how to bold text css inline

.text {
	font-weight: bold;

Jose C 125 points

                                    <b> Bold Text </b>

4.33 (6 Votes)
Scribblics 100 points

                                    <p style="font-weight:bold">Hey there</p>

3.75 (8 Votes)
Daniel A. 90 points

   <title>Bold text</title>
   <p>Use the strong element to <strong>indicate strongly emphasized</strong> content.</p>

5 (1 Votes)
Dan P. 100 points

                                    we can set text bold using css property named 'font-weight'
  font-weight: bold;

4.29 (7 Votes)

                                    p.normal {
  font-weight: normal;

p.thick {
  font-weight: bold;

p.thicker {
  font-weight: 900;

3.88 (8 Votes)
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bold in paragraph html how to bold text on html make text bold rhtml bold for html bold text tag in html bold in font tag how ti bold text in html how to make text bold inline html style <bold tag html how do you make a text bold in css add bold to html very bold text css ways of making text bold hrml htmlfont bold making html text bold css bold text''''''' how to bold in html or underline HTML tag to make text bold: css inline style for bold html make word bold bold tag html´ font bold html code How do I make a text Bold in Html? font type bold html make font bolder css How do you make the text bold CSS p bold html bold text color html html text in bold html code for making text bold text style html bold html bold code How do you make the text bold in css? how to write in bold in html bold texxt html bold font from css html bold font codes text style bold in css bold html tag htm; how to make text style bold in html how to make a font bold in css how to make text bold html' how to make add bold property in css hoe to change text bold in html how to make bold text into simple in html web page html bolder how to show the bold text in html how to make boldin css html bold headings how to bold letter in html css to make text bold paragraph bold in html bold characters in html html bold font html how to do bold para html p style bold html tag for any text bold html tag for text bold css how to make text bold bold word in paragraph html html bold html style code for text bold html text strong bold ei which tag is used to make text bold how to make p bold html what value is bold in html inline css for bold font html text bold str what is the bold attribute in html html tags for bold text how to make the text bold in html csss bold how to use bold tag How to set text bold in HTML? which tag is used for bold html bhtml bold text font is bold in html css bolding text propert text css to bold text font bold html make p tag bold The CSS property used to make the text bold is – bold text htm; css bold works make the text bold with html how to make font bold in html inline css for bold make the text bold html how to make html font bold tag for bold text html bold balise html style bold example hot bold text in css bold tag in htm; how to make character bold in html set font bold css make p bold html write bold text in html bold of the text in html how to type bold in html bold a attribute in html How to bold in htl How to bold in htlk how to add bold tag in html how to bold things html html make letters bold make text extra bold html font tag bold font bold in html] bold text font html tagg to bold html how to make it bold in html bold syntax html bold html; making bold w3schools put into bold tags how to change the boldness of text css how to make a text bold css custom bold font css html bold tag in paragraph how to bold text in an html how to write a text in bold html <bold> in html how to make a bold tag w3schools how to make text bold text bold style html html code text bold bold a text using css hmtl bold text making text bold html text css bold bold fonts in html make font bold html how to bold text in string to html make font bold in css make text bold in html using b tag Which tag is used to bold the text? ccss text bold how to make p tag bold html thin bold w3schools text bold css how to bold the text in. the html bold text htm css code to make text bold how to get bold words in HTML bold in html paragraph bold di html\ choose the correct html tag to make the text bold how to add bold in html how do you make text bold html Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold? how to make a text bolder in css how to write bold tag bold text attribute css css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text html tag for bolded text p bold letter html csss text bold css to make the text bold html tag to make text bold html center text bold html bold text css Which HTML tag makes text bold html code to turn text bold BOLD AND STRONG TEXT IN HTML how to make a line bold in html how to underline and bold text in html bold en html bold format text html how do you bold in html html inline bold text how to bold the letter in html how to write bold tag in html text on bold html tag that makes your text bold in HTML html bold tekst how to make the bold text in html how to bold text in html style code for bold in html text bolding in html bold in text html making characters bold in html w3 bold text css INSERT bold text in html how to bold some text in html html bold and then text text in bold html how to make the heading bold in html html font:bold; make text in p tag bolded how to make text bold htm; html bold in string bold w3schools how to make the text bold css font to be bold css html set text bold how to bold inhtml write in html with bold text HOW TO HOW TO MAKE TEXT IN HTML BOLD html text to make it bold html best way to make text bold html best way to make tet bold how to bold em html what is the best way to bold text html font bolder css bold tag for html html paragraph bold wht is the bold code in