how to compare strings java

******Java String compareTo()******

  The Java String class compareTo() method compares the given 
  string with the current string lexicographically. 
  It returns a positive number, negative number, or 0.
  	if s1 > s2, it returns positive number  
	if s1 < s2, it returns negative number  
	if s1 == s2, it returns 0  

Hubert W 70 points

                                    class scratch{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = &quot;Nyello&quot;;
        String str2 = &quot;Hello&quot;;
        String str3 = &quot;Hello&quot;;

        System.out.println( str1.equals(str2) ); //prints false
        System.out.println( str2.equals(str3) ); //prints true

4.2 (10 Votes)
Christutty 90 points

                                    // These two have the same value
new String(&quot;test&quot;).equals(&quot;test&quot;) // --&gt; true 

// ... but they are not the same object
new String(&quot;test&quot;) == &quot;test&quot; // --&gt; false 

// ... neither are these
new String(&quot;test&quot;) == new String(&quot;test&quot;) // --&gt; false 

4.17 (6 Votes)

                                    if (aName.equals(anotherName))
            System.out.println(aName + &quot; equals &quot; + anotherName);
                System.out.println(aName + &quot; does not equal &quot; +anotherName );

Kjara 80 points

                                    // compare two strings in java using String.equals() method in java
public class EqualsMethodDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String str1 = new String(&quot;HelloWorld&quot;);
      String str2 = new String(&quot;Flower&quot;);
      String str3 = new String(&quot;Hello&quot;);
      String str4 = new String(&quot;Hello&quot;);
      String str5 = new String(&quot;hello&quot;);
      // compare str1 != str2
      System.out.println(&quot;Compare &quot; + str1 + &quot; and &quot; + str2 + &quot;: &quot; + str1.equals(str2));
      // compare str3 = str4
      System.out.println(&quot;Compare &quot; + str3 + &quot; and &quot; + str4 + &quot;: &quot; + str3.equals(str4));
      // compare str4 != str5
      System.out.println(&quot;Compare &quot; + str4 + &quot; and &quot; + str5 + &quot;: &quot; + str4.equals(str5));
      // compare str1 != str4
      System.out.println(&quot;Compare &quot; + str1 + &quot; and &quot; + str4 + &quot;: &quot; + str1.equals(str4));

3.67 (3 Votes)

                                    System.out.println(&quot;hey&quot;.equals(&quot;hey&quot;)); //prints true

	always use .equals() instead of ==,
    because == does the compare the string content but
    loosely where the string is stored in.

