how to access methods from another class in java

class A { 
    public void a1 ( ) { 
    private void a2 ( ) { 
class B { 
    private A objA = new A ( ); 
    public void b1 ( ) { 
        // Call to method a1. This works. 
        objA.a1 (); 
    void b2 ( ) { 
        // Call to method a2. This will give compile error. 
        objA.a2 (); 


                                    public class Alpha extends Beta{
     public void DoSomethingAlpha() {
          DoSomethingBeta();  //?

4 (1 Votes)

                                    public class Alpha {
     public void DoSomethingAlpha() {
          Beta cbeta = new Beta();
          cbeta.DoSomethingBeta();  //?

4.43 (7 Votes)
Charel-f 110 points


4.11 (9 Votes)
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