html make html words bold css text bold italic HTML tag to make text bold. bold text ghtml bold text in p tag html html code for bold bold italic in html bold\ html hi how are you in bold tag in html text html bold how to change bold in html making font bold in html <bold> html tag bold code html how to make html writing bold htm text bold how to bold html text strong and bold in html inline css syntas for bold how to set bold property using css how can I get the bold the tex in html css texto bold The CSS property used to make the text bold is what is the tag for bold in html how to make words bold html line bold html property for bold text in html css code bold bold italic text html bold a tag html part of text bold html bold texthtml bold text hml make bold at html bold font cssc bold and strong tag html how to make text more bold css add bold to text html how to put text in bold html text in bold html make html text bold tag to look text bold in html html format bold text how to bold word with css tag bold text bold and itallic HTML font style bold in html bold font for html tag used for bold in html apply bold in html how to write bold letters in html style bold in html making text bold using css how to use bold in htnl html css set text bold what is bold tag in html how to add bold property to text html change font to bold in html bold balise html write something in bold in html text bold in gtml bold html' how to make letter bold in html set text bold html bold tag htlm html tag to bold text bold heading html how make a text bold in html html make font bolder how to apply bold in html how to make bold html what tags can make text bold in html How to make a word bold in an html p Which HTML tag can be used to make the text bold? how to make a font bold in html to make text bold in html bold a html bold text on html page how to make characters bold in html how to bold text text in html boldin html how to set text in bold in html how to display in bold html how to change the boldness of the text in html what tag do you use for bold text how to make text bold inline text bolded text html bold in p html html for setting text bold how to bold inline css change to bold font css how to make my font bold css html style text bold how to change text boldness in css css make letter of text bold how to make line bold in html how to bold stuff in html html style bold text how to bold a paragraph in html add bold in html bold html tah makign bold in paragraph html bold one word in html bold rtext html how to make more bolder text in css htmol bold tag html how to add bold tezt how to make text bold in htm how to make heading bold in css bold text in html bold in html how to set text to bold in html tag bold in html how to make text bold in p tag small bold html html format text bold the boldest the text can go in html bold text htmn html boldest bold hml tag html text bold tag html strong or bold font as bold in html put something in bold html bold html code example bolding in html text bold html css html bold heading bold font tag in html set bold in css html text to bold html strong bold text style bold html how to bold the letters in html paragraph bold html code bold text in html css bold syntax in html html bold letters bold html style how do you make something bold in html make a <p> tag bold make a word bold in html w3schools html bold text tags for bold html how to set text bold in html Choose the correct HTML tag to make the text bold? ways to make text bold in html how bold in html how to set bold in font in html making something bold in html bold htlm How do you make the text bold in css how to give bold in html bold text element HTML how to make bold letter in html a hmtl bold bold text in html in style adding bold in html bold font html tag bold tag html; bold on html tag p tag html bold html bold string tag html bold string making a text bold in html css making bold text inline text bold how to make text bold in line HTML the bold type bold html code make all html text bold html all make text bold html bold name add bold text in html which tag make bolde in html tag to make text bold in html html how to make text bold how to trinket to bold html text to bold in html bold text inline html how to make a text bold in css bold text html how to set text style bold in html how to bold text in html formatting css inline style bold change font to bold css how to bold via css css bold and underlined put text in bold html to code put text in bold html to text make the characters bold html how to make words bold in html add bold text to html page html bold paragraph how to craete bold letter in html make txt bold html w3schools bold text html code to make text bold make a string bold html bold font types css ttext bold html html add text to bold tag make <a> bolder html make a bolder html bold a teext in css html how to make some text bold in paragraph best way to style bold text html how to make bold text on html font bold style in html html font style bold bold fonts for html html txt bold code to bold text in html strong bold html balise bold html how to font bold in html html style text bold html style text bold\ text style css bold html text bold in style html balise bold text bold inline css bold text inline css html bold tex css css bolded font bold html tag how to make something bold in html bold a word in html how to do bold in css make words bold in html html bold command how to set font bold in html bold and strong html css command for bold text tag for bold in html how to bold in hmtl bold font style css html set bold font html bold character css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text bold attribute in html html syntax bold inline style bold text make text bold style html bold letters in css bold letters in html css font -style bold how to bold