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two strings equal in java string compare function java how ot do string comparison in java compare 2 string are same in java how to compare strings values in java java java compareto function How do you compare strings in Java? to compare string values in java compareto function in java how can I compare string in java? , compareTo(), in java string why we dont have java why w dont have java java compare string in java using &lt; &gt; a.compareto(b) in java how to compare two strings in if condition in java comparing string with == in java string compare java java compare by == in java what method is used to compate two string java comparing strings in java if statement string comparison in java with reference reliable way to compare strings java string comapre in java compare teo string in java java compare strings greater than in java how compare two string in java strings comparision in java set string compare java compare String and String object in java &gt; in string comparison java java string comparison equals comparing 2 string in java how to compare two strings are equal in java compare twoo strings in java how to compare values of string in java java compareTo with string why doesn't == work to compare strings in java how to compare two string objects in java can i compare two strings in java best way to compare strings in java explain the compare function in java compare string with equals java java compare value string comparison using == in java java string compare value compare string in jaba string comaparitioni java java compare more than two strings compare to function java string compare two string java compare two strings in if statement java how oot compare string in java java how compare works create two strings using new keyword and compare using == operator in java javav compare string compare string in ajva string.compareto in java how to compare the string in java java compare strings not equal comapre two strings in java how to compare class string to normal string in java string compare to java compareto of string in java string compare to method java how to compare strings in java using if statements java compare two strings similarity compare the two strings in java java how to compare to Strings how to compare 2 strings in java for smaller how to compare 2 strings in java for small in java compare to strings java java compare 2 strings java compare sting how compare two strings in java compare string java == string comparison methods in java compare the content of a string variable in java can == be used to compare strings in java java comparing string values java string comareTo if condition to compare two strings in java java string comparision compare string value in java java compare if two strings are equal java string compareTo string compare different string java java how to compare 2 strigns wap to comparing 2 strings using equals method in java how to use to compare method n java the to compare method java the to compare java two equal strings are different java compare java how to compare multiple strings in java compareto by string java string compareto method in java how to compare string values in java how to comapre two string in java 2 strings compare java comparing of two strings in java compare method injava compare two strings not equals in java java compare stringe java compareto method strings compare if two strings have same value java how to compare two strings and check which is greater and smaller in java? how to compare string in if condition in java java compare strings with greater than How strings are compare in java java compre two strings how to compare two strings in java using comparator string compare java deviates compare string deviation in java How do I compare strings in Java comapre string in java commpare two string in java compare of two string in java why can't we compare string in java using == how to compare strings in sjava how you compare two strings in java java string compare to can we compare two strings using == in java how to write a compare method in java how to compare variable strings in java compare strig in java most accurate way to compare string in java checking equality of 2 strings in java comparison java compare string in jva string comparision in java compare string with character java coparing strings java how to compare two strings in javas what does compare method do in java compare strings bigger than java compareto method of string in java java string in if compare java string compareTo compareto in java strnig hwo to comate strings in java java comparing example +compare java code to compare two strings in java how to compare two string java java compare function compare to in java strings java compare to strings how to string compare in java compareTo method java string compare two strings if they are equal java why we cannot compare strings in java compare strings and or operator in java compare strings equal in java builstring compare string java compare() java How to compare multiple strings in .equals java how to compare works in java how to compare two string in java java check equality of strings how to compare a string in java compare to method in java compareto string function in java java best string comparison compare str java compareTo on string java compareto strings in java where is compare method in java how does compare to work in java compare twoStrings java to compare in java .compareto java string how to comapre strings &gt; in java java how to compare multiple strings at onfce how to compare to strings in java how to compare data of string in java java compare differeces between two strings how to compare two strings in java in order method to compare two strings in java comparing java what string not compare java string compareto method java compare to a java compareto java string comparison of string in java compare native string in java compare strings in java how to compare strings in javs compare value java java compate strings compare function strings java comparing in java can you compare strings with == java how to compare styring in java compare() java string compare() java two strings equal java compare function java compare method for string java comparing strings content java How to compare two strings in Java using if write a program to compare two strings in java java string comparison using == compare two stringsin java one statement compare multiple strings in java compare three strings in java str compare java how to check string equality in java java compare strinf java string comparison check two strings for equality in java Compare to use in java using string builder to compare 2 strings in java java comparingwith compareto() string java equality string java not equal compare strings java Write a program to compare two string in java compare strings in comparator java compare in java string function compare between to string in java how compare works in java strings compareto java compare two strings are equal in java how to compare two elements of a string iin java compare in string java