bootstrap badge

<span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary">Primary</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary">Secondary</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-success">Success</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-danger">Danger</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-warning">Warning</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Info</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-light">Light</span>
<span class="badge badge-pill badge-dark">Dark</span>

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    &lt;button type=&quot;button&quot; class=&quot;btn btn-primary position-relative&quot;&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;position-absolute top-0 start-100 translate-middle badge rounded-pill bg-danger&quot;&gt;
    &lt;span class=&quot;visually-hidden&quot;&gt;unread messages&lt;/span&gt;

4 (2 Votes)
Lionel Aguero 33605 points

                                    &lt;!-- Badge Example --&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;h2&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;h4&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h4&gt;
&lt;h5&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h5&gt;
&lt;h6&gt;Example heading &lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h6&gt;

&lt;!-- Background colors --&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-primary&quot;&gt;Primary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-secondary&quot;&gt;Secondary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-success&quot;&gt;Success&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-danger&quot;&gt;Danger&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-warning text-dark&quot;&gt;Warning&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-info text-dark&quot;&gt;Info&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-light text-dark&quot;&gt;Light&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge bg-dark&quot;&gt;Dark&lt;/span&gt;

&lt;!-- Pill badges --&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-primary&quot;&gt;Primary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-secondary&quot;&gt;Secondary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-success&quot;&gt;Success&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-danger&quot;&gt;Danger&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-warning text-dark&quot;&gt;Warning&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-info text-dark&quot;&gt;Info&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-light text-dark&quot;&gt;Light&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge rounded-pill bg-dark&quot;&gt;Dark&lt;/span&gt;

4.11 (9 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    &lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-primary&quot;&gt;Primary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-secondary&quot;&gt;Secondary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-success&quot;&gt;Success&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-danger&quot;&gt;Danger&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-warning&quot;&gt;Warning&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-info&quot;&gt;Info&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-light&quot;&gt;Light&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot;&gt;Dark&lt;/span&gt;

3 (2 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    &lt;span class=&quot;label label-default&quot;&gt;Default Label&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;label label-primary&quot;&gt;Primary Label&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;label label-success&quot;&gt;Success Label&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;label label-info&quot;&gt;Info Label&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;label label-warning&quot;&gt;Warning Label&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;label label-danger&quot;&gt;Danger Label&lt;/span&gt;

3.6 (5 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance 
of a badge.
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-primary&quot;&gt;Primary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-secondary&quot;&gt;Secondary&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-success&quot;&gt;Success&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-danger&quot;&gt;Danger&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-warning&quot;&gt;Warning&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-info&quot;&gt;Info&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-light&quot;&gt;Light&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-dark&quot;&gt;Dark&lt;/span&gt;

