js clear child nodes

while (myNode.firstChild) {

Bazza 80 points

                                    var myDiv = document.getElementById(&quot;myDivID&quot;);<br/>    myDiv.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;;//remove all child elements inside of myDiv

3.9 (10 Votes)
Jqa 105 points

                                    parent.querySelectorAll(&quot;*&quot;).forEach(child -&gt; child.remove());

//Change the value of * if there is a specific class you want to remove 
//otherwise leave the * for removing all child elements.

Shanish 130 points

function removeAllChildNodes(parent) {
    while (parent.firstChild) {

const container = document.getElementById('container');

&lt;div id=&quot;container&quot;&gt;
  &lt;p&gt;All elements inside this container will be deleted,&lt;/p&gt;
  &lt;p&gt;when removeAllChildNodes(container) is run.&lt;/p&gt;

3.6 (5 Votes)
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