txt in html html bold font<> make some words bold html bold html font bold and underline text html how to set text bold in css text-bold css text-bold html how to make stuff bold in html make txt bold in html html tag text bold stylesheet bold text how to make html text bold style text bold cssadd bold font bold is html make text bold using font tag in css make text bold using font tag in html make a text bold in css htlm bold type text in html Bold bold text in htmk inline style for bold text how to make all the text of html bold how to bold text inline css css text-decoration bold§shopany_casa/freeformat.html set font bold in css bold the text in html css bolt text how to bold text in value how to bold a text using css html best way to apply bold styling through css or html bold ponts html in bold erb tag make string bold property to configure bold text using CSS update string make bold one word in html .text make bold in html appned bold inhtml html image text montserrat bold how to text better how do you make the text bold in html bold font atom big textbox html sbold in css css class bold font-style bold html how to text bold to paragraph in html html make bold tag style bold html tag bold add bold style css how to remove bold in html code for bolding text html make text between * bold how to make font size bold in css html set bold internal style bold font width bold css style css bold make one paragraph bold hml what is the best way to apply bold styling to text html html tag bold text how to add bold in style html font weight example paragraph text bold css make text strong css style = bold css hwo to bold text make css text bold very bold html making texy bold with css bold text within word html w3w font bold lighter text font css not bold text html how to set the text bold in css bold html syntax font bold style font style vold css how to make some input value bold in html code for bold text in html css to remove bold text hhtmlbold text bold text tag html html p tag make bold html paragraph bold character how to bold in html css font weight html tag bold text in html5 w3school css3 to make my tagline bold how to make heading tag bold how to make a word bold html bold in css html how to bold text with html bold in html5 text bold and size css bold style html css font bold cs font bold htl make text bold in p label bold text html label style font bold html label style bold how to put font-weight in css bold text html best way to apply blod styling to tet font bold in bcss how to make word bold in html bmake text bold html how to make font thin css how to print fat in html how to bold letters in html html how to make only certain words bold html bold a label show label text in bold html html p bold make text light css html text bold style bold word html best way to bold style text html make bold in text field inline style bold font html why is all my text bold how to bold text make custom text bolder html html paragraph is bold bold text htmkl fat text html html css text bold how to set body bold in html bold command html how light a font color in a line normal font in html make a feature like making your font bold html in your editor html inline bold how to make h headings unbold in html how to do bold in html css put text in bold thick letters html reduce the text thickness how to less the text weight in css bold tag cthmk html best way to apply bold styling tag html bold force bold css css bolf text by length make some text inside paragraph bold bold to text css bold attribute html making text bold in html bold font add bold in css w3schools text bold bold p tag how to bold something in html html bold text tag html bolding text bold make text bold make elemend bold html how do you make font bold html font weight in inline css bold h1 in html bold css styling bol font css html text abold html bold text style how to make texr bold how to make title bold in html html tag in "text" html tag in text make para text heavier in html b /b html code how to display thicker text in html how to make a lighter title in css bold header html text-style bold formatting tags in html how to make text strong in css make text bold in input type text how to bold font using css css a font bold how to make a text in html bold text, css bold h3 html html to text with bold strong css font html bold tags html styles bold html link wieght bold on html style inline bold black font style bold paragraph bold add bold to text css html bold italic font type bold html tag bold medium bold text tag make a text bold html html tag for bold big w3schools html bold symbol text in mailto w3schools html bold symbol text in mailto body] proper way to bold text in html bold inhtml to write in not bold in html html bold p bold tag in html bold text caa add bold html css for text font bold text in div tag set text bold css how to bold charecter in css ass color how to put font weight in css strong html how to write bold and ;large in javascript bold through css how ot make a font bold bold heading font html html text sbold ont-weight in css blod text html bold type css text How do I make a text bold bold htm p text bold tag bold css font decoration bold bold inline html how to use bold tag in html tag to bold text in html how to make input text value bold light tag in html html bold one word in paragraph inline bold bold text through css how to make text bold html how to make text bold with htmk html syntax for bold text html bold word in sentence html bold style css how to make a text bold with html html bolld make letters fat html how to make text bold in hmtl style - bold html bold text bold and italic in html bold label text html css fonr-weight bold in css inline bold code in html bols code in html what is the best way to apply bold styling to text html countour bold text html make only some