4.5 (2 Votes)
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bootstrap badge for gmail bootstrap information label create badges bootstrap long label in bootstrap bootstrap 5 badge input input and label bootstrap badge b ootstrap bootstrape 4 badge what can we do by using badge in bootstrap botstrap 5 badge badge info bootstrap top left badge info bootstrap types of badge bootstrap boodstrap badge html badge dot in bootstrap make the badge to the right bootstrap 4 label tag in bootstrap badge bootstrap 4 subtitle bootstrap badge on image bootstrape 5 badge bootstrapee badge bootstrap chrome color badge badge bootstrap orchard badge success bootstrap bootstrap 4 badge small bootstrap warning badge bootstrap span badge color bootstrap badge lg bootstrap badge with more information bootstrap badge for td row bootstrap badges no background color label bootstrap how to make circle badge in bootstrap 4 how to make a rounded badge in bootstrap 4 bootstrap badge badge-success bootstrap label and control responsive on label bootstrap badge bg-success bootstrap class for badge boostrap 5 badge bootstrap label-default bootstrap badge link bootstrap badge message bootstrap 4 badge dots bootstrap badge png badge bootstrape bootstrap badge-soft-success bootstrp badge badge bg-primary badge-primary white color no background bootstrap badge primary is white label how to do a badge with bootstrao what is badge in bootstrap badge badge-info bootstrap white bootsstrap badge badge badge-info custom color badges bootstrap custom badges bootstrap bootstrap 4 labels and text bootstrap badge with button label code in bootstrap bootstrap5 badge html label inside input bootstrap form label boostrap badge circle bootstrap 4.0 badge bootstrap 4.0 badge on icon css bootstrap badge-info bootstrap bootstrap 4 menu with badge bootstrap badge how to show icons bootstrap badge menu bootstrap badge stack how to set badge on div in bootstrap 4 class to create badge in bootstrap 5 bootstrap badge dark 5 bootstrap badge dark badge bootstrap condition bootstrap badge dot why my bootstrap badge is white bootstrap badge pill bootstrap tags badge bootstrap text-label class bootstrap text-label how to create large badge in bootstrap bootstrap badge example center badge bootstrap badge field bootstrap bootstrap horizontal badge bootstrap badge background color badge bg-light change bootstrap badge javascript change bootstrap badge by code change bootstrap badge bootstrap paragraph badge badge class bootstrap bootstrao label bootstrap label and textbox label styling in bootstrap bootstrap label text box boootstrap badge what should be used to indicate badge in bootstrap mcq badge top bootstrap badge bootstrap text Bootstrap 4 badge top right boostap badge botstrap badge input label bootstrap badge rounded bootstrap new badge boostra+p 4 card bootstrap 4 label types label bootsrap class.html badge design in bootstrap 4 label and input bootstrap how to style badge in bootsrap 5 bootstrap dot badge 4.0 bootstrap dot badge bootstrap hot label bootstrap output label bootstrap3 badge badge dot in booststrap bootstrap input badge boostarp badge badge class in bootstrap 5 bootstrap colors badges bootstrap badge radius style bootstart label bootstrap label text badge-light bootstrap badge soft warning bootstrap label boostrap badge bootstrab class badge boostrap how to make a badge form in bootstrap cant see badge in bootstrap boostrap label badge bootstrap badges' bootstrap badge 3 span badge bootstrap 5 bootstrap like badge in css bootstrap like badge badge class bootstrap3 bootstrap span badge bootstra5 badge badge badge-danger badge-sm bootstap 3 badge badge-danger badge-sm bootstap 43 badge badge-danger badge-sm span class= badge badge-success latest bootstrap badge bootstrap text and label bootstrap label and content anchor with badge bootstrap used to indicate badge in bootstrap? bootstrap .control-label badge bootstrap css large badge bootstrap badge bootstrap 4 custom transparent badge bootstrap 4 transparent bootstrap list with badge group badge in bootstrap 5 class=&quot;badge badge-primary&quot; bootstrpa badge bootsap 5 badge make a badge in bootstarp label in bootstrap4 