how to get the time in java

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;  
import java.time.LocalDateTime;    
public class CurrentDateTimeExample1 {    
  public static void main(String[] args) {    
   DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");  
   LocalDateTime now =;  

Tragicomic 140 points

                                    // get current date and time in java using method
import java.time.LocalDate;
public class UsingLocalDate
   public static void main(String[] args)

4.5 (2 Votes)
Chen Wang 190 points

                                    // get current date and timein java using Calendar.getTime() method
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
public class UsingCalendarClass
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Date date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

4.4 (5 Votes)
Shiningstar 105 points

                                    import java.util.Calendar;
Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

3.67 (3 Votes)
Pj Drum 105 points

                                    // get current date and time in java using method
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class UsingLocalDateTime
   public static void main(String[] args)

Janneia 120 points

                                    // get current time in java using method 
import java.time.LocalTime;
public class UsingLocalDate
   public static void main(String[] args)
     // hr : min : sec.fimto sec

3.5 (2 Votes)
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tek current date in java get actual day in java java get current time with Date java date get current time how to get the real current date and time using java code return current time in java using java.util.Date return current time in java get todays date from date java getting today's date in java get past date util in java now datetime in java get only time from java java util current date only get current date java 16 system current date in java get cureent date java CURRENT DATE TIME IN JAC get current time java Data java util get current Ate java util get current time java util get now getting value for time in java how to get curent time in java use java util date to get the exact date and now time get current date from calendar in java how to display today's date in java get date of today java java take system time get current date java using Date java get time now in seconds For current date java how to calculate time in java java datetime today Java get current locaodatetime java get current time in hour how to get a current time in java gett current date java java get actual time and not system time how to get time and date java how to get current date in string java getDate with time java how to print the current time in seconds in java current datetime in java 8 java get current datte java util date today get the exact time java java string with current date getting the current date and time java how to get a current date in java java code to print current time get today date java without time get today date hava get current automatice date time java obtain current date java how to show time in java find today's date in java print current date time java get time in seconds java java system time now current date time java java date get date current date and tie in java local date time java now java get current ddate how do i get current date time in java java getdate day time datetime now in java get day today java java system date now get current dattime java how to get time from date object in java getting current date in using calendar in java how to get current date in date object in java how to get today's date in java as Date type current time date java get current data from java Date check date is today java java today current time java' how to get todays day in java get current datetime in java 8 java, how to get current time in date java code to get the current date and time now date in java util how to set current date and time in java how to take the current date in string in java system current date and time in java java generate current date get current time in java as string java get time and date current date using date in java java currect date how to use time in java java current time seconds get real time in java get current date java - hour get full date in java get date object current java get current date in java using date class java check current time current java calculate time in java Java how to get Date of current date see date in java how to show time in java\ current util date in java java get time inms java get time object current get current time object java get time from date object java java how to get time local java date get current date time how to know the current date in java in date object how to know the current date in java get current time hours and seconds java how to current time in java how to get current date and time in java 8 java get current date object java code to get todays date how to get past date in java java system date with time java 6 get current date get date now from date java how to get current date no time in java get time and date in java how to get date time from now in java java get current date how to get time from date in java calculate current date in java java current date and time get system date and time in java current data and time java get the current time java current time in date in java java print out current date java how to get now time java date current day date from today java current date in java util today date and time in java how to find current date in java java current system time java get current system date java get current system time how to get current time in java how to do time in java getdatetime in java how to get local time with time as well java get current timeJava get current time zone Java current date in string java java get current date date how to find only time in java java getTime now how to access current time in java get today date from Date java how to display date and time in java current time to date java taking the time java java now datetime to get time in java local time now java java current date getting in java java show time java today date getting in java java print current time date get curent time in java how to obtain system current time in java java get current date java 7 find current date in java.utils finding current date in java.util java date time now time in java java get curretn date get now time in java java currentdate get current date in java as a date object GET current date + java curent date time java getCurrent time java how to get current time using java get the date and time java java get time in seconds get curr time java java Date get today date java code get current date time how to get java todays date java util date how to get current datetime using java java 7 get current date how to get eloped time from start time java calendar in java get current date only get the current date and time in java print current date in java get current date in java 8 get time system java how get currentdate in java java calendar get now time java get current date without time get time with java java 8 current date time get current date with calendar java how to get today day in java java get current date each time how to get the now time in java currenttime in java current datetime in java how to check date is today? java picking current date time in java get current date and time java in english date java get today how to print the current time in java date java util now java generates the current date and time java get now datetime get the date from java get current local time java java get system date year how to get current system date in java java program to take todays date java how to get time current how to get date in java class getting time java how to get todays date java get current date java with date get current date java with dat current date in java using date java get current date and time string get current date of system java How do I get a system date in Java? today's date in java get the time java get current time java calendar java method for today's date calendar current date java how to get date value in java