how to write <span>

The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for
pieces of content, which does not inherently represent anything. 
It is mostly used for grouping and styling bits of content.
<span> is very much like a <div> element, but <div> is a 
block-level element whereas a <span> is an inline element.

Lionel Aguero 33605 points

                                    //an example of an &quot;out of context&quot; way to change color of a text:
&lt;span style=&quot;color: green&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;

3 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points


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html span tag attributes when to use span tag in html spam in html how do you use span in css html spaqn html span color green php &lt;span html how to give a span a is for in java span tag attributes what is the use of span element in HTML5 function of span in html html span tag meaning what is use of span in html javascript set style for spans span properties span class text span class in php span tag in php span class for inline text span. css change color of span php span in html meaning css style span &lt;span html tag elements span js what does html span do css span style spans html span white css span styles text span html susing span with css How to Use the HTML Span Tag with CSS&quot; style inline span html element &lt;span&gt; w3c css spans can span html be styled span or css css span css what do spans do in html css psan span element html5 how to add span element in html &lt;span&gt;@@morrison&lt;/span&gt; in html how to write span class in css span tag text color bootstrap span element add style to span html span html 5 span for text formatting how to style a span css &lt;span&gt; tags span class data-types-items css span class data-types-items html why is span tag used in html what does span tags do? 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How to change color of text in a span in html &lt;span&gt; example html span class how to add a span to body html span tag examples how to add color to span in css what is the use of span tag in html html span tag html color green span span in css what is span tag in html why do we use spans in css how to show a span class in html span in javascript how to use span tag in html. ispan iin html span element css css refer to text in span with no tags defulat style span html html span font color white html span color span color css span html color html span font color span tag javascript why we use span tag in html html adjust color for span what are html span for example of using&lt;span&gt; what is span html html spajn why to use span tag in html span tag is used for html make span tag small' html span id html spand using span html how to set span ttype to html what is the use of span element in html span style text color html how to span in html using span in html class span html span html tag what is span used for in html style contents in span tag angular what is a span used for html 1. Write an Html code for designing the paragraphs and tables using Div and Span tags. span id html what is span element in html5 java script with span span in html use span tag html5 html spann css span text color why we use span in html span =&quot;&quot; css xml span element span class &lt;span id html css span of page what is span how to use span class use of span element in html how to style span tag by using its parent class span color spans what is span tag inside html used for how to use span tag inline in xml html/css span class html/css span add a textspann in a container html spam html spans explained add style to text in span how to style span element what is span in css what &lt;span&gt; do span class in programming &lt;span class span closing /&gt; &lt;span&gt; tag span element what is the &lt;span&gt; html span elements html what is a span span text span stylwe color red js span style what is a span element what does span tag do what is a span tag spanhtml how to use span why do we use span in html what is the span tag html tag span how to use span tag in css text in a span html can a span tag be given an attribute of submit how to span and item how to add colour to a text inside span span style &gt; span span tag what is html span tag span css color text can a span have a class html What is span tag span style html how to write &lt;span&gt; css class vs span css what is span html &lt;span&gt; css style p in class javascript span span html form is an html span tag selectable by default? span meaning html html span attributes css span add html to span tag span in html means javascript span style span element in html span element html what does span do in js what does span do in css what does span do in html html span what does it mean span class css span html style css span how to use spam css how to change span color in html span tag html span css html for span meaning of span in html span tag in css &lt;span&gt; javascript span tag in html span html element span what does span mean in html what is span in html what is a span html span element example what is a span in html how to span a list or words in html html span span html meaning list span page html span in html &lt;span&gt; html span html
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