

Krish 100200 points

                                                    <div class="wow">
                Content to Reveal Here

3.33 (3 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                                        <section class="wow slideInLeft" data-wow-duration="2s" data-wow-delay="5s">

                    <section class="wow slideInRight" data-wow-offset="10"  data-wow-iteration="10">

4.2 (10 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                                  <script src="js/wow.min.js"></script>
              new WOW().init();

4.4 (5 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                                          wow = new WOW(
                      boxClass:     'wow',      // default
                      animateClass: 'animated', // default
                      offset:       0,          // default
                      mobile:       true,       // default
                      live:         true        // default

3.9 (10 Votes)
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