get current time in jjava how java current time works how to get current seconds in java date of today in java current date in java 8 java how to get current data and time date current date java get current time in calendar java find today date in java how to get the current date in java frame how to get local time using java how to get the current date in javaSwing how to get current day and time in java java calendar get current date and time get curent time java curent time java print current time in jaa get new Date java find date in java get today day java java date get time java date and time now how to get current date object in java get the date java Java CURRENT_DATE get current day from date in java get current time from date in java get curent date java java time get now display the current time in java CURRENT_DATE in java get today java get today's date in java without time get Time from java util date today in java java date getdate how to sho today date in java java code to get current date get current date and time in java using calendar how to get actual date in java how get only time java how get time java how to get the current time java get current date java util how to get current date as string in java java today date with time get now date java how to output the current date in java java for current date and time how to find today's date in java how to get current date in java with calendar get current date in java Date java current date string java to get date and time current date from system in java date java get date date object current time java java how to find the today's date get system time in java java get current time and date get current time java tie local time java get new datetime now java set current time in java get todays year java current date and inut date in java get current time in ms java java 8 get currrent date time java today date java how to get now date how to get date and time java java print current date and time with seconds java get full date jaa get current ate time get current time in java date class today's date java without time java localtime get current time how to get current date ajva check date today java how to know if a date is today java java date class get date get datetime in java how to get current day in java java how to get current date without time java how to get date from user curennt time in java java show today's date java system time java get time method java how to print current date and time current date with time in java date util get time now in java getting date in java java current local time how to get today's date and time java how to get todays date and time java java get cureent date get datetime java get the time in Java java get now java get today system.currenttime in java how to get current time in java 8 how to check today's date in java how to get time out of java util date java util current date GET current date in java using Date java get current date string java system get time display current date and time java how to get current time in java using date get time from date in java java how to get current date time java current time in seconds java date is today get the current date from java calendar java get today timestamp calendar get current time java calendar get current date and time java system.current time java how to store current date in java get current date -1 in java java date time get current time how to get current date using date in java date get time java get currente date java how to get the date in hava how to get the current date and time in java printing current date in java java get date and time where does java get the date from system how to get current data and time in java java get date with time java get current daty system get time java ho to get current date in java java get sys date Java code to determine the current datetime java show current date time java current date time java get time from date how to print current data and time in java java date get now method to get date in java java get current date with time how to get the date java java get full current time in minutes java system currenttime how to cehk current date > data in java how to cehk current date> in java java program to print current date and time display today's date and time in java get current time in seconds java get current time javva java 8 get currentdate how to get current date in javas get date time java current how to access current system time in java set current datetime in java to a date object java how to get get current date date today java how to get a date in java java todays date get the current date in java 8 how to print current time and date in java java getcurrent date get current date without time in java java get today's date and time java date current get the current date java how to pick current date in java using date class how to pick current date in java get time from date java Today date java util\ java get current date using calendar java print current date time how to get get current date in java java Date how to get time now how to get time of current program in java todays date in java today date in java get time from date java currentTime java get current day in java java datetime get time current date using java get current time in java as a date how to get current dat in java java current date\ java date where does it get its time from Get current date and time in java 8 how to get the from a date in java java get current time in seconds get system time java java get datetime now how to get current date of tin java currentdate in java current getdate in java how to get current date and time in today date javas java system date and time how to get exact date and time java current system time java get current time only in java get time now java how to get time from user in java Date.get$date in java print time from date object java get current date in how to get date time java Getting current time in sting in java get current system time java get timestamp java java calendar today date how to create date in java java get windows time java date object get date java current date function print the time java how to get date and time as type in java current date time get current time using Date java get current time using @Date current date java now date java system currenttim take a date today java with simpledateformat take a date today java today date java get local time in java java get corrent date output current time java' how to find date time in java getting current system time java get todays date get system clock time java time now java how to get only date in java get time from date time java g et time in java get the current date time in java how to retrieve windows date java get time in. java get current time calendar java java docs calendar get current date java calendar get current date java system date current date in java date today's date java get current date in java using calendar java set version to current date get current date in jav print time java java date of current time date now in java java save system time calander to get data java how to get time now java create current date java how to get complete date and time getdate time java When you need to get the current date, you can use Calendar as ……………. set current date time in java get system current time in java today how to connect the current date in java insert today's date in java how to current date time in simpledateformat in java show date java show time java java program to print time date time now java how to get current datetime in java how to time from date in java Calendar currentCalDate java Java util date from today java get date from time java get date from time java get current date from input time java get date from current ime java i have time get date current java java get current date with entered time get current date java with inset time java convert time to date current Java get local datetime java util date now java current datetime function return date now java through api how will get current system datetime format get current time and date in java get date and time java java how to get time java get current day syntax for current date in java how to get