comparer 2 string java compare string java can we use == to compare strings in java java string compareto method compare value of teo strings in java how compare a string in java fastest way of compare strings java compare string java with with part of string string comparison in java using if compare stings in java java compare strings of different size How to compare string if java compare function in java how does compareto work for strings in java string equality java java compare to string In Java, how should I compare two Strings to see if they are equivalent? how to compare if two strings are equal in java java comparing how do you compare strings in java compare a string with another string in java comapre strings in java compare is a string is the same as an other string java strings comapreto java java 8 compare strings string equality check in java compare to string in java how to compare 2 strings javastring String Comapre java java .compare how to check and compare in java to compare java == in string comparison java how to compare the string value whether they are same or not in java comapre string java compare() in java comparing string in java not equal to same string compare string in java not equal comparing strings in java not how to compare string in java in if condition comparing strings java how can i compare 2 strings in java compare strring java string.compareto java two string compare in java how to compare data in strings java == operator java comparing strings if (str[i].compareTo(str[j]) &gt; 0) meaning in java what is string comparison in java java compare method java compare string fastest way to compare strings java compare string values in java java comparator.comparing string string compareto in java compare strings in java not equal string value comparison in java .compare to in java .compare in java compare strings in if statement java compareto in java string string comparison greater than in java string comparison &gt; in java sting comparison in java string comparison with == java .compare string java compare string[] java java string equality string compareto java java compare two string equal are not comparing two string variables in java how to compare string java compare strings java string java compareTo java string compares java string compare online comparing strings with string in java comparing two strigns in java java compare T how to compare two string if they are equal or not in java java sting compare compare to Java java compareto strings STRING COMPARING JAVA java comparing Strings code how ot compare strings java compareto() string in java what happens if you compare strings in java compare in java java string compareto when comparing strings in java allintitle:Java compare two strings compareTo Strings java java string string compare string equals java java java int.compareto The String method compareTo() returns java .compareto java comparator what can you compare with compare to in java compare two string in jva how to do string comparison in java java compare sttrings how to compare string variables in java compare java string Java compare two strings comparing string in jva what does compare do in java java string comparer how ot compare strinfs in java string equal comparison in java comparing values of strings java comparing 2 strings java java comparing strings compare string in java java 2 string compare check string equality in java how to compare two given strings in java java compare to method java compare string that have umlat how string comparison works in java Which is better to use for comparing two strings: the .equals() function or == for Strings in Java? are strings comaprable in java java compare s string value compare in java how to or two string in java Java compare strings with errors can you compare two strings with == in java java compare string content equals or == string comparison java in java Which of these is used to compare two String objects for their equality? compare 2 string java compare strinf java java comparing strings with == compare to string java string comparison java compare to on String prperty java comparing two strings java string equality in java java comparer 2 string compare a string in java string compare java compare string equality java Java String compareTo() what does java string compareto do string compare in java with equals string compare function in java PROBLEM IN COMPARING 2 STRINGS JAVA java string compare method can you compare two string in jhava string compare method in jaVA string compareto string java compare with java java compare strings greater than string can we compare strings in java most reliable way to compare strings java compare strings greater than java compare method java javatuto to compare string equality java to compare string equality javatuto compare string equality java string compare to how it works compare strings java .equals javatuto compare two string compareable string java correct way to compare two strings in java string compare to java' java string compareto code compare string and string java compare string content java string operations java comparing two strings comparing string equality java java compare string equal to compares strings in java java string compare java if statement compare strings string compare injava check equality of two strings in java java two string[] comparsion ..compareTO java strings how to compare 2 strings java java string comapre Write a Java program to compare two String. java compareto string why can't java compare a string in a var with a normal string compareto string in java compare to in java java comparison java compare to comparing strings java with &gt; compare betweeen strings java java how compare string compare with string java java string value comparison java compares string compare method in java to compare java compare to method java java compare compareTo string method java how to compare two strings in ajva comare two string in java java check if two strings are equal string class compare java comparison two strings compare two string equality in java text equals method java match two strings in java == com 2 strings compare two stirngs java compare values in strings java compare if two strings are equal java string java if how to check String value in Java ? string comparion in java chack string java check if 2 strings matches java how to compare string in jva compare string using == java check if 2 strings are equal to other 2 strings how to compare substring in java how to compare characters in a string in java string and new string compare java compareto() java how to compare two string variables in java java compareTo in java compares two strings java how to compare two strings in java which is greater string compareto java example how do you compare two strings in java if srting java compare two stirng in java how to check equality of string in java java comparing two strings java if string is a string how to check string is eqaul to another string using in java? To test two strings for equality you should use one of the two methods strings compare java how to check if a