uses of meta tag attributes

<head lang="en">
  <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta name="keywords" content="website, blog, foo, bar">
  <meta name="author" content="John Doe">
  <meta name="publisher" content="John Doe">
  <meta name="copyright" content="John Doe">
  <meta name="description" content="This short description describes my website.">
  <meta name="page-topic" content="Media">
  <meta name="page-type" content="Blogging">
  <meta name="audience" content="Everyone">
  <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
  <title>My website title</title>


                                    &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;meta charset=&quot;UTF-8&quot;&gt;&lt;!-- ensures the character encoding --&gt;
&lt;meta name=&quot;keywords&quot; content=&quot;give a short or mid description about the content keywords of your website&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta name=&quot;description&quot; content=&quot;&quot;give a short or mid description about the contents of your website&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta name=&quot;author&quot; content=&quot;write the name of the author of the webpage&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta name=&quot;refresh&quot; content=&quot;50&quot;&gt;&lt;!-- writing this code will make sure the browser refreshes after every 50seconds --&gt;
&lt;meta http-equi=&quot;refresh&quot; content=&quot;5; url=&quot;write the url of your website&quot;&gt;&lt;!-- writing this code, the browser will automatically redirect to the given page after the provided time , in this case it is 5seconds --&gt;
&lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0&quot;&gt;&lt;!-- this makes sure that the webpage is supported on all devices --&gt;

3.75 (4 Votes)
Chmod 105 points

                                    The &lt;meta&gt; tag defines metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is data (information) about data.

&lt;meta&gt; tags always go inside the &lt;head&gt; element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.

Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but is machine parsable.

Metadata is used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), and other web services.

There is a method to let web designers take control over the viewport (the user's visible area of a web page), through the &lt;meta&gt; tag (See &quot;Setting The Viewport&quot; example below).

4 (3 Votes)
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