text bold very bold hatml font width html for bold html how to make bold text html bold css tag html print bold make html tag lighter text bold in div css html make things bold bold html css inline paragraph bold html increase font boldness css html bold text w3 bold italic font in css how to show text in italic in html how to show text in bold in html css bnold how to add bold in css text in html .text html howt to put leter in bold html how to make letters bold in html html text style bold font bold syntaz code to create text bold html extra bold text css make bold font bold a letter in html how to make a tag in bold bold font in html css adjust font weight css css italic bold which html tag is used to make a text bold html text tags bold text style css making text bold css bold fonts html bold text style htmll bold how to bold text in htm; bold paragraph html correct style of displaying the contents in bold in javascript textdecoration bold cssmake text bold tag html bold text bold css inline bold css text bolding text in html how to make font lighter in css bolt html font how to get bold text in css how to make my text bold in css how to do bold font in css html how to bold make all text bold css fontstyle bold css for font bold html to set font to bold w3schools html bold bold text on html webpage text decoration bold css fonts with low weight css for text bold bold html text php file make text bold in paragraph html Which of the following tag is used to make the text as bold? bold html5 strong tags w3school text strong css text blod tag bold and italic css html thin font html b style red text in bold in html h weight css css bold inline em css bold inline thin text html how to bold none font bold set bold bold html formula bold text in paragraph html bold styling in css how to make fonts bold in html how to add font weight to css text decoration bold in css html font bold code how to make font bold in css font bold using css style bold html tag text boldd css how to bold a text in code tags html bold and italic set type font bold making strong in css inteput text bold in css inline bold html html change bold font bolding font css bold incss css bold letters how to make paragraph bold in html text style bold font weiht css html text thickness bold and italic html css bold tedt text color bold typography style bold html for bold text make bold css html bold font style how to specify text as thin change text boldness css css font bold inlinel css bold tetx bold text in html using css best way to apply bold html to text best way to apply bold html css format blod how to bold the font in label tag letters into html BIG and bold css use bold font how tO make font bald to <html> css html bold cs font-family bold html make text bold through css how to preserve bold formatting in html text javascript bold text css make an item bold in html bold text inline css bold styling on font css how to make a font style bold css convert to bold css thickness font css bold text how to make a certain font be bold tag csstext bold reduce boldness css div bold style css bold style bold element html which of the following html elements is used for making any text bold css font weight styles a tag bold css css font thickness how to give font weight css font code html bold css p bond css make text bold font type not bold texto bold css html change font weight how to set a bold textt in css how to specify bold text in html How to make something bold css make word bold css bold text w3school font bold property in css font-weight thin how to bold tet usign html css bold css in html set bold text in css add bold to plain text html bold css decoration css font-weight bold html bold with color inline css font weight not bold in css p tag bold css fat letters html text style font weight in html html bold black text bold in number css html inline style text bold css make font bold html p tag bold css no bold text html code for text bold font-style: bold scc thick text bold line in p tag css css for text not bold make text bold css in html single word make text bold css in html css font-size bold css tag bold text how to add boldness to font css roxvrough cf bold in css class apply bold style bold text w3c remove bold css h1 bold in style tag html thick font css html make bold text style bold tag html bold syntax html code for bold font bolt css css bol css everything is bold thtml style bold bold element css bold font in html and css html in string bold css set font weight bold elemetn in css bold:true; css how to add text bold in table css attribute bold html how to bold letter make one part of a p bold in html cant bold text in p tag html css set page font wright setting the text to bold css weight in css font weight none css how to make para bold in html bolder html font more thin css correct syle of displaying bold in htmlo bold letter tag bold letter html html bolde make text bold from css how to make bold white in html plt title bold font w3 html bold text with color html super thick font html css fat text how to change the weight of the font in css html embolden how to bold text with css bold button in html html5 bold text how to make a header bold in html how to bold the text in css what tag that bolds text in html font strong css how to bold text icss html tag to make the text bold text bold in html css change to boldfont text bold w3 make characters bold in css how to specify bold in css highklight and boold text html text weight font strong bold bolden text in css bets way to use bold html html make text vold style html tag bold html bold color css how to make font bolde https://wbold css css borld text change font wiehgt html p tag bold change text thickness css html 5 default bold font how to write boldword in html css font bold weight how to make html bold bolded css html code to