difference between interface and abstract class java

1) Interface contains only abstract methods 
2) Access Specifiers for methods in interface
must be public
3) Variables defined must be public , static ,
4) Multiple Inheritance in java is implemented
using interface
5) To implement an interface we use
implements keyword

Abstract Class
1) Abstract class can contain abstract methods,
concrete methods or both
2) Except private we can have any access
specifier for methods in abstract class.
3) Except private variables can have any access
4)We cannot achieve multiple inheritance using
abstract class.
5)To implement an interface we use implements

Sr0r 110 points

                                    Interfaces specify what a class must do. 
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction. 
We are using implements keyword for interface.

Basic statement we all know in Selenium is
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver itself is an Interface.
So we are initializing Firefox browser
using Selenium WebDriver.
It means we are creating a reference variable
of the interface and creating an Object.
So WebDriver is an Interface and
FirefoxDriver is a class.

Sometimes we may come across a situation
where we cannot provide implementation to
all the methods in a class. We want to leave the 
implementation to a class that extends it.
  In that case we declare a class
as abstract by using abstract keyword on method
signature.In my framework I have created my
PageBase class as super
class of the all page classes. 
I have collected all common elements
and functions into PageBase class and
all other page classes extent PageBase class.
By doing so, I don't have to locate very
common WebElements and it provides
reusability in my framework.
1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method,
concrete methods or both.
3)Any class which extends abstarct class must
  override all methods of abstract class
4)An abstarct class can contain either
  0 or more abstract method.  


                                    Interfaces specify what a class must do. 
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction. 
We are using implements keyword for interface.

Basic statement we all know in Selenium is
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver itself is an Interface.
So we are initializing Firefox browser
using Selenium WebDriver.
It means we are creating a reference variable
of the interface and creating an Object.
So WebDriver is an Interface and
FirefoxDriver is a class.

Sometimes we may come across a situation
where we cannot provide implementation to
all the methods in a class. We want to leave the 
implementation to a class that extends it.
  In that case we declare a class
as abstract by using abstract keyword on method
signature.In my framework I have created my
PageBase class as super
class of the all page classes. 
I have collected all common elements
and functions into PageBase class and
all other page classes extent PageBase class.
By doing so, I don't have to locate very
common WebElements and it provides
reusability in my framework.

1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method,
concrete methods or both.
3)Any class which extends abstarct class must
  override all methods of abstract class
4)An abstarct class can contain either
  0 or more abstract method.  

4.4 (5 Votes)
Dcd88000 100 points

                                    Interfaces specify what a class must do. 
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction. 
We are using implements keyword for interface.

Basic statement we all know in Selenium is
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver itself is an Interface.
So we are initializing Firefox browser
using Selenium WebDriver.
It means we are creating a reference variable
of the interface and creating an Object.
So WebDriver is an Interface and
FirefoxDriver is a class.

Sometimes we may come across a situation
where we cannot provide implementation to
all the methods in a class. We want to leave the 
implementation to a class that extends it.
  In that case we declare a class
as abstract by using abstract keyword on method
signature.For example in my framework I am using
page object model design pattern and I keep all
locators under Page class. I utilize this locators
in tests but we can't see them in the tests.
Literally we are hiding locators from the test.
Abstraction is methodology of hiding implementation
of internal details and showing the functionality to
1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method,
concrete methods or both.
3)Any class which extends abstarct class must
  override all methods of abstract class
4)An abstarct class can contain either
  0 or more abstract method.  

3.8 (5 Votes)

                                    Interfaces specify what a class must do. 
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction. 
We are using implements keyword for interface.

Basic statement we all know in Selenium is
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver itself is an Interface.
So we are initializing Firefox browser
using Selenium WebDriver.
It means we are creating a reference variable
of the interface and creating an Object.
So WebDriver is an Interface and
FirefoxDriver is a class.

Abstract Class
1) Abstract class can contain abstract methods,
concrete methods or both
2) Except private we can have any access
specifier for methods in abstract class.
3) Except private variables can have any access
4)We cannot achieve multiple inheritance using
abstract class.

4 (8 Votes)
Auntlulu83 120 points

                                    Interfaces specify what a class must do and not how. 
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction. 

We are using implements keyword for interface.

Sometimes we may come across a situation
where we cannot provide implementation to
all the methods in a class. We want to leave the 
implementation to a class that extends it.
  In that case we declare a class
as abstract by using abstract keyword on method
signature.In my framework I have created my
PageBase class as super
class of the all page classes. 
I have collected all common elements
and functions into PageBase class and
all other page classes extent PageBase class.
By doing so, I don't have to locate very
common WebElements and it provides
reusability in my framework.
1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method,
concrete methods or both.
3)Any class which extends abstarct class must
  override all methods of abstract class
4)An abstarct class can contain either
  0 or more abstract method.  

