scrape beautifulsoup python html attribute value

xmlData = None

with open('conf//test1.xml', 'r') as xmlFile:
    xmlData =

xmlDecoded = xmlData

xmlSoup = BeautifulSoup(xmlData, 'html.parser')

repElemList = xmlSoup.find_all('repeatingelement')

for repElem in repElemList:
    print("Processing repElem...")
    repElemID = repElem.get('id')
    repElemName = repElem.get('name')

    print("Attribute id = %s" % repElemID)
    print("Attribute name = %s" % repElemName)

# ==================================

>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup('<META NAME="City" content="Austin">')
>>> soup.find("meta", {"name":"City"})
<meta name="City" content="Austin" />
>>> soup.find("meta", {"name":"City"})['content']

Celtblood 130 points

                                    xmlData = None

with open('conf//test1.xml', 'r') as xmlFile:
    xmlData =

xmlDecoded = xmlData

xmlSoup = BeautifulSoup(xmlData, 'html.parser')

repElemList = xmlSoup.find_all('repeatingelement')

for repElem in repElemList:
    print(&quot;Processing repElem...&quot;)
    repElemID = repElem.get('id')
    repElemName = repElem.get('name')

    print(&quot;Attribute id = %s&quot; % repElemID)
    print(&quot;Attribute name = %s&quot; % repElemName)

4.2 (5 Votes)
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