disable close from screen modal popup

<!-- opening with html, the key is the data-backdrop="static" attribute -->
<button data-target="#myModal" data-toggle="modal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false">
    Launch demo modal
//Opening with JS:
$('#myModal').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false})  

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modal popup opens and closes immediately disable close from screen modal popup when click on any screen out side modal dismiss modal close modal stop video close modal on screen clicking modal window on close reappear show then disappear why does my modal window on close show then disappear modal popup closes automatically on modal close stop video stop video when close modal not close modal popup when click outside how to remove a modal from screen modal popup don't close on outside click stop button in modal from dismissing the modal destroy modal on close on close modal stop video how to disable popup modal outer click close how to prevent close modal by pasing somewhere in screen disable modal to close on click on other area modal locked model outside disabled bootstrap popup click outside close false restrict modal close on click outside modal click outside close modal doesn't close on click outside modal input disabled after close destroty modal after close bootstrap data-toggle modal close click outside disable clicking on page if odal is oopen bootstrap do not close on click how to close modal popup with background' bootstrap modal won't close click outside how to open bootstrap modal without close on click jquery modal open modal without closing button bootstrap modal that will disable background page bootstrap modal dont close clicking out box disable backdrop modal bootstrap do not close modal on submit on modal close clear form do not let bootstrap modal close if clicked outside box do not let modal close if clicked outside box close modal when click outside modal box don't close if click on hide screen in bootstrap lity open modal hide close button lity open modal hide close modal don't close when click outside how to disable click event on document modal boostrap 4 do not close modal when click outside bootstrap stop modal from closing when clicking outside bootstrap modal auto closees without being clicked boostrap modal dont dimiss with click outside modal should close when click outside disable click outside modal jquery bootstrap modal popup do not allow them to close on click outside get click outside of modal bootstrap boottsrap 4 modal listen for off click bootstrap modal is block mouse click bootstrap 4 modal disable backdrop jquery open modal static modal popup outside click disable when click on outside of model don't close model jquery modal open outside button redirect page when modal clicked outside onclick modal is not close in bootstrap prevent modal from closing on backdrop click bootstrap 4 modal not dismissable close bootstrap modal popup when click outside don't close modal on button click outside the modal &lt;div class=&quot;modal fade&quot;&gt; prevent closing angular flush js variable on modal close bootstrap modal cannot close bootstrap 5 modal outside click disable onclick screen close the modal js prevent modal to close how to make modal not hide when button click close modal on click screen doesnot freeze although we use data-backdrop = static and data-keyboard = false in bootstrap modal pop up? disable background when open bootstrap modal popup how to click outside dont close form bootstrap bootstrap popup automatically closing without any action bootstrap modal close on click outside modal lock screen bootstrap modal lock screen modal popup hide on outside click restrict Model to close on screen angular bootstrap prevent modal close how to prevent closing the model by dropground dialog outside click close bootstrap modal not close on click outside &quot;data-backdrop=&quot;static&quot;&quot; site:stackoverflow.com disable close modal bootstrap clicking outside modal closes it
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