current date in java string return time java java getting system time how to display current date in java netbeans java get local time and date get current date in date format in java get now java java get format system time current time of system how to take current date and time in java as string how to take current date and time in java in string how to take current date and time in java java get curr time find current date in java how to indicate the current date in java how to indicate the date in java java get date from calendar getcurrentdate java new Date current time java get current date object java getting system date in java display time java java get date system take actual date in java Date object get current date java how to get curent date how to get the current date time in java how to find the current date in Java how to et todays date in java get date from datetime java code to print full date in java java 8 get current date java 8 get today's date get current calendar java how to get the current time only in java how to display time in java java class date get current time how to manage the current time in java how to get the system date and time in java calendar to show time java how to get current date in specific format in java Date util get current java Date util get current java get current date in java as Date get current system date in java get current system date ONLY get current system date how to assign now date in java current date and time in java how to get long from date and time in java how to display the time and date on a java application getDate java how current datetime java get current java zoned date time get system time in jva how to get time in particular format in java java calendar class get current date get current long time in java getcurrentsystime in java java 11 get current system time calender get curent date get current system date set in object in java 8 java get now time current date and time in string java how to get current date in java using joda time how to set date in java from current time how to get local date and time in java get actual date get current hour in java by Date class how to capture current time in java get current date string java get today's date day datetime get time java how to print date and time in java get today's date using date function java new date pick date from computer? java util date get current date java date object current time display current date and time in java java time now java getdatetime java print date with time date java print how to calculate current time in java java how to call date java how to display the curretn date how to get time and date from date object in java how to get curent date numberdatetime getdate in java get current date time obj java util date now example getCurent date wirh ==th java java get curr date in Central java get date yyyymmdd today date in string java access computer time in java how t get current time in java current date and time find time in java getting current time from date() in java how to get current date in date format in java how to create current date in java java get current time in simple date format sample code date get current date java display current date in java program display date in java set date as current day in java how to store date in java how to set the current date in java how to get system current date in java get todays date and time in java get now date in java how toprint time in java get time date java todays start date and time in java java fetch system time now date java how to set today's date in date calendar get date from system in java insert data as current date in java how to get the current date from calendar in java java new date now print present date in java java date today howq to get today date print sysdate in java simpledateformat current date java get system datetime get computer time java how to find date in java code to get current time in java current date jave get Caslendar current date java today get time java get date as date now how to get the current system time in java get durrent date how to get current date time how to get cirrent time in java java data now how to get date using system in java Get current date time calendar get calendar of current time how to take date from system in java get date text now java Date. get current date java java.util.Date now java how to get current date and time date java get current date get todays date in days java capture current time in java get date time in java how to get current data in java get todas date java how to get local date time of device in java how to get current date time in java get current datetime in java current time in string java current date formatted get current time with date java get date now string how to make a date in java ? get today + 2 date java fetch current date in java how to display only current time in java how to find time in java how to display the current date in java getdate java Java get current date format get system date time method to return current DateTimec # method to return current DateTime initializa a new current date get the date currently get current date java get current date and time how to input date and time in java how to get current date in java as long java 11 get current date taking cuurent date from the system Java11 get the current time in java get system date timer java save current date time as string java how to update and print time java get data how to get datatime in java get today date get current time and date java java get date format how to get tiime in ja java java date current date java code for current data and time' java print time and date how to get the current time java get current dat show current time java java util date get now java get actual date string java how to get the date of today get formatted date in java jav java get date now format current tim in java get system date java how to get system date and time in java java date nowe get current date from dateobject java java how to get live date get date and time javas java system date get how to get todays date in java get toaday date java get todays date java calendar to get current date how to get current date and time in java java how to print out current date how to get system date java java current date time string get today in Date object java date get today java java getCurrent time java actual date how to get present date in java get today's date java how to find current time in java how to get the date now in java current clock java how to print a date with java how to get system current time in java get current datetime java getdate import Date java system.currenttime java actual date java how to display time and date in java java get data and time how to get the date in java getDate to current time javas how to print the time of day in java getting current date time in java get current date in get current date in javas java get current date and save data java get today's date get today's date system time and date string example java get time from datetime java get date from server java get the current date how to run system time in java how to get he time in java how to get the date and time on java how to print date in java java time get current day current date time in java get date and time read value from Date in java date time out put java current datetime to string java java time display java output the time get datetime now java how to show time java java util date curdate java datetime now new date time java java get system current time how to get a date variabvle to show th current time java java how to get to know the current time java get current date and time java .get time how to display the current time in java get time only java how to get current time current date and time in ja get date/time java get current date in long java get current tim ejava How to get current time in format return now time in java how to store a date in java how to get sys time java java util date example to get current date in java java print current time in format how to get current time java get date and time in java how to import datetime in java java date from now how to display current date in java get date from