increase text bold sboxcheckout citrus bold css bold fobt css how to make bold text in css make text bold with html html font size bold bolde text text in html bold style in html super bold tag in html how to increaase text thickness in css font style thin how to make specific word bold in html text not bolding html css thin font bole text html gras css gras text w3schools font size bold bold font, css html 5 bold text how to get very bold text html html style font bold how to make bold text html Hhtml BOLD inject html text bold into page how to make text bold html5 text bold how to make text in html bold bold styling to text html Which one of the following will be the correct style of displaying the contents in bold? Apply bold to html text size bold in css css lighter text make font bold html tage htmp text tag html change font bold inline style for bold text in bold css Which CSS property will make text bold? bold css bold text css property which property is used for lightning the font weight in CSS how to increase boldness of text in css bold cdd html boldtext html brod text html make a text bold html make a text bo;ld style to bold the heading of text in CSS rtext bold css bold html css fnot bold css bold color html html language bold text style bold tag html how to bold text incss bold text html css add bold html tagas html style bol make fontweight thin in html html header color size bold html make label bold make font bold font weight in html style to make text bold how to bold label in html add bold backgroud css make some part of font bold html cass paragraph bold css make text thin css css bolt make a label bold html best bold style tag html bold letter in html bold item css make part of text bold html make letter bold css font style <b> html htm bold color bold css how to reduce boldness in css puesdo code to make something bold heading bold in html html5 bold tag how to do bold font on html to get light thickness of words in css bold internal css font style css propery values in html style bold letter how to bold the text in html html5 best way to apply bold how to font bold html css how to make fonts bold in css bold paragraph html tag html bp;d fpmt css text thickness css set text to bold html tag to make a text bold little bold in html how to bold words in html how to bold a text css text decoration bold using css inline html style bold css font bold strong font light html how to make fat text in html how to make a tag normal text in html how to change font weight by percentage in css How do I make inputs bold in HTML? css style for bold text bold elements html best way to apply bold in text html how to make a letter bold in html lighter word tag html how to make h2 bold in html how to change put a font into bold text in html how to bold text in html5 font-style bold in html how to bold one word in html how to text bold in html css for font to be bold html text bold css bold tags html html bold inline font blload in css enlarge weight of text using css font-family css bold boldness css fon size bold css black font css make words bold html hold font in html how to bold a text in css default body weight css css bold tag big bold text html bold tag in text field html bold text html tag how to set a links bold in css for writing description what html tag should use how to make text strong using css change font weight html make word bold in html how to make a text little bold in css how to set font weight in css css font light html input text box bold how to bold text in a table in css wfont weight css how to make bold css html bold line change text from bold to normal in css make element bold in html font weight html css css bond how to edit html paragraph size and boldness in css css making font bold make one word bold in html make header bold html change bold html css how to make font bolt in css html and bolt tag how to make the text bold in css font style bold html make font lighter css light fonts css decrease weight of text in css html how to thicken text bold fonts html css making font bold css css weight font css font fmaily and weight write bold with html bold heading in html light font css make non bold css how to set bold text in css how to set bold text in html reduce font weight css html label text style bold bold text using css make bold text css font black in css how to set font bold in css how to make part of p bold in html show text with b in html w3.css bold type how to change font to bold in html bold part of text html make text bolder css text decoration bold css make html bold apply bold styling in text html bold font in html how to make text italic and extera bold in html font style weight css html paragraph style bold how to make text bold with css whats the best way to bold html css style bold font bold using css how to thin out a font in css how to remove bold text in html how to change the font weight in css html front bold font family thin css how to make a paragraph bold in html bold style to text html5 bold style to text html css weight bold styler css how to make font bold with css how to get thick text in html css font color bold in css how to make header bold in html how to bold in css bold format html css to make a text bold how to make a link bold in html what is thin text called in html bold font style html css for making text bold text weight css how do you make text bold in html bolf html font bold css w3 html language bold HTML PROPER WAY TO MAKE TEXT BOLD css code bold font how to make a bold text in html how to thicken a text inside in css how to set bola bold text css how to change font weight in html text to bold in css style to bold html make bold in html decrease the thickness of text css how to make text lighter in our website using html html bold css how to make thinner text css make a text bold css how to add font