System.FormatException: 'String '09-03-2020' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.'


DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(this.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null);

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Message = "String '07/30/2021 ' was not recognized as a valid DateTime." String was not recognized as a valid DateTime 05:01:51 System.FormatException: 'String '12/06/1964' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' Unhandled exception. System.FormatException: String '95962' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' in list System.FormatException: String 'Mon Jul 19 2021 07:33:50 GMT 0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. 'String '07/21/2021 00:00:00' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' 'String '21/07/2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at System.DateTimeParse.Parse( datetime.parse System.FormatException: 'String '202105251415' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' String '13-07-2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. : 'String '06/28/2021 10:37:00' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' ParseExact Error Exception: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at System.DateTime.Parse(String s) System.FormatException: 'String '4/25/2017' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: String '23/05/2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String '13/08/1940' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: 'String '30/11/2005' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' String '2021-04-28T010:00:00' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String '20/03/2021 13:49:51' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: 'String '19/04/2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException Message=String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. String '20201231' was not recognized as a valid DateTime system formatexception: string was not recognized as a valid datetime c# System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. FormatException: String '' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String '14/03/2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' System.FormatException: 'The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.' FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime C# catch FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. C# handle FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. FormatException: String '2020-12-31T04:00:00.000Z"' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. FormatException: String '2020-12-31T04:00:00.000Z"' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String '30/05/2005' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' 'String '2021-3-1T17:35:4' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."} System.FormatException System.FormatException: String '20201012' was not recognized as a valid DateTime console.log('System.FormatException: The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. c# fill list from datatable string was not recognized as a valid datetime System.FormatException: 'String '' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' Uncaught Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at Function.Error$create [as create] was not recognized as a valid DateTime use 01/01/1900 date in c# show string was not recognized as valid datetime String '18-07-01 00:00:00' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Cannot set data type to DateTime because 'InvoiceDate_' is not recognized as a date. Parameter name: value c# not recognized as a valid datetime c# string not valid datetime 1/18/2021 1:11:30 PM is not a valid dateTime One or more errors occurred. (String '10/6/2020' was not recognized as a valid DateTime String was not recognized as a valid "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. String ' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. c# String ' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. 'String '01/04/2020 10:55' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' string 0 was not recognized as datetime not a valid date time String '2020-10-23' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. System.FormatException: 'String '20200707' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' valid datetime string was not recognized as a valid datetime in mysql String '15/12/2020 11:41:20 AM' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' 27-12-2020 why not valid date time datetime valid error not a date string was not recognized as a valid datetime. c# System.FormatException: 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' valid datetime string format c# datetime.parseexact( dd/mm/yyyy cultureinfo.invariantculture) string not recognize valid datetime string was not recognized as a valid datetime dd/mmm/yyyy c# dd/mm/yyyy string was not recognized as a valid datetime datetime.parse string was not recognized as a valid datetime datetime string was not recognized as a valid string was not recognized as a valid to datetime String '26/01/2021 00:00:00' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Exception: {'date_established': ['Not a valid datetime.']} Convert.ToDateTime() working fine but DateTime.ParseExact() String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. ' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' string was not recognized as a valid datetime mm/dd/yyyy c# list string was not recognized as a valid datetime. expected type is datetime The value '{12/11/2020 12:00:00 AM}' is not valid. datetime String '01-31-2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime .net core String '01-31-2021' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. string was not recognized as a valid datetime.' c# c# string not recognized as a valid datetime dd-mm-yyyy format in c# +string is not as a recognised System.FormatException: 'An error occurred while deserializing the lastupdated property of class MongoDBAPI.Models.Masmoemis: String '19-10-2020 10:27:39' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' ErrorLine:0 String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. tring was not recognized as a valid DateTime. string was not recogni c# valid date time string valid datetime value date String was not recognized as a valid DateTime string was not recognized as a valid datetime. in c# string was not recognized as a valid datetime. String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. solutions with c# Message "String '2021-12-31' was not recognized as a valid DateTime." string convert.todatetime with string with date and time string not recognized as a valid datetime string was not recognized as a valid datetime. in c# C# {"String '\"2020-10-19 13:03:12\"' was not recognized as a valid DateTime."} {"String '\"2020-10-19 13:03:12\"' was not recognized as a valid DateTime."} String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. in web api in the string was not recognized as a valid datetime Unable to parse `2005-10-13Z` as a valid DateTime Object. string was not recognized as a valid datetime.' in c# String '2020/10/13 14:42 PM' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. valid datetime format c# tring was not recognized as a valid DateTime FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. unityu error string was not recognized as a valid datetime String '9/30/2020 2:35:29 PM' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. String '9/30/2020 2:32:21 PM' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. valid string for datetime 2020-09-23T13: 59: 01.0206999+00: 00 is not valid datetime String 'undefined' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. dd/mm/yyyy string was not recognized as a valid datetime c# 2020-09-14 00:00:00 C# not valid datetime string C# valid datetime strings python convert dattime to valid datime string string was not recognized as a valid datetime in c# formatexception string was not recognized as a valid datetime. unity String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. in c# windows application string was not recognized as a valid date time C# string was not recognized as a valid datetime in c# windows application c# String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Additional information: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime c# Unable to parse - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. String '2020-7-18 8:30:0.000' was not recognized as a valid DateTime string was not recognized as a valid datetime c# string is not recognized as a valid datetime String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.' c# String was not recognized as a valid DateTime C# if not valid datetime String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. 19/07/2020 string not recognized as a valid datetime FormatException: String '26/06/2020' was not recognized as a valid DateTime. string was not recognized as a valid datetime. c# long string not recognized as a valid params in rails String was not recognized as a valid DateTime String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. string not recognized as a valid datetime c# String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. denmark string is not a valid datetime c# System.FormatException: 'String '09-03-2020' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.'
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