how to make triangle in css

  border-left: 5px solid transparent;
  border-right: 5px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 5px solid red;

Krish 100200 points

                                    div {
	clip-path: polygon(100% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)

5 (2 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    // css clip
<div id="triangle"></div>

#triangle {
	background-color: #003BDE;
	clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
	width: 100px;
	height: 100px;

3.5 (2 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    .arrow-up {
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-left: 5px solid transparent;
  border-right: 5px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 5px solid black;

.arrow-down {
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-left: 20px solid transparent;
  border-right: 20px solid transparent;
  border-top: 20px solid #f00;

.arrow-right {
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-top: 60px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 60px solid transparent;
  border-left: 60px solid green;

.arrow-left {
  width: 0; 
  height: 0; 
  border-top: 10px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; 
  border-right:10px solid blue; 

4 (4 Votes)
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How do I create a shape in HTML and CSS? background html css of shapes how to add shapes in css how to add a shape in html adding a rectangle in html css css start shape create road shape in css html create road shape in css how to get a polygon with css shap in css HTMl CSS rectabgle css geometric forms large shapes css after shape css rectangle html css change div shape CSS3 Shapes html css rectangleshape cool css polygons create shapes with css hmtl shapes SHAPES FOR CSS.COM css shape background css background shape designs draw shapes in css how to create square in html ractangle css crate traingle in css box shape in css add colored shape css css shapes designs css draw rectangle how to add shapes in html how to create shapesin html how to change a div shape create chape with css on draw shape in background css css oval logo png draw shape css how to make a rectangle in css css background shapes custom shapes html div css styling shapes div draw shape how to style the shape of the 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css html background shapes how to add a rectngle with css how to make squars in html make squar in css working with shapes in css creating shapes with css html how to make a triangle css special shape div how to square box in html Create geometric shapes with html css quad shape css div shapes html css shapes example small shape css html small shape cuts css html how to shape form fields css how to create + shape in css make div end arc shape in css how do i add a square box in css 3 part shape css border-shape css css custom div shape how to shape a box in html html draw shapes css how draw shape draw shape in css how to make a triangle in css draw a triangle on a div css draw a triangle on div css give shapes to div html css square how to make a square block html border shapes css how to create color shape in background css border shapes design css rectangle shape in html css draw different types of shapes in html using css shape html code how to use css to create shapes css and html 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make rectangles in css Square css css how to create custom shape box shape css border different sh creating a square css drawing shapes incss how to make shapes html polygon shape css css polygon border radius shapes in html shape csss how to change div shape in css how to make different shapes using css css shapes create polygon shapes to div div triangle shape css create triangle in css html make square how to make a rectangular box in css change shape of divin html css shapes using css html draw a square insert shapes and drwaings in html css how to create shape with border radius create square css css draw a rectangle pentagon shape with border css online how to set div as shape box shape in html code shape html shape the form css how to add a shape into a div in css how to make a polygon div in css html shape make a shape in css css to create a square how to create shape on border in css advanced css triangle alsa creation geometric form html css how to make geometric form html 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goemtric bootstrap shapes usingf * to make squares css * for a square in css how to make squares in css shapes html create square html css css add shape to div html to load shape from css ovals html how to write square in css how to make shapes with css how to make triangle div in css css transform div shape css make rectangle cool css shapes create shapes in css background shape css css border shapes making a square in css squares css add html shapes html shapes to add how to create shape in css making shapes in css how to make temp shape in css add a square css rectangle box in CSS css for shapes how to create shape on img css background color shape css triangle button css create triangle button css scss shapes how to create Parallelogram Shapes button group in css how to create Parallelogram Shape button group in css how to create diamond shape button groupe in css how to make polygon box in css usual shapes in css unusual shapes in css change div shape css css div polygon how to put create shap css how to make a triangle in html html squares rectangle css border of shapes in css how to shape with div in css how to make shapein html square in html css squares css how to customize shape draw a form 5 sides css make a sqaure in css how to make triangle in html shape css css sqaure example Html How to make Shapes make a rectangle css how to make oval shape in html create shape css generate css shapes css rectangle make a square in html how to make a square in html css css draw shape html create square how to create shapes in html and css different border shapes in css css how to create a square drowing rhombus-shape css html css rectangle sshapes in html5 and css3 css hover shapes customize shape square css making a shape in css making a shape i css how to draw a square in css css draw shapes how to make a rectangle in html and css can we make shapes with html only how to create abstract shapes in html and css css shape create shape with css make custom shapes in html css a square in html draw square html css custom container shape css css polygon shape how to make a square with html css change shape of div html and css create shapes html shapes css add shapes marge circle and rectangle css add shape in html css create a rectangle drawing shapes with css draw geometric shapes css how to draw a shape with css rhombus html code make box in different shape css css create square box draw rectamg;e css triangle in css w3schools draw a rectangle css draw rectangle css how to draw a custom rectangular div css shapes html5 create squares in html creating shapes in html creating a shape and the getting its css creating shape in css how to draw triangle in html css creating shapes in css css geometry how to make shapes in css css shapes css tricks css rectangle box square in html css shapes in css make shape with border css div shape css how to make a triangle shape in css how to a shape using css shaping divs css shape class in html css shapes div css special shapes shapes in html code css ractangle how to make shape css css to make a square how to create a square with css SHAPES css making a rectagle in css create a square box in html Putting shapes using javascript css shapes shape color css shaped color css add a shape in html how to create a shaped background with css for any element shape design css how to make an oval in css rectangle shape div css create background shape css shape in css create shape in css how to make a square in html how to create a shape in css
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