badge badge-pill badge-warning&quot; round badge in bootstrap 4 add label field bootsrap from input tag label bootstrap bootstrap warning label bootstrap badges in css bootstrap label label-info badge not color bootstrap bootstrap badges colors bootstarp label class use bootstrap label to take input peel badge bootstrap bootstrap button as badge bootstrap 4 class=&quot;badge badge-danger&quot; badge bootstrap4 bootstrap 4 tag label bootstrap 4 label tag boostrap label class badge boortstrape bootstrap 4 icon badge how badge bootstrap 4 is bootsrrap label bootstrap green badge bootstrap badge with text wrap bootstrap text badge bootstrap active badge badge bootstrap 4 lagre span class badge bootstrap 4 form label in bootstrap boostra[ badge bootstrap roud badge span class= badge badge-primary giving white bootstrap badge html bootstrap bootstrap change badge font family bootstrap change badge font badge bootstrap 4 listing bootstrap 4 badge color bootstrap badge 4.6 label link label bootstrap line badge in bootstrap 3 bootstrap danger label bootstrap badge on element badge in bootstrap on a span badge with icon bootstrap bootsrap 4.6 badge badge badge-pill bg-success inv-badge in bootstrap badge in bootstrap 5 bootstrap heading badge bootstrap badge code pen label in boostrap bootstrap badge bg-primary bootstrap badge top right bootstrap badge with close button icon badge bootstrap bootstrap div badge display inline badge bootstrap 4 badge danger bottstrap badge className=&quot;badge badge-primary&quot; bootstrap badge in button bostrap label form bostrap label make badge responsive bootstrap bootstarp 4 labels label label danger bootstrap 4 label style in bootstrap bootstrap div labels badge ng bootstrap bootstral form label bind bootstrap class badge color angular bind bootstrap class badge color bootstrap badge color custom bootstrap user badge boostatrap badge classname badge primary bootstrap classname= badge badge-primary badge primary bootstrap how to add a corner badge using bootstrap how to add a corner badge in bootstrap bootstrap badge corner style label bootstrap badge danger in bs4 bootstrap 4 badge pill bootrap badge bootstrap label list badge-primary css bootstrap 4 badge size bootstrap 4 button badge bootstrap badge jquery badge bootstrap 4 subtitlr bootstrap badge button badge badge-dark bootstrap label sub bootstrap labelsub badge-primary colours bootstrap boostrap 4 label inline badge color bootstrap 3 bootstrap new badge circle badge bootstrap label bootstrap class bootstrap badge text color bootstrap label example bootstrap 3.4 badge small label with input bootstrap css bootstrap label badge whiteboard bootstrap badge position bootstrap make bootstrap badge bigger label form css bootstrap label bvootstrapo bootstrap 4 label box use of badges in bootstrap badge in bootstarp add color to bootstrap badge label info bootstrap bootstrap badge primary bootstrap label interface label with input style bootstrap bootstrap 5 badge class bootstrap connected badge with image in bootstrap 5 bostrap badge bootsrap colors badge badge danger bootstrap 3 class badge badge green bootstrap bootsrap inline label input badge-light-primary bootstrap badge small bootstrap bootstarpa badge put bootstrap badge on image boostrap term label top badge bootstrap message badge bootstrap label style bootstrap online badge with thick sign bootstrap bootstrap 4 label like badges badge size in bootstrap 4 bootstrap badge border color label for boothstrap bootstrap online badge boostrap like badge badge shapes in bootstrap label inline bootstrap bootstrap badge success how to make bootstrap badge circle how to set badge color bootsrap 4 classes bootrstap tags label bootstrap v5 badge label bootstrap to show bootstrap badge 5 cards bootstrap badge 5 success badge in green bootstrap badge small bootstrap 5 class=&quot;badge badge-info badge badge-primary bootstrap bootstrsap badge bootstrap format label badge boostrap 5 input label in bootstrap badge dark bootstrap 4 badge bootstrap colors Bootstrap 4 badge with close button badge bootstrap 4 size bootsrap label styles bootstrap label- bootstrap label warning bootstrap badge bg-info bootstrap label with helper bootstrap 4 danger badge bootstrap badge align center bootstrap label with tip bootstrap label with sup bootstrap bigger badge change color badge bootstrap badge css bootstrap cdn badge css bootstrap bootstrap label responsive bootstrap label div label danger bootstrap