java check if int

public static boolean isInt(String str) {
  	try {
    	int x = Integer.parseInt(str);
      	return true; //String is an Integer
	} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    	return false; //String is not an Integer

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    if(x == (int)x){
 println("x is an integer");

4.2 (5 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    //"% (modulo)" calulates the remainder when the value on the left is divided by the value on the right

float number = 20;

if(number%1 == 0){
	println("It is an integer");
} else {
	println("It is not an integer");

3.83 (6 Votes)
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Java how to check is an interge java check string or integer in java how to check if value is int java check is integer java is integer in java check if a variable is a number in java check given string is integer or not in java how to check int or string in java how to check if a string can be converted into integer in java if a variable is not a integer java java check if number is whole string check int java string check int java to check if int as an int checking if string is an integer java test if string is int check string is integer how to check if a string is an int java check if a value is an i nteger java check if a string is a int java check if string is not integer java chack value float how to check a number is integer in java check if string is integer boolean java check if value is correct inte Java check if String can be integer java int not a string how to check whether this element is integer or float in java integer is number java if variable is a number java check 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it int in java check element in string is not integer how to check if a given number is a string integer.isinteger java java check for integer check if string is an integer check how long an int is java how to check if an int is in an int[] java java is integer check if string is integer check if string is int java check if can be parsed to int check if string is parsable to int java how to check if a string can be converted to int java How to check if a string is an integer in java test if string is integer java test if string is a valid integer java check if string is integer how to check for integer in java java test if a string is an int java test if a string is a int
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