string is equal to something in java how to match string in java compare two strings jaca comparing two string in java check if string is equal java i need to use comparator to compare two string types compare substring in java how to use compare to in java copmare strings java java how does compareto work how does compareto work in java compare two string in hava string comparision java string comparison in java using equals compare string equal java java 2 streing ewqual if string = string java compare content of two string compare strings jaa can you compare strings with == in java comapre strings java string meaning comparison java string equals new string compare two string according to jhow to compare 2 string in java do strings always need .equals to compare in java java checking string equality test if two strings are equal java compare java compare strings javq compareto java equality of strings in java check to strings in java compare values of two strings in java compare fubction java compare char of string in java java test string equals string compare to java documentation or in java string comparing string java how to test string in java que hace el metodo compare to java == string in java string compare compare chars in java how to check two strings are equal in java comparator java how to compare string how to comparte two tring in java how to compare two strings in java ? compare two strings with cosine similarity java compareto java iof both string equal to compare two strings compare two strings in java without case sensitive check equal strings java java compare 2 stirngs string java compare string == in java compage string java string equal checker in java compare 2 strings in jjava how to compare string in java ee how to equal two strings in java java can you check if a string's address is equal compare string values how to check if two strings are not the same in java camparing two string how to check equel between string two string equal java how to compare strings java? compareto string method in java java string.compareto compare two strings in java if comparing to strings in java how to comparison of java strings before and after comparison of string java how to use compareto in java java compare stirngs string comparison oin java ~compare strings java compareTo method in strings in java how to write a compareto() method in java How to compare strings in jq compare string in java if statement can you compare strings in java best way to compare two strings in java how to check if string equal in java java compare text jav chk string STring compare in j vaa string == string java can you compare strings using &lt; compareto string java how to check , string how to compare two string compaer strings in java compare string value strings string comparison in java comparison between two strings check if string equeals string if string java java check strings for equality compareto method in java java compare two string equal check if strings arent ewual java using string with compare in java java same string value how to campare to string in java function to see if a strings content is equal to another strings content if else string comparison in java compare string java example Y should nt we compare number in string java compareTo in java can you compare 2 strings objects using &gt; java if check string compareto between strings java string coparison jkava compare string value java comparison betwwen strings java comparing strings with == java compare strings different check if strings are different java how to compare two string in java how to compare 2 strin java if compare strings comparing the begining of string values java java how to compare two string java check if strings are equal compare 2 strings in java how to compare strings in java can you use == to compare strings in java java method to compare two strings Create a program that takes in two words, check for equality ignoring the cases, if the words are equal the print the word in java Write a program to compare the strings given below, String 1 should be compared with all the other strings (5) Write a program to compare the strings given below, String 1 should be compared with all the other strings checking if strings are equal java compare equality of two strings in java how to equal to string how do strings compare java string equal to string compare using == check if string equal in java javahow to compare two strings check if two strings are the same java java string equals 1 or 2 string compre java comparae string in java see if two strings are equal java compare sring values java how to check if a string is == to a different stirng java jhow to compare strings in java Which of the following are use to compare a String value? java compare string equal or not how to check string in java how toi compare strings in java check whether two strings are equal or not in java comparing string objects in java java equal strings java comparing 2 strings how tocheck if both strings are equal in java inbuilt function to compare two strings in java java compare strings by value comaprinf two strings using boole an java how to compair string in if java check values of two strings are the same java check values of two strings are equal test if strings are equal java how to compare tow strings in java Comparing String Objects java checking sting comparing 2 string are this strings equal jaba compare stirng == checks for java strings how to compare tring in java how java compares strings by default how to compair string values in string how to check two string are true compare twostring in java check equality of string java equals between strings java string 1 string 2 how to compare a string to a string in java difference in strings value comparing strings in java with == check if string equal to string java java comparing to strings check if string equals string[] java how to check the equality of string data member to another data member in java ode to compare strings in java compare two strings in java using inbuilt fun comparison operator for string in java compare between two strings in java string .compered java compare method in java for two strings string1 == string2 java java comparing two string compare text ja comparing 2 string give false compare string to string java java compare two string how to compare java strings comparing string in java if string and string are different How do i compare a string name with four other string names in java java if string equals string java best way to compare strings java how are strings compared and string java if java sring compare string compare in java how to compare string how to comapre two Strings in java how to compare strings in jaa most reliable way to compare two strings java compare to strings in javastring if with string java verify 2 string are equal java equality string in if in java equality string in java equality if string in java java most reliable way to compare two strings Write an application that compares two strings that a user inputs from the command line test whether strings match java Java two string equlaity matching two