label styles bootstrap bootstrap badge square badge circle in bootstrap 5 badge circle in bootstrap bootstrap labrl badge success boostrap badge in laravel 7 bootstrap bg primary badge how to add styling to bootstrap badge bootstrap label field inline label with inpu html bootstrap custom badge color bootstrap badges in bootstrap 4.5 small badge bootstrap labels in boostrap beautiful badge on image bootstrap form label bootstrap bootstrap badge new line bootstrap badge line break label form bootstrap bootstrap input label class bootstrap badge bg-outline div label bootstrap link label bootstrap bootstrap 4 featured badge boot strap 4 label boot strap label badge bootstrap images &quot;badge-dot&quot; in bootstrap badge-dot iin bootstrap use badge in bootstrap 5 badge bootsrat[ label input bootstrap badge-light-success bootstrap bootstrap input label classes bootstrapbn label form bootstrapbn label cart badge bootstrap label for form in bootstrap html label bootstrap 4 bootstrap 5 badges html label bootstrap style boostrap 4 labels badge-outline bootstrap icon with badge bootstrap bootstrap 4 label and value bootstrap 4 label value badge in bootstrap4 rounded badge bootstrap round badge bootstrap badge label bootstrap badge bootstrap mdb label in boots bootstrap classes badge badge badge-light- badge red dot css bootstrap DIFFERENT TYPES LABEL BOOTSRATP bootstrap w-label badge-warning bootstrap 3 class=&quot;badge&quot; bootstrap alert badge bootstap badge badge-warning how to keep a badge on a div bootstrap bbsotrap badge badge image bootstrap badged bootstrap className=&quot;badge badge-primary badge badge-warning mdbootstrap badge bootstrap grouped label bootstrap 3 badge color badge primary bootstrap 3 bootstrap 5 special badge buttons bootstap 5 special badge buttons change color of badge word using bootstrap class bootstrap class for label bootstrap inline label text bootstrap label form badges in heading bootstrap bootstrap badge badge-pill with text wrap bootstrap badge tedxt color wrong bootstrap badge tedxt color bootstrap label component bootstrap badge color change bootstrap badge styles bootstrap badge-dark bootstrap 4 badge on checkbox badge with cross bootstrap bootstrap badge-success bootstrap badget badge large boostrap bootstrap input label tag label bootstrap label for bootstrap boostrap 3 badge label inside input bootstrap bootstrap label with css how to add badge in button bootstrap bootstrap icon badge badge block bootstrap badge background color bootstrap badge badge-primary bootstrap &lt;label&gt; badge warning bootstrap &lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-extra&quot;&gt; bootstrap 5 badge smaller bootstrap badge inside a href link bootstrap labels text circle badge bootstrap5 badge badge bootstrap3 badge-dot bootstrap css badge-dot bootstrap badge in bootstrap tab input with label bootstrap badge on icon bootstrap bootstrap label styling bootstrap 4 badge position bootstrap badge class bootstrap label-danger bootstrap inline label and label a with badge bootstrap bootstrap badges small bootstrap badge number class label in bootstrap small label bootstrap bootstrap: labels bootstrap label inline badge color in bootstrap class badge bootstrap5 bootstrap badge badge-primary how to change badge color in bootstrap label tag for parameter in bootstrap boostrap small label bring badge in front bootstrap control-label bootstrap big badge bootstrap bootstrap label for Complete the code below to define a proper Bootstrap badge with primary contextual color (blue background). how to show badge on image in bootstrap label with input bootstrap bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge bootstrap badge css bootstrap 4 badge hover color bootstrap 4 badge style bootstrap card badge badge outline bootstrap bootstrap label call bootstrap class badge how to add badge in bootstrap badge badge bootstrap bootstrap 4 badge danger danger badge bootstrap new badge bootstrap bootstrap badge clours bootstrap badges html badge bootstrap 4.5 label in html bootstrap bootsrap labels bootstrap 4.5.2 badge botstrap label bootstrao3 badge badge bootstrap pink badge colors bootstrap bootstrpa label badge success in bootstrap 3 badge success in bootstrap bootstrap big badge bootstrap label badge make bootstrap badge with css code make bootstrap badge with css badge badge-success color bootstrap circle badge how we can use badge primary class in bootstrap 4 how to use badge in bootstrap