html table span 2 rows

<td colspan="2">Content here</td> // or...
<td rowspan="2">Content here</td>

Rishabh 90 points

                                    &lt;td colspan=&quot;4&quot;&gt;Content&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;td rowspan=&quot;4&quot;&gt;Content&lt;/td&gt;

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row span and column span in css table colspan rowspan rmeove ROWSPAN AND COLSPAN IN A TABLE html5 table rowspan colspan row span colspan html row and column span in html table colspan table th html 2 row table rowspan 2 css col and row span table colspan and rowspan in html example column span and rowspan in html table th rowspan colspan table 2 rows html html table row span columns what is the rowspan and colspan in html with the help of example what is the rowspan and colspan in html colspan to give in tr or th colspan tr or td colspan rowspan header columns table table css row span table html span rows table colspan and rowspan angular rowspan html table html table row span all columns table row span col span in html differentiate between rowspan and colspan table attributes html table row colspan use colspan and row span to creata a table colspan rowspan datatable table row and column colspan css table row span table css colspan, rowspan table column span two rows how to use 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html table colspan and rowspan html rowspan and colspan rowspan columnspan html how to rowspan 4 columnspan in html row span col span html use of rowspan in html row span two columns html Attributes like rowspan and colspan can be used with the &lt;tr&gt; tag colspan rowspan html column span and row span in html colspan rowspan table html5 html make row span multiple columns rowspan in html html tables rowspan colspan html table td span multiple rows sub rows in table html merge cells in html table html table row and column span how to use tablespan html html table colspan and rowspan example html rowsapn table html colspan and rowspan col and row span in html How can you create an html table cell that spans two rows? sub row table html how to create rowspan and colspan in html rowspan table html html table rowspan example of rowspan in html html rowspan rowspan and colspan in html table html span table spanning in html bootstrap table row span colspan and rowspan in html use of colspan and rowspan in html html rowspan example html table span 2 rows
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