calendar java java get date instance fron current time get systemdate how to get system time function to get current date in java get time current java how to print time in java get today date in java how to get the time java DateUtils.getCurrentDate() import java printing time java util date current date datetime now javas java get local time how to get today date how to fetch current date java get current datetime HOW TO GET THE CURRENT DATE get current date time java get current datre in java get date time java how to return current time using how to print current date and time in java java receive date from user simpledateformat to get current date simpledateformat to date with current datetime set date now java get time format in java get currect data Java get formatted date java get current date and time java now java java print time get current date time to string java pass curretn time java java time output how to print current date in java how to get currunt date in java java current date in format how to get current date and time getting current time in java import time in java java util get my current time in java How to import time in java latest code for current date in Java get current da get current day java calendar get now date time in java now how to print sysdate in java how to get current day date java date now java how to use the date class in java for current date datetime today java how to get system date in java print date java calendar getinstance print date java java display current time system.out.println current time how to print current time in java how to format current date in java java today function java date get current date java calendar get atual date java calendar get date of todat how to get time java Java date get datetime java get DateTime java program to store date and print it java to get system date and assign to variable java to get system date get date from date object in java getCurrentTime java java show current time Java print current date java sysdate get current date using java how to create present day date in java java getcurrentdate ucurrent date in java java program to show current date and time note current time java how to get local current date in java 8 read current time java Get now time java how to import date in java present date in java java get today date in number format java library program import current date time how to take current date in java and return how to take current date in java how to get today's date in java java get formatted date how to get date and time in java java get date today java display time java how to display time how to add current date in java how to import current date time in java get date in java current date and time java how get current date in java how to fetch date from datetime in java java get datetime from calendar new date now java get cuurent date time java get current time using java= get the current date in java set current date java adding current date and time in java import time java java get current date time java print date and time using date to get time in java java todays date java java get currentDate how to get the current data and time java get current date how to get date java java how to get date getting current date in java get actual date java java new Date(); gets now java get now date get date from current date in java date now = new date() java get date now java getting time in java most uptodate way to instantiate current date in java java get current time string function to get current time in java how to take the date java java display date and time get date javas display time in java most up to date way to instantiate current date java Date print Time java format current date in java java getDateTime java get current date time in java get current formated date java getDate in java getCalender How to get dateTime now in java how to get the current date in java how to check the date is coming now in java java how to get current time on a machine how to print system current time in java get current date and time in java how to get today date java java how to get the current date and time java how to get the current date how to get the date and time in java how to get current system time in java java gettitng the current dae how to only get the date java java get cdate how to get date in java how to get local date time in java date and time in java get time java get date time now java java get the date java print date time most up to date way to instantiate the current date in java java current time system date in java java get currentdate time and secondfs hwot to get date and time of now java get date enad time java printing formatted date in java get ime java java get system date get today's date in java java get time now how to get today date in java extract date from how to get system time in java how to get the system time in java java get system time which is the most up to date way to instantiate the current date in java java progra, to display current system date how to get todays data in java how to generate date in java fetch today date java how to show date and time in java format today date java get current date using calendar Object java get current date using calendar java how to display date in java get date from java print time in java how to get time and date in java how to fetch current date and time in java Java printing current data and time current time in java most upto date way to show date in java program java get today's date in format system current time java java get date now set current date in java getting date/time java get current data java how to get current date and time in string how to grab the time java how to get time from current date in java java date will take system tim get current date in specidfied format in java system time in java print date in java java most up to date way to instantiate current date get current date from calendat object java print datetime in java current time java how to get the todays date in java how to get local time calendar in java how to get the current time in java get todays date in java java print current time getting current dat and tie in java only get date values in java java print date display date in date time format java java get the current date get durrent date java how to get the time now in java get current date object in java find current time java java get actual date get current mm:ss java java get system date and time get current date in java format date now java generate date java get time in string date in java sysdate in java sys date in java get current time in java getting the time in java java how to get current time how to get datetime in java current date in java Java most up-to-date way to insantiate the current date how to get current date in java java date now get current date with time in java simple date print in java get today date and dispplay format java get date from calendar object java system time java java print current exact time how to get the time in java get today'sdate java get today date java format current time java get current datetime and format java java get today date java set current date how to get time in java java system.out datetime java get time how to check the time in java date in java upto date method datetime now java java util get current date fatetime now java get current time java current date and time java print print current time in java get current date get date at current time instantiate current date java how to instantiate current date in java get time in java get current datetime java how to get the current datetime to a tring in java how to get the current datetime in java java current date get date java java calendar set date now java getting date time get current time current date java Java get date how to set current date in java how to get current date how to get current time in java get todays date java print the current date and time in java java get current time print the hour in java get time with date java get local date java get local data java get current date get current date java how to get current date java get actual time java java java how to get current date
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