bootstrap badge outline bootstap label boostrap badge badge-info bootstrap large badge rounded badge bootstrap 4 bootstrap badge icon bootatrap badge set a different color for bootstrap badges bootstrap with badge badge bootstrap 4.3.1 bootstrap badge custom color boostrap badge colours bootstrap notification count bootstrap 4 label bootstrap field label badge badge-success bootstrap 3 badge badge-success badge on a boottsrap card label title bootstrap bootstrap 4 label format bootstrap badge info badge bootstrap 5 badge bootst bootrsap badge bootstrap label input bootstrap small label badge sercle bootstrap 4 color badge bootstrap 4 color badge bootstrap 4.6 bootstrap label and input bootstrtap label classes bootstrap badge in button top class badge in bootstrap class for labels in bootstrap badge badge-light in normal css badge badge-light css badge in css bootstrap budget btn with badge boostrap 4 status class= badge badge-pill badge-primary round baged bootstrap bugdes in bootstrap label label-primary bootstrap 4 badge badge-pill badge-danger align right badge badge-pill badge-danger&quot; label bootstap tag component bootstrap bootstrap4 badge label bootstrap 3 how to display label and input inline bootstrap badge boostrap 3 tag css bootstrap bootstrap badge badge-pill badge bootstrap badge 25 year old bootstrap badge badge-light bootstrap badge badge-light&quot; label class bootstrap 4 small budget with icons bootstrap 4 small badget with icons boostrap add info near label bootstrap tag new autocomplete_field badge bootstrap haml bootstrap badge pill large bootstrap select badge pill large bootstrap select badge pill larg bootstrap select badge badge colour html badge pbootstrap getbootstrap tags button notification badge bootstrap badge biitstrap bootstrap tags labe&ograve; bootstrap badge html bootstrap simple tag html label-control bootstrap badge badge-soft-success mt-n1 line badge badge-soft-success mt-n1 cool labels html bootstrap keywords badge bootstrap label bootstrap keyword bootstrap badge default pill bootstarp badge bootstrap span header bootstrap text label bootstrap badge pill icon bootstrap 4 label bootstrap 4 round badge bootstrap 3.3 badge class name bootstrap badge class name bootsrap 3 label boostrap button badge boostrap label bootstrap badge small bootstrap icon with badge badges bootstrap 3 badge design bootstrap bootstrap 5 information label badge primary bootstrap 4.6 angularjs bootstrap 4 badges icons badge bootstarp batch class in bootstrap label colors in boostrap bootstrap status label bootstrap tag component show badges labels in bootstrap bootstrap labl label style bootstrao badge color span badge over button boostrap 4 how to create a dropdown with text and coming soon disabled badge in html bootstrap 4 badges larger bootstrap badge notification bootstrap lavel bootstrap 4 pillbadge bootstrap badge round badage bootstrap badge danger bootstrap i class=&quot;badge badge-dot badge-dot-xl badge-success&quot; how to remove badges dot in bootstrap badge badge-dot badge-dot-xl badge-success bootstrap 4 span warning label css how to show badge on button on top right corner in bootstrap 3 bootstrap notification badge example badge status bootstrap badge badge-pill badge-danger badge info bootstrap circle bootstrap 3.3.7 badge danger badge badge success badge bootstrap block accordion with badge bootstrap 4 label css styles bootstrap bootstrap 3 color badge bootstrap color badge bootstrap buttons with badges boostrap budge size bootstrap badger bage bootstrap 4 size bade bootstrap ssuccess badge bootstrap 4 custom badge color bootstrap 4 badge over icon boostrstrap badge bootstrap badges with icons label boostrap 4 how to keep the same count number in a cart iconwhen going to another page bootstrap 4 change label-info color bootstrap tag bootstrap 4 label classes in bootstrap3 badge-pill size decrease in bootstrap 4 bootstrap badge white bootstrap button badge white error ribbon in bootstrap bootstrap default badge color badge failure class bootstrap select badges in html css js select with badges bootstrap bootstrap 5 background color badge badge-primary how to add bootstrap badge at top of h1 tag badge button bootsrap botostrap tags image badges bootstrap example bootstrap 4 circle badge &lt;b style=&quot;float:right&quot;&gt; Total Users &lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-danger&quot;&gt;{{ count($users) }}&lt;/span&gt; &lt;/b&gt; &lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-danger&quot;&gt;{{ count($users) }}&lt;/span&gt; Bootstrap notificaiton bages Bootstrap bage on grid success badge class in css boot strap badge bootstrap 4 badge large image badges bootstrap example badges profile bootstrap example javascript for display badges bootstrap4 badges example profile badges examples profile badge bootstrap 4 profile badge bootstrap bs label Bootstrap notification bage bootstrap 4 badge link html bootstrap span design card view with badge bootstrap hot to add number of items count badge in bootstrap bootstrap new badge trian badge bs3 bootstrap bandage bootstrap label in model label success label design in bootstrap bootstrap batch bootstrap 4 badge-warning bootstrap 3 tag bootstrap 4 bag bootstrap com badges badge count botstra 4 badge-success css bootstrap 4 badge class bootstrap 4 chips bootstrap empty badge badge as bootsrap class bootstrap msg count badge rond bootstrap badge boostrpat count badge bootstrap bootstrap class pill bootstrap 4 bagde boostrap fro label angular bootstrap new badge bootstrap input pill bootstrerap4 badge pills notification icon bootstrap 4 information label in bootstrap bootstrap 4 label? bootstrap 3 batch angular contextual colors badges bootstrap 4 angular bootstrap badges for cards small notification bootstrap 3.3.7 badge-default bootstrap change badge color bootstrap bootstrap span danger class bootstrap bagde badge with close button Label in boostrap 4 button batch bootstrap 4 w3 badge bootsrap label color ng bootrstrap badge badge bg-warning bootstrap badge code label in bootstrap for link badge out of div bootstrap bootstrap card header badge bootstrap badge danger badge badge-danger javascript bage boot strap label color bootstrap red badge bootstrap badege size badges selection bootstrap 4 label as button in bootstrap bootstrap label css boostrap 3 label pill bootsstrap label bootstrap badge in table icon bootstrap badge in table cell bootstrap angular badge bootstrap 3 label with red text bootstrap badge in table add badge to button bootstrap user details page with label class html bootstrap 4 vote badge bootstrap my badge is small bootstrap notifiction badge bootstrap badge next to button badge bootstrap sizes bootstrap lable tag class bootstrap lable class numbers in bootstrap button badge bootstrap circular badge bootstrap javascript badges bootstrap counter badge badge in center classes bootstrap badge in javascript html badge radius bootstrap 3 badges bootstrap 4 badge-success all badge colors bootstrap badge button bootstrap 4 bootstart larger badge bage bootstrap bootstrap bag-notification-wrapper bootstrap lables bootstrap 4 span equivalent button with badge bootstrap tag bootstrap class label bootstrap bootstrap notification icon with badge puch badge to the right of &lt;a&gt; tag boostrap bootstrtap badge boostrap badge small badge bg colors bootstrap bootstrap 4 hint badge small bootstrap 4 hint badge label badge in bootstra 4 badge badge-primary badge-pill align to right badge class in bootstrap bs badge new badge icon bootstrap bootstrap 4 lable bostrap 3 badge span class badge colors bootstrap badge for span label design bootstrap badge-secondary in html badge inhtml badge primary bootstrap 4 bootstrap color label bootstrap label-info boostrap badge label with background bootstrap make square badge in css badge online bootstrap bootstrap size badge bootstra 4 label info label boostrap can we create badges inside buttons in bootstrap bootstrap badge style in css badge badge-success font bootstrap 3 span label badtge html bootstrap 4 balels bootstrap 4 class badge pill button in bootstrap4 badge position change in bootstrap 4 html badge pill custom bages colors bostrap display badge bootstrap 4 display primary indicator html design css pill badge badge class including badge within button in bootstrap span class label label-info make a badge large boostrap bootstrap css badge color bootstrap design label add badge bootstrap to every odd number button with badge in ootstrap 4 badge bootstrp badge icon in bootstrap bootstrap show bacge on button bootstrap lable bar bootstrap span success how to put remove icon in badge pill in bootstarp remove icon in pil badge bootstap how to put remove icon in badge-pill button span bootstrap boostrap4 labels bootstrap badge border radius html ootstrap tags bootstrap 4 badge pill size clickable badge bootstrap &lt;!