collection types in java

LIST: Can store duplicate values,
      Keeps the insertion order. 
      It allows multiple null values, 
      Also we can read a certain value by index.
- ArrayList not syncronized, array based class 
- LinkedList not synchronized, doubly linked
- Vector is synchronized, thread safe

SET: Can only store unique values, 
     And does not maintain order
- HashSet can have null, order is not guaranteed
- LinkedHashSet can have null and keeps the order 
- TreeSet sorts the order and don't accept null 

QUQUE : Accepts duplicates, 
        Doesn't have index num,
        First in first our order.  
MAP : is a (key-value format) 
      and keys are always unique, 
      and value can be duplicated. 
- HashTable don't have null key, sychronized(thread-safe)
- LinkedHashMap can have null key, keeps order
- HasHMap can have null key, order is not guaranteed
- TreeMap doesn't have null key and keys are sorted


                                    Depending on the data that I am working with, I use
Arrays, Lists, Sets, Maps.

4.33 (3 Votes)
Eko Yuliawan 110 points

                                     List<String> list = Arrays.asList("Lars", "Simon");

3.67 (9 Votes)
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