bootstrap carousel as background

<!-- Bootstrap 5 Carousel -->
   class="carousel slide"
   <div class="carousel-indicators">
         aria-label="Slide 1"
         aria-label="Slide 2"
         aria-label="Slide 3"
   <div class="carousel-inner">
      <div class="carousel-item active">
         <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="..." />
      <div class="carousel-item">
         <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="..." />
      <div class="carousel-item">
         <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="..." />
      <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="visually-hidden">Previous</span>
      <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="visually-hidden">Next</span>

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    &lt;div id=&quot;carousel-example-generic&quot; class=&quot;carousel slide&quot; data-ride=&quot;carousel&quot;&gt;
  &lt;!-- Indicators --&gt;
  &lt;ol class=&quot;carousel-indicators&quot;&gt;
    &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carousel-example-generic&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;0&quot; class=&quot;active&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carousel-example-generic&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carousel-example-generic&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;

  &lt;!-- Wrapper for slides --&gt;
  &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-inner&quot; role=&quot;listbox&quot;&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;item active&quot;&gt;
      &lt;img src=&quot;...&quot; alt=&quot;...&quot;&gt;
      &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-caption&quot;&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;item&quot;&gt;
      &lt;img src=&quot;...&quot; alt=&quot;...&quot;&gt;
      &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-caption&quot;&gt;

  &lt;!-- Controls --&gt;
  &lt;a class=&quot;left carousel-control&quot; href=&quot;#carousel-example-generic&quot; role=&quot;button&quot; data-slide=&quot;prev&quot;&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left&quot; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;sr-only&quot;&gt;Previous&lt;/span&gt;
  &lt;a class=&quot;right carousel-control&quot; href=&quot;#carousel-example-generic&quot; role=&quot;button&quot; data-slide=&quot;next&quot;&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right&quot; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;sr-only&quot;&gt;Next&lt;/span&gt;

4 (2 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    //Author:Mohammad Arman Khan
&lt;div id=&quot;carouselExampleIndicators&quot; class=&quot;carousel slide&quot; data-ride=&quot;carousel&quot;&gt;
    &lt;ol class=&quot;carousel-indicators&quot;&gt;
        &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carouselExampleIndicators&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;0&quot; class=&quot;active&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
        &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carouselExampleIndicators&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
        &lt;li data-target=&quot;#carouselExampleIndicators&quot; data-slide-to=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-inner&quot; role=&quot;listbox&quot;&gt;
        &lt;!-- Slide One - Set the background image for this slide in the line below --&gt;
        &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-item active&quot; style=&quot;background-image: url('')&quot;&gt;
            &lt;div class=&quot; col-md-6 divleft-top&quot;&gt;
                &lt;p class=&quot;text-CSS&quot;&gt;
                    Solutions for the Asphalt Industry &lt;/p&gt;

        &lt;!-- Slide Two - Set the background image for this slide in the line below --&gt;
        &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-item&quot; style=&quot;background-image: url('')&quot;&gt;
            &lt;div class=&quot;col-md-6 divleft-top&quot;&gt;
                &lt;p class=&quot;text-CSS&quot;&gt;
                    Solutions for the Asphalt Industry &lt;/p&gt;

        &lt;!-- Slide Three - Set the background image for this slide in the line below --&gt;
        &lt;div class=&quot;carousel-item&quot;
            style=&quot;background-image: url('')&quot;&gt;
            &lt;div class=&quot;col-md-6 divleft-top&quot;&gt;
                &lt;p class=&quot;text-CSS&quot;&gt;
                    Solutions for the Asphalt Industry &lt;/p&gt;
    &lt;a class=&quot;carousel-control-prev&quot; href=&quot;#carouselExampleIndicators&quot; role=&quot;button&quot; data-slide=&quot;prev&quot;&gt;
        &lt;span class=&quot;carousel-control-prev-icon&quot; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
        &lt;span class=&quot;sr-only&quot;&gt;Previous&lt;/span&gt;
    &lt;a class=&quot;carousel-control-next&quot; href=&quot;#carouselExampleIndicators&quot; role=&quot;button&quot; data-slide=&quot;next&quot;&gt;
        &lt;span class=&quot;carousel-control-next-icon&quot; aria-hidden=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
        &lt;span class=&quot;sr-only&quot;&gt;Next&lt;/span&gt;

.carousel-item {
height: 100vh;
min-height: 350px;
background: no-repeat center center scroll;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
//optional css
.text-CSS {
    font-size: 55px;
    color: #003861!important;
    padding-top: 240px;
    padding-left: 110px;

3.67 (3 Votes)
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