strings code how to check string how to check 2 strings are equal in java java check if string is equal to another string can i use == to compare strings in java how to compare two strings java where to compare two strings compare String in jvav string comp java how to compare string in if using java Write a Java program to read two strings from command line argument and check the equality of two string using string function. comparing string object in java how to check whether two strings are same in java how to compare 2 strings how to compare string with number in if statement in java java comapre two strings How to compare if two strings are simular how to compare stirngs java java compare strings equal comapring string with the same lenght java match string in java are strings comparable in java java string comparrison java method to equal two strings verify string with 2 variables java === between two strings test strings equal java compare stirng in java if string[2] == &quot;-&quot; java compare strins how will you compare String values in java how to check if two strings are equal in java which is the most reliable expression for testing where the value of two string variable are the same ? string compare java == 2 string not campare in java compare 2 strings and print updated one java check if sting is same java + compare strings compare String with &quot;&quot; java java string comparison methods how to check if 2 strings are equal in java java how to compare two strings how to check equality of two strings in java string comparison string comparison in java using == java string == string comparing two string == java how to compare to string in java same string compare string to string[] check if string equals check if 2 string are equal java string method to compare two strings if string==&quot; &quot; COMAPRE TWO STRINGS java equating two strings in java create equal strings check if a string equals java can you cmopare strings with &gt; compare one string to another strcmp in java compare to in string in java how to check if tow string are equal how to check if tow string are equak java compareto two strings compara two string java how to compare string[] in java how is strings compared in java comparison of strings in java how to check if two string aare the same in java java compare 2 strings for equality how to check if string equals in java in if statement how to check if string equals in java how to compare strings in ajva how java compare strings which method is used in string to compare string in java compare function for string in java comparinf string in java how to compare the value of two strings in java how to compare with a &quot; in java check if 2 strings are equal java != string java Text comparison in java compare the contents of two String objects in Java compare strings with == java comparestrings java how to compare to strings how to compare the strings in java java check if strings are the same string 1 == string 2 string1.equals(string2) java how to compare string literal in java compare string check string value in java if 2 string match how to compare two strings in java how to compare 2 strings? java string != java check string string operators used to compare with string how to check if two strings are equal how to compare the two strings in java how to compare the two strings compare two strings using boolean function in java java string check for [] how ot compare string in java string.equals(new string compare 2 strings java how to make a string equal another string java check string equal in java if string == string java compare 1 value of a string to each other value in the string java compare two string java compare two strings example equate strings java two string are equal or not java method check if two strings are equal match two string how to see if two strings are equal in java string comparisons compare two string in java java string equals another string compare two strings in java java compare strings string 2 strings are equal or not how to compare 2 binary strings in java compare to stringin java comparing strings in java to check if two strings are equal in java The != operator can be used to compare two String objects. strcmp i java compare 2 strings compare operator string java string values are compared using '==' not 'equals()' how to comapre string in java comparing two strings equals compare string compare string is java java check if 2 strings are equal how to check if two strings are equal javasc compare two strings ljava compare strings check if two strings are equal in java if string equal to java check value of 2 strings java java compare a string check if two strings are same in java method to check string equality java how to check if strings are the same value string compare javac++ final compare strings in java compae stirng java compare strings meaning java comapre two string in java check string equality java check if 2 string are eaqul string compare of object java check if 2 character strings are identical java compare 2 string in java comparing two strings in java compare length of two strings java compare two strings java how to compare 2 strings in java if comparsion for strings java how to compare two strings string conparision in java String values are compared using '==', not 'equals()' how to compare strings java string comparison in java how compare strings in java equality of strings compareig 2 string java java use != compare string check if two stringsare equal java find the difference between two lists in java how to compare two arrays in java two return types java pramp Diff Between Two Strings check two strings are equal comparing names in JAVA how to compare 2 string == in java how to compare 2 string in java ccopmaring string in java compare tp strings java compare two strings java if string equals comparing two string values in java less or more compare to strings in java to compare string in java comparing two string java java check equality of string in java compare two stringa in jV == between 2 strings in java compare strings [] compare string using com if two strings are equal java how to comparer srings in java how to chcek String in java comparing strings if st java checking string equality in java how to compare one string to another in java comparing to string in java equal 2 strings java how to compare strings in an object in java how to compare strings how to check if strings are equal in java java string comparason how to compare string in java how to compare a string evaluate 2 strings To compare two String Objects: how to check if a string is equal to another string in java java how to compare string values check strings in java java check for two equal strings compare a part of string in java java if of two string objects &lt; java if of two string objects how to use string compare in java java language check if two strings are equal comparing 2 strings in java check two strings are equal in java java string equal to string using equals to compare strings java how to compare strings in java how to compare two strings
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