flutter show widget with animation

class MyInherited extends InheritedWidget {
  const MyInherited({
    Key key,
    @required Widget child,
  }) : super(key: key, child: child);

  static MyInherited of(BuildContext context) {
    return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<MyInherited>();

  //if you have properties, it should look something like:
  // bool updateShouldNotify(MyInherited old) => old.prop !== new.prop;
  //if you don't: 
  bool updateShouldNotify(MyInherited old) => false;


                                    class _WelcomeScreenState extends State&lt;WelcomeScreen&gt;
  with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  AnimationController controller;
  Animation animation;

  void initState() {
  controller = AnimationController(
  duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
  vsync: this,

  animation = ColorTween(begin: Colors.blueGrey, end: Colors.white)


  controller.addListener(() {
  setState(() {});

3.75 (4 Votes)
Woojoo666 65 points

                                    Transform.rotate(  angle: 1.0,  child: Container(    height: 200.0,    width: 200.0,    color: Colors.pink,  ),),

3.83 (6 Votes)
S. Shaw 120 points

  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
  children: &lt;Widget&gt;[
      height: 50,
      color: Colors.amber[600],
      child: const Center(child: Text('Entry A')),
      height: 50,
      color: Colors.amber[500],
      child: const Center(child: Text('Entry B')),
      height: 50,
      color: Colors.amber[100],
      child: const Center(child: Text('Entry C')),

