print map in java

map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + ":" + value));

Thom 130 points

                                    import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
class MapUtil
    // Program to print all keys present in the Map using keySet() in Java
    public static void main (String[] args)
        Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put(1, "One");
        map.put(2, "Two");
        // 1. using Iterator
        Iterator<Integer> itr = map.keySet().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
        // 2. For-each Loop
        for (Integer key : map.keySet()) {
        // 3. Java 8 - Collection.iterator() + Iterator.forEachRemaining()
        // 4. Java 8 - + Stream.forEach()
        // Java 8 - Stream.of() + Collection.toArray() + Stream.forEach()
        // 5. Convert to String
        // Java 8

3.33 (3 Votes)

                                    // Java 8 - Collection.iterator() + Iterator.forEachRemaining()

4 (1 Votes)
Stillfoolish 115 points

                                    import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
public class Details {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

      /* This is how to declare HashMap */
      HashMap<Integer, String> hmap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

      /*Adding elements to HashMap*/
      hmap.put(12, "Chaitanya");
      hmap.put(2, "Rahul");
      hmap.put(7, "Singh");
      hmap.put(49, "Ajeet");
      hmap.put(3, "Anuj");

      /* Display content using Iterator*/
      Set set = hmap.entrySet();
      Iterator iterator = set.iterator();
      while(iterator.hasNext()) {
         Map.Entry mentry = (Map.Entry);
         System.out.print("key is: "+ mentry.getKey() + " & Value is: ");

      /* Get values based on key*/
      String var= hmap.get(2);
      System.out.println("Value at index 2 is: "+var);

      /* Remove values based on key*/
      System.out.println("Map key and values after removal:");
      Set set2 = hmap.entrySet();
      Iterator iterator2 = set2.iterator();
      while(iterator2.hasNext()) {
          Map.Entry mentry2 = (Map.Entry);
          System.out.print("Key is: "+mentry2.getKey() + " & Value is: ");


4.1 (10 Votes)
LJ Writer 95 points

                                    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("a", 1);
map.put("b", 2);
System.out.println(Arrays.asList(map)); // method 1
System.out.println(Collections.singletonList(map)); // method 2

4.45 (22 Votes)
Forsvunnet 105 points

                                    // 1. for-each with Entry
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());

// 2. for-each with key or value each (faster)
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
//iterating over keys only
for (Integer key : map.keySet()) {
    System.out.println("Key = " + key);
//iterating over values only
for (Integer value : map.values()) {
    System.out.println("Value = " + value);

// 3. Using Iterator
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// With Generic
Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> entries = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry =;
    System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());

// No Generic
Map map = new HashMap();
Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (entries.hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
    Integer key = (Integer)entry.getKey();
    Integer value = (Integer)entry.getValue();
    System.out.println("Key = " + key + ", Value = " + value);

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