter from string python how to remove first occurrence of character from string in java python trim first character off of string remove first character in string pop the first element of a string python remove first character from string in python string pop first character delete first character string python python string trim first character javascript remove first char of string remove first element python string how to delete first char in python ahkremove first character from string javascript remove first element of string remove first character of string python take first 30 characters of string javascript and remove Java remove first caracter from string how to slice out first three character of string in js javascript remove if first cvharacter remove first and last character from char trim the first two letters in node js string python cut first character string string delete first character js remove first element of string substring java remove first character take off first x letters of string python how trim a string in javascript to get the first letter js remove the first character of a string how to remove the first word of a string pyhton trim first character in js remove first elemnt in string in python remove string first element in python python delete first 11 character from string cut off first 4 characters of string javascript how to strip first letter of string python remove at index javascript js remocve first characcter of a string slicing first letter in a string javascript js how to delete strings first 4 character remove first 3 characters from string python python remove first letter of string delete first 5 letters string python remove first tag from a string javascript how to delete the first char in a string in java javascript cut first letter from string python delete first character from string javascript how to remove first character from string how to remove first word from string in javascript how to remove first character in javascript javascript remove 1 character from string remove the first char of a string java remove first letter of string java cutoff first string in javascript string remove first element python remove first found char from string python remove char from string only first remove first character from string python3 remove first letter from string python remove first char from string python string remove first char javascript remove string first character remove first character python remove first character from list python remove two first char js js remove first chars from string java remove first character javascript string remove from beginning javascript drop character by index drop letter from character javascript js remove 1 character from string javascript remove first character string in react nativve how to remove from first in javascript python string delete character from front cut first character of string python A9al character remove python remove first 2 characters js javascript remove part beginning string js cut first character string remove first and last character python remove a character and character-1 from a string javascript js remove first n chars from string remove character from start of string python remove first n characters from string javascript how to slice the first 3 letters off a string javascript how to slice the first 3 letters off a string get rid of first characters of string python eliminate first item in string how to delete first character of string java delete one character js how to remove chars from string by specifying first and last char of removal python remove first and last character from string java remove first char from string remove first 4 characters from string javascript strip first character javascript remove from string first 7 chars js remove first x letter of string javascript cut a char of a string js remove characters from start of string javascript how to delete first character in string java javascriopt remove first two letters of string search and remove first character from string js delete a letter from a string javascript remove first letter of a string java how to delete the first element of a string in javascript remove first char of string in js trim first elements off string python remove firts and last symbol in string python delete first char of a string js exclude first char of string python how to remove first letter from string in python remove first character from string in android slice first char from strng in js remove 1st 2 char string java std delete first char in string rmeoving first letter in string delete string from given index javascript string delete first character python how to remove first character from string in java extract first two characters from a string how to have first 3 letters from string python first char of string java java string get string after character remove first statement javascript remove first letter java java get first letter of string remove 1st and last character from string python remove first character python string how to replace first character of string in java how to remove first first letter in a string js string remove first and last character how to tring string first character in javascript remove the first character in string python remove 1st char from string python remove only digit from string python how to remve first specific char in string python how to remve first char in string python python string drop first and last character javascript string remove leading characters javascript string remove leading character slice first characters string first character remove how to make a new string skipping first char in python strip a string of its two first characters java string substring remove first character java check first character in string python slice a string and remove first character python remove first 10 characters from string javascript remove first char of string js how to delete first letter of string python remove 1st character from sttring remove the first character of a string java javascript built in function for removing characters from a string remove first index of string javascript delete one character of string javascript hot to remove first two character from a string in javascript python remove first n characters from string remove python first char python remove the first character from a list python substring remove first character delete first item from string js remove first character fomr string python remove first character fomr string remvoe first character substring remove first item of string how to remove first digit in a number character javascript remove first and last characters from string python remove letter from number in javascript js remove first character from div how to cut charcetors from strind in java script python remove first element from string remove first and last char in string python remove first charracter of string remove first x letters string python how to take out the first char of a string python how to take out the first character of a python ch how to take out the first character of a python character delete first element of string python how to remove first character from a string delete first character in a string java take character from string python remove 1st element from string python how to remove first and last character from string in typescript excel replace column first character substring remove first chacter remove first character from number python remove first character from string python how to remove first letter from string remove first letter of the string and add to the end remove first char of string python remove first char of string remove first chacter from a string js remove starting index of string PYTHON remove starting index of string how to remove first 4 characters from string in javascript javascript string remove first n char es6 remove first character from string remove first char in word python java remove first string python remove first line of string remove starting characters from string python regex remove first 3char of string javascript javascript remove first letter in string es6 javascript remove first letter in string get string without the first character javascript remove the first char js delete first char of a string javascript split remove first character remove starting character from string in java remove first character if javascript removing first item from string python how to remove first character in string java how to remove first alphabet for string in python python string remove first cut first of string js delete first letter of word javascript delete first characters in a line python how to remove first character of a string python string remove first to args python remove first caractere remove first word in string java js remove first 4 characters from string remove first character from string angular how to remove first character in a string python how to delete the first character of a string in java string remove first char javascript string remove first char remove first character from string py take a character out of string python javascript string remove left cut off first character javascript python slice off first and last characters js remove first n characters from string remove left char javascript javascript delete string from beginning how to delete first letter of a string java js remove string first char remove first 2 letters of string python remove first letter of string js and save it get rid of first n of characters in string javascript remove first element from string java remove first word from string java remove first character from string andoid java string remove first word string remove first word java delete first character in string python first character of string delete strip string of first letter python remove first lette javascript remove first 2 characters from string remove first characters from string python remove first sring letter js remove first character when is specific char javascript js trim string first char string to ignore first substring python check if first charackter is something in string and remove it remove first four letters in a string js 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