-- &lt;span class=&quot;badge badge-pill badge-warning&quot;&gt;New&lt;/span&gt;--&gt; badge bootstrap 4.1 bootstrap badges Links bootstrap Badges Contextual variations bootstrap 4.5 bagde smaller bootstrap 4.5 bage smaller badges css bootstrap label color bootstrap badge button bootstrap badge pill at corner bootstrap badge pill bootstrap bootstrap badge style make a span as bootrap badge SPAN BADGE label label-primary size &lt;span class=&quot;label label-warning&quot;&gt; tag in bootstrap bootstrap badge default boostrap 3 labels badge js badge examples &lt;h3&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;dot&quot;&gt;.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h3&gt; how to show badge in dropdown in bootstrap 4 badge badge-success p-1 bootstrap label label break with dots label class in bootstrap 4 bootstrap batches badges in bs4 labels and badges bootstrap 4 how to give span in bootstrap 4 bootsrap badge bootstrap badge with icon bootstrap+badge css bootstrap button badge button with bubble bootstrap Labels bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 badge circle badge badge color label samples html with span and i boostrap badge size badge class bootsrap bootstrap 3 shopping cart with batch bootstrap 3 cart with batch batch in bootstrap 3 badge badge-light biger badge boostrap bootstrap tag style label bootstrap 4 boostrap badge css badge bootstrap bootstrap label classes bootstrap's badges bootstrap css display badge on hover badges boot strap span in bootstrap bootsrap 4 badge boostrap badge fit col row boostrap labels badge orange bootstrap bootstrap round badge bootstrap 3 badge size bootstrap 3 badge small bootstrap 3 label style boostrap 4 badge badget bootstrap bootstrap badge responsive html filter badge bootstrap filter badge bootstrap star badge space badge boostrap boostrap 4 label bootstrap pill badges apply badge to label badge pill badge round bootstrap label color add badge to icon bootstrap how to create label in bootstrap badge bs4 badge in html bootstrap label bootstrap price label bootstrap counter tags bootstrap badge in dropdown bootstrap3 badge counter label css bootstrap 4 label css bootstrap label style bootstrap square badge in html css square badge in html badge-warning bootstrap 4 badge with css soft badge bootstrap badge bootstrap template badges on button badge css bootstrap 4 tags in bootstrap bootstrap badges examples badge styles bootstrap 4 badge colors bootstrap 4 bs4 big badges badge badge-primary badge-pill span badge bootstrap 4 choose size badge bootstrap badge css bootstrap 3 label value template in bootstrap 3 badge button class badge-pill without bootstrap badge-pill css bootstrap badge-pill badge boostrap 4 badge badge-danger bootstrap bootstrap and badge class bootstrap navigation badge btn capsule bootstrap bootstrap clickable title label bootstrap clickable label bootstrap green-light boortstarp label badge on card bootstrap bs4 badge span small bootstrap pill bootstrap bootstrap badge-error bootstrap badge-err0r bootstrap labe; bootstrap badge warning badge large bootstrap 4 span badge bootstrap bages in bootstrap show count in bootstrap class span bootstrap 4 badge bootstrap larger bootstrap 3 green badge bootstrap success label bootstrap green span label classes in bootstrap span example in bootstrap bootstrap badge pill with close button add a badge to a tab heading angular bootstrap add a badgetab heading angular bootstrap bootstrap simple badge without background css code for bootstrap badge css code for bootstrap badges bootstrap class labels bootstrap 4 label label-success bootstrap bage budge in bootstrap bootstrap badge bigger bootstrap badge is to small bootstrap h6 span featured badge css class span bootstrap bootstrap 4.0 badge bedg bootstrap bootstrap span class bootstrap badge count badge lg bootstrap bootstrap how to put the badge on the right side of input bootstrap badge over icon bootstrap label tag bootstrap label yag badges round shape and fits number bootstrap bages bootstrap tag in bootstrap 4 grey badge bootstrap label-danger in bootstrap 4 alert sign css lable badge bootstrap new boostrap used by badges online badge bootstrap bootstrap small labels class for label in bootstrap bootstrap small badge badge warning html example class badge bootstrap labels in bootstrap bootstrap labal color bootstrap class label badge css style label tag bootstrap 4 badge help-info html bootstrap bages bootstrap label green bootstrap badge as button lable css bootstrap badge