4 (1 Votes)
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For each difference, you should state what is true of an abstract class, and what is true of an interface. hree differences between abstract classes and interfaces. For each difference, you should state what is true of an abstract class, and what is true of an interface. What is the different between an Interface and an Abstract Class java interface default method vs abstract class What is the difference between abstract class and interface? visual basic interfaces vs abstract class difference between abstract classes and interface Difference between abstract class and interface in Java? difference between interfaces and abstract in c Difference between interface and abstract class. Compare the similarities and differences between abstract class and interface? why use abstract class instead of interface java What is the difference between Abstract class and an Interface in Java? 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Me : told. can you explain the difference between an abstract class and an interfac what is the difference between abstract class and interface when interface is better or abstract class difference between abstract class and interface in java and how to know where to use them can interfaces vs abstract have variables abstract base class vs interface What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class in javascript What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class difference interface and abstract methods class with suitable example Abstract classes and interface examples 6. what is the basic difference between abstract class and interface? * java what is the difference between abstract class and interface java abstract class vs default interface what's the difference between abstract class and interface differentiate abstract class and interfaces what is difference between interface and abstract class What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface? difference between abstract class and normal class in java when to use interface and abstract class in java 3. What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class? similarities between interface and abstract class in java using interface vs abstract class advantage difference between abstract class and interface in java with real time example abstract class vs interface javascript difference between abstract class and class in java diff in interface and abstract class when to use which diff between abstract class and interface in java 8 java difference between abstract class and interface what are the differences between an interface and an abstract class why interface is better than abstract class in java abstract vs interface in java what is interface and abstract class . When to use what. when to use abstract class vs interface abstract and interface difference in java state the difference between abstract class and interface java state the difference between abstract class and interface when should use each abtract class vs interface abstract classes vs interface java Differences between abstract and interface What is difference between abstract class and interface and when to use each of them? major difference between abstractclass and interface major difference between abstract class and interface most significant difference between interface and abstract class differnece between abstract classes and interfaces java Diff between interface and abstract class What are the differences between abstract class and interface whats the difference between abstract class and interface in java real time difference between abstract and interface java difference between interface and abstract class when we should use interface and abstract class in java when to use an abstract class vs interface What is the difference between Abstract classes and interface? similarities between interface and abstract class differences between Interface and Abstract class difference between interference and abstract class when to use java interface vs abstract class how to decide to use interface or abstract class java how to decide to use interface or abstract class difference between abstract classes and interfaces real world java difference between abstract class and interface in java 8 difference between interface and abstract class in java 8 difference between default interface and abstract class What's the difference between a interface and abstract class? js when to use abstract vs interface Difference between Interface and Abstract class with a real-life example difference between interface and abstract class short answer What's the difference between a interface and abstract class? what is difference between interface and abstract class in java 8 class vs interface vs abstract abstract class vs interface java 8 when to use abstract class vs interface java Abstract classes vs interfaces and when to use which. java abstract class vs interface example what is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in java What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class? java abstract class vs interface when to use what is the difference between abstract and interface differanc ebetween abstract and interface abstract class vs interface examples when to use interface vs abstract class what is the difference between an abstract class and an interface * What is the difference between Abstract classes and Interfaces? class vs abstract class vs interface vs struct the difference between an abstract class and an interface? diff abstract class and interface Difference between Java abstract class and interface class! oop interface vs abstract class difference between an interface and an abstract class difference between interface abstract class template c# class abstract class interface difference java abstract class interface difference java abstract class interface difference java when use interface vs abstract class What's the difference between an interface and abstract class? difference b/w interface and Abstract what is the difference between interface and abstract class java abstract classes vs interfaces in java abstract class vs interface when to use what is the diffrence between abstract class and interface difereence abstract and inteface java abstraction and interface difference in c What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface? what situations is an interfaces better than abstract classes interface abstract difference abstract classes vs interfaces Question 4 Which of the following are accurate descriptions of differences between Java classes and interfaces, according to the lessons in this module? are interfaces abstract classes why we prefer interfaces over abstract classes why shouldwe select interface over the abstract class what is interface and abstract class can an abstract method be in an interface abstract class vs interface relation different between an abstract class and interface Describe the difference between Abstract & Interface. what's the difference between an abstract class and an interface difference between a class and an interface in java interface vs abstract why do we need interface when we have abstract class what is the difference between an interface and an abstract class in java difference between interface and abstract class c# abstract class och interface difference difference between abstract class and interface in asp.net c# What is difference between Abstract class and Interface in java when to use interface and abstract class in c# abstract class vs interface with default methods interface and abstract class difference class vs interface in java abstract and interface concepts in c# can interface extends abstract class interface is abstract