3 (1 Votes)
Jacob Bond 80 points

                                    //Check this out  

3.88 (8 Votes)
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---- = new List&lt;Widget&gt; in flutter transform widget flutter how to do animations in flutter web flutter animated container fade children of List view how to track the child item of a listview i flutter flutter Add List&lt;Widget&gt; FLUTTER list widget builder animation library in flutter flutter: simple animation inheritedwidget flutter give animation to visibility flutter flutter fade animation rotate widget on tap flutter transform.rotate a widget flutter on tap icon rotation on tap flutter transform.rotate flutter icon on tap how to rotate an icon on tap flutter transition elements in flutter animating elements in flutter how to use text list in flutter rotate an icon flutter on tap how to pace something in the starting of list builder flutter what is transform widget in flutter Inherited Widget flutter example flutter items fade in animation flutter how to define the list with data in flutter how to make the list with data in flutter flutter animate remove widget flutter fade aniimation listbody flutter index animation for flutter app 0 to 1 opacity on widget build flutter animation files for flutter non AnimatedOpacity fade in animation flutter create animation sliver animation flutter flutter fade flutter Get.to fade-in flutter Get.to fadein flutter transform animation with value list of widgets in flutter to list flutter flutter simple list example flutter animation logo flutter build in animations how to remove widget using animation flutter how to add fade in animation in flutter flutter render list learn flutter ui animations list&lt;&gt; 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in flutter example flutter widget internet image widget flutter flutter widget array widget fall out the ui flutter flutter listview properties search with chips widget flutter search widget flutter wrap widget flutter rive animations in flutter list view in flutter flutter if in widget or how to use same widget in differtet file in flutter intellij idea wrap flutter widget common widget flutter flutter widget inspector rotate a widget flutter inside into to box a list flutter flutter text widget flutter widget reload flutter material widget create custom stateful widget flutter create custom statefull widget flutter Flutter translate container flutter list of list animation with flutter example flutter hide widget create widget list without listview text widget flutter linehight text widgetin flutter create programmable animation for flutter create animation for flutter Tween flutter types of animation in flutter Center widgets flutter how to remove and widget in flutter in android studio row widget flutter example animation with flutter how to create a listView in flutter from a given list show flutter widget in html flutter text list how to position widgets in flutter flutter list widget example list of cards flutter center widget flutter flutter list type trnsform in container in flutter make widget at bottom of page flutter multiselect widget flutter has log data source animation in flutter Ui using list in flutter flutter confetti animation how to create on load animation in flutter listbuilder flutter guide how to use animation flutter flutter form widget flutter inherit widget inheritance in flutter animation reload flutter animations for flutter can i transform translatex my text in flutter flutter list profile details display list from online flutter display list flutter ui kit with animations flutter course flutter container rotation container widget flutter extend widget flutter how are animations added in UI flutter create a list in flutter flutter list generate flutter inheritedwidget example flutter add item to a list real time Different types of list view flutter builder widget in flutter flutter no default duration animation inehrited widget mailing list in flutter // return the ListView widget : flutter make a game with animation controllers set static list flutter model set static list flutter flutter making animations user instruction animation in flutter flutter widget list&lt;&gt; 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create an exclusive checklist flutter flutter start animation when widget loads Listview with many elements flutter get widget flutter Animatedd controller flutter can widget inherited in flutter flutter category list flutter nanimaition Flutter widgets list flutter container widget lListView flutter render a list in flutter flutter add to list widget houdini animation flutter flutter listtile widget animated widget flutter flutter animation description flutter animated description setState List&lt;Widget&gt; in flutter startin with animation app with flutter WebView Widget in Flutter display a list of data in flutter follow widget transform flutter follow widget transformer flutter Animation flutter categories form widget flutter define transform center flutter dart animation flutter list widgets flutter animation in flutter code flutter inheritedwidget inherited widget flutter list item flutter flutter transform scale widget flutter transform widget flutter inhereted widget flutter animation types flutter list to widget provider with lists error flutter flutter transform scale return widget list flutter flutter LIST item API flutter check animation flutter rotate widget aniimation in flutter list listitem flutter animation when flutter transform widget in flutter how to create list of widget flutter flutter list anm flutter listview widget list tile and list builder simple animation flutter using flutter animations SizeTransition flutter breaking flutter in listview flutter add to lists in a single list view flutter widget method flutter animation tween flutter simple animation list widget .generate flutter transform.translate flutter Transform in flutter complex listview flutter flutter aniamation after opening fluter animation fluter build list from list tween animation flutter using ..list in flutter flutter web animation flutter web page animation animation effect in flutter listview child flutter flutter transform animation example flutter web animation flutter transform list flutter&lt;w flutter container transform how to gnerate list items in flutter hoe to SHOW list items in list inn flutter hoe to SHOW list items in list inn flutte display list funtion items in flutter display list items in flutter flutter widget animation flutter list widget transform flutter flutter adding flutter list flutter animation ui simples animations flutter simples_animations flutter how to write flutter in listview with widget list data in flutter list influtter flutter animation maker flutter list&lt;widget&gt; flutter generate list view flutter display widget list element List&lt;Widget&gt; flutter using list in class flutter craete list in flutter how to add a list of widgets to listview flutter How to addon a list flutter flutter make a list list &lt;widget&gt; in flutter list widget in flutter List in flutteere class with list objects in listView flutter flutter animataion list with data flutter flutter transform animation SHhop list listview flutter flutter framer motion flutter seeding list flutter animation template how to add list in list flutter detail flutter animation flutter get default animation how to add childeren in listview builder in flutter title in flutter example create list in flutter flutter animation ressource select animation flutter flutter editor list flutter dart animation flutter display list of items flutter create list view create basic list flutter create list flutter how to create a list items flutter listview flutter latest version listview in dart how to use list flutter ListViewItem in flutter flutter perfect animations flutter liustview make a list in flutter static listview in flutter wth images animation on flutter Flutter type NAimated flutter list of items animated refresh flutter List view flutte twin animation flutter flutter arraylist add animation at start of the app in flutter flutter new list listview builder property in flutter flutter lists lists flutter how to make list in flutter flutter website animation flutter list item flutter list example List&lt;List&gt;&gt; flutter flutter listview only on widget flutter ui list sample flutter ui list view sample list in flutter example listitem flutter flutter create list of widgets simple animatiomns flutter set list as a widget flutter animate logo in flutter listvie flutter render list items flutter animate_do both in and out flutter listview flutte list builder in flutter listview in flutter example list builder flutter fluutter list animator flutter List of lists flutter list of widget in flutter animation using flutter listview with boxes flutter how to make animation on fluuer flutter cyclic animatin create listview from widgets flutter create listview from constructor flutter flutter start animation flutter when start animation flutter aniamtion flutter startanimation flutter create animated line how to display items from list in flutter how to assign a list when initiated in flutter how to make a list in flutter list ar flutter animated logo flutter widget flutter list flutter build from list flutter show list of items flutter better animation flutter build list flutter fetch list component listview items flutter flutter build List&lt;Widget&gt; 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