large bootstrap bootstrap badge size css bootstrap badge online status bootstrap badge-success bootstrap 4 bootstrap badges and labels bootstrap info tag show bootstrap badge on icon bootstrap badge on icon nbootstrap badge on icon bootstrap bubble text badge classes html badge color bootstrap status tags ui css bootstap blinking status tags ui css bootstap bootstrap closable badge bootstrap clickable badge tags bootstrap bootstrap tag list badge bootstrap status payment notification button bootstrap bootstrap new span bootstrap 4 tag bootstrap 3 pill badge bootstrap status display bootstrap 4 circular badge round badges bootstrap bootstrap badge size small badge size bootstrap label class bootstrap span class bootstrap bootstrap bubble bootstrap span danger badge bootstrap badge-primary bootstrap text sub badges bootstrap span class example capsule bootstrap medal - bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 bage ng bootstrap badge bootstrap like bedge bootstrap bedge bootstrap number badge bootstrap for labels bootstrap badges size tags bootstrap 4 tags bootstrap 5 badge bootstrap 3 badges using color codes badges example bootstrap bootstrap label errror badge bootstrap color gx-badge bootstrap cart badge in bootstrap notification badge bootstrap bootstrap 4 cart badge bootstrap 4 badges label badge bootstrap 4 badge-primary color code how to split badge badge-primary in td html label warning bootstrap badge html bootstrap label success bootstrap span css bootstrap number bubble bootstrap badge css code badge bootstrap lg bootstrap batch title number display bootstrap css status label bootstrap tags css span bootstrap 4 style bootstrap label bootstrap badge badge stylish new text badges for html forthebadge bootstrap why we use label class in bootstrap bootstrap badge colors badge in bootstrap bootstrap 4 span class bootstrap 5 label form label success bootstrap label class in bootstrap bootstrap abdge generate bootstrap badges jquery bootstrap pill badge bootstrap add to label badge css number bootstrap for label bootstrap add labels change color of label in bootstrap label large bootstrap badges in bootstrap 4 badge bootstrap class badge message bootstrap bootstrap badge large badge bootstrap 4 resize html5 badges bootstrap label danger css badges bootstrap label design bootstrap 3 label filter span bootstrap label-success bootstrap label bootstrap styles for labels bootstrap title-label success label bootstrap css label style boostrap bootstrap label style bootstrap span css label in bootstrap bootstrap 3 tags badges bootstrap 4 how to give small badge in html bootstrap badge classes bootstrap 4 label classes bootstrap label small badges in bootstrap bootstrap badges together badge-pill bootstrap boostrap tags bootstrap tags badge css badge large bootsrap badges badge class in css bootstrap info label class badge html class badge bootstrap badge label bootstrap 4 batch label tag bootstrap html badge span bootstrap css &lt;span class=&quot;label label-success&quot;&gt; bootstrap label-success html badges bootstrap label class bootstrap 3 label size label styling bootstrap badge boostrap cart count in bootstrap 4 bootstrap light badge bootstrap 4 status bootstrap tag label bootrastrap badgae bootstap badge add new badge to html tags large badges bootrstrap different badges bootstrap bootstrap 4 labels boodstrap badge bootstrap badges and list bootstrap 4 tags obootstrap badge bootstrap pill bootstrap 5 badge css badge html badge css cool label using bootstrap bootstrap 4 label class gold silver and bronze badges bootstrap 4 bootstrap badge color badge size bootstrap 4 icon badge in bootstrap bootstrap badge arrange in spam bootstrap badge bootstrap label background color how to add badge icon in bootstrap 4 span class in bootstrap badge circle bootstrap badge class in bootstrap 4 bootstrap lable bootstrap 3 labels set button in badge bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 badge badge bootstrap badge classes bootstrap bootstrap 3 badge bootstrap bubbles bootstrap badge circle bootstrap notification badge badges bootstrap badge in bootstrap 4 bootstrap badges bootstrap tag increase badge size in bootstrap getbootstrap badge bedge success length in bootstrap 4 classlevel in bootstrap labels bootstrap classes labels bootstrap label in bootstrap label for bootstrap class label bootstrap bootstrap label bootstrap labels bootsrap label
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