weight in css css inline style bold tag html thick font css boldness font type bold in css another property of text-light in html html set text bold with style css font line width how to make letters bold in css how should you make text bold in html light text css css bold font weight remove the bold in css how to bold text css inline making text bold in css no-ranging css font text bold css bold one line in html default font weights css making a word bold in html how to bold a text in <p> html basic html bold html bold format css text transform bold how to write bold in css how to write bold in html text tags in html html make font fat font bold in css how to get bold text css trasnform text to bold with css css text font bold how to make an tekst bold in html how to change text bold in html How BOLD font in html change bold css tag to bold words html how to thick a text using html bold specific text html how to make text bold in css bold css property css style bold css bol;d make text bold in html how to make element bold in css font style bold css css how to bold bold ttext css css text decoration bold html make ext really bold html bold b css strong text bold in html tag thick font css font css bold weight css bold text in table html html tag bold printing html text style bold how to display part of word as bold in html how to do bold text in html how to make p tag bold in html fontweight in css how to make text bolder in css how to add extra importance to a word in html css to bold text how to bold p tag in html css set bold best way to apply bold styling to text html how to bold font in html lighter text weight in html form lighter text in html form html best way to bold how to style text in an a tagow do i bold text in html html property to bold text how to make bold font in html bold in html style fontbold css how to make bold text inline html no bold css font text bold css darkness of font css css bolder font vcss add bold style weight css bold to normal text css css for bold text bold styling css tag bold styling css how to use bold in css how to make letter bld in html how to make font extraordinary bold in css how to make font big and bold in css font bold html style css text strong css small text bold bold class css bold html tag style bold for html how to make the font bold in html use bild in backgrund html text_style bols css css font style bold bold with css % making bold in html text bold tag in html bold html text how to make your font bold in html remove bold from text css bold letters html inline css bold and color bold letters css font style css bold html blold how to change the bold text in heding tag in html make font thicker css html css make text bold how to make text bolder css code for text to make bold in css thickness css make text bold in css css attribute for bold text bolder css bolt html tag how to put a tag bold html css font in bold how to bold a text in html font-weitght of text inside button html change font thickness css bold style make font thin css text weight syntax what is the bold tag in csss html tag for bold text bold tag html5 inline style bold how to display bold text in html how to increase font weight in css css make text not bold increase thickness of font css little font weight html fat text t"ext bold html font bold in html remove bold in css tag bold html how to make bold fonts on html how to bold 3 paragraph in css font-weight text font bold css makee fotn bolder font-weight w3schools css make bold css set font bold html weight css heavy font inline css in html bold css text in bold how to bold text htlmm font family bold css font weight bold best way to apply bold styling to text css font bol bold in html code css how to bold text css bold and fontt css extra bold text how to set font weight css bold tag Html write bold text bold text in css font-wight in css html style bold text bold inline styling bold text bold characters html how to make bold fonts in css style bold css css font width html text bald font css how to format text html bold in html css how do i italicize in html html form bold font boldness css make letters bold css bold text in html how to makea text bold in html how to bold text css bold paragraph css html to text android text bold css font-weight label tag in html text bold bold a text in html html font bold make text bold css how to make text bold css css font-style bold make bold html set text to bold css How to bold the text using HTML chnage something to bold html how to make text less bold in html how to use font weight in css bold font in css how to bold font css how to make bold for specific text html css strong bold how to add bold text in html css font vold how to create bold text in html html text bold how to set bold in css css super bold bold style html bold in css place text in bold html html bols inline bold css css bold font how to make bold in html css to bold bold font css make font bold in html bold htmle how to make text bold in title in " " html how tomake title bold in form tag of html5 how tomake title bold in form tag of html how to make title bold in form in html5 how to make title bold in html5 how to amke title bold in html 5 adding bold tags html bold tag html font weight in css making stuff bold in html html element bold class bold css how to bold text in css html how to bold text inline css for bold text Which of these CSS rules make text appear in a bold face font? font-weight css bold text css how to make font thicker in css strong font style css css class text bold text bold in css large bold fonts css how to bold font in css html label bold font family of bold html font font weight css html make bold css font bold bold style css html bold tag font bold css bold font html css font weight html inline styles 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