class what is interface class and abstract class can an abstract class implement an interface abstract vs interface c# advantages of interface over abstract class interface and class difference difference between class and interface interface và abstract .net interface vs abstract class vs contract abstract class vs interface in java when to use abstract class interface better than abstract class class vs abstract class interface and abstract class in c# Difference between an interface and abstract class abstract vs interpace java difference between abstract class and normal class in c# difference between abstract and class difference between interface and abstract classes in java in which cases interface is better than abstract class c# interfaces vs abstract classes interfaces vs abstract classes java abstract class difference difference between abstract class and interface uin C# difference between abstract and interface in java difference between abstract class and interface in oops difference in interface and abstraction abstract class vs non-abstract class java abstract class vs normal class virtual vs abstract class abstract class and interface abstract and interface in oops describe the difference between an interface and an abstract class difference between abstract class vs interface In C#, what is the difference between an interface and an abstract class? abstract class vs interface in oops c# when is abstract better than interface difference bwetween interface and abstract method why use interfaces instead of abstract classes What is the difference between an Abstract class and an interface. Give an example of each class vs interface java abstract class vs interface c# interface vs abstraction java interface vs abstract class difference interface and abstract class when to use an abstract class Why we need to abstract classes class vs abstract class vs interface purpose of abstract classes Interfaces vs. Abstract which situation are interface better than abstract class diffference between a abstract and interface why we need abstract class interface vs abscract class abstract class with constructor why use an interface in java instead of abstract class using abstract opposed to interfaces c# java how is interface different from abstract class how is interface different from abstract class What is interface? How it is different from Abstract Class. What is interface? How it is different from Abstract Class interface vs abstract class in java is interface an abstract class A class can _____ multiple interfaces. Select one: a. abstract b. extend c. implement d. inherit e. override difference between interface and abstract classes can abstract class have static methods in java\ difference between interface and abstract class java difference between an abstract method and a virtual method What are the similarities between abstract classes and interfaces? abstract vs deference between abstract class and interface diff between abstraction and interface c# what is difference between abstract and conclusion c# interface vs abstract class interface vs abstract vs class difference between interface and abstract class in kotlin diff bw abstract class and interface can we create object of a Class using abstract class can we create object of abstract class using variable in abstract class difference between abstract method and abstract class abstract class consists of difference between abstract classes and interfaces in java beniufits of an abstract class How different interface is from abstract? abstract class vs class java interface vs when are interfaces better than abstract classes c# what is the difference between interface and abstract class in java When do you use interfaces and when do you use abstract classes? interface and abstract class difference between abstraction and interface diff between abstraction and interface diff between interface and abstract why we need interface if we have abstract class intreface vs abstract interace and abstract difference between an abstract class and an interface the difference between abstract class and interface in java the difference between abstract class and interface difference interface and abstraction interface and abstraction differentitate between abastract calss and interface interface and abstract class difference in java interface abstract class difference difference between abstract class vs interface java interface vs abstract in jvaa abstract class and interface in java why need abstract class abstract class vs interface vs abstrakce abstract and interface difference Differentiate Abstract class and Interface with suitable examples. What is a collection in JAVA? Difference HashMap and Hashtable with suitable examples. in Programming in Java abstract and interface in c# Differentiate Abstract class and Interface with suitable examples in Programming in Java can abstract classes have abstract variables difference between abstract class and interface java should i use abstract class or interface abstract and interface in java differences between abstract class and interface 14.Abstract vs Interface interface and abstract method diffreence between abstract and interface difference abstracct class and interface abstraction vs interface what is the use of interface if we have abstract class difference between abstract classes anf interfaces What is interface? How interface is different from abstract class? Write a program in Java to explain how interfaces are implemented. why we use abstract class why abstract class is used Explain the difference between interface and abstract. why using abstract class Difference between abstract class and an interface. are subclasses of interface abstract? difference between abstract class and interface in java abstract vs interface abstract and interface difference between interface and abstract abstraction and interface abstract v s interfaces in java when to use abstract class and interface interface and abstract class in java what is the difference between interface and abstract class java abstract vs interface why are interfaces by default abstract Explain the similarities and the differences between abstract class and interface difference between interface and abstract class in java interface vs abstract class c# abstract class interface abstract class in interface why abstract classes insstead of interafaces why use abstract class abstract and interface java interface versus abstract class java interface versus abstract class c# abstract vs interface what is an abstract class and interface abstract class and interface difference what is difference between abstract class and interface difference between interface and abstract clkass why abstract classes are used interface or abstract class which is better java interfaces vs abstract classes difference abstract class and interface what is the use of abstract class abstraction and interface in java interface vs abstract class java interface vs abstract class difference between abstract class and interface difference between an abstract class and an interface? threading interface abstract class difference How interface is different from abstract class? abstract class vs interface abstract class vs interface java java abstract class vs interface difference between a java abstract class and a Java interface abstract classes and interfaces abstract vs interface java What’s the difference between an Interface and an abstract class difference between interface and abstract class abstract class and interface abstract classes and interfaces in java Difference between Abstract class and Interface. diff between abstract class and interface difference between abstract and interface
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