how to make bold text css

.text {
	font-weight: bold;

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    /* Keyword values */
font-weight: bold;

/* Keyword values relative to the parent */
font-weight: bolder;

/* Numeric keyword values */
font-weight: 700; // bold
font-weight: 800;
font-weight: 900;

4.33 (3 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    font weight bold

4.5 (2 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    font-weight: bold;

4 (3 Votes)
Bippy 8155 points

                                    p.normal {
  font-weight: normal;

p.thick {
  font-weight: bold;

p.thicker {
  font-weight: 900;

4.38 (8 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit;

font-weight: 700;

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mettre text en bold css css how to style font to bold make text very bold css css font property bold bold text using css css for making text bold how to bold the paragraph using css css bold font small bold css he CSS property used to make the text bold is bold the text in css very bold text css bold text formating in css css bold different bold text css font bolded css bold text''''''' css bold text'''''' css bold text''''' css bold text'''' css bold text''' css bold text'' css bold text' how to css font bold css text is bold css add bold to text css making font bold change text to bold in css change text bold in css how to give bold in css css text bold property css bold text tag change how bold text is css How do you make the text bold CSS css give text bold how to font bold in css font bold with css very bold font css style set text to bold in css text html bold css css bold css how to change text to bold in css make text bolder in css how to make font style bold in css how do you make a text bold in css How do you make the text bold in css? css tag to make text bold bolder font with css css font bold property make bold font css bold font from css css text bolder how to make add bold property in css how to bold text by css css paragraph bold boldness of text with css how to make boldin css The CSS property used to make the text bold is - * css text boldness how to bold the font using css font bold in cs text style bold in css how to make text more bold in css css style make bold how to make a text remained bold in css bold in css3 how to do font bold in css how to apply different fonts bold in css how to bolden a text using css how to change a text to bold in css] how to make something bold css inline css for bold font bold letter in css how to make bolded in css w3school css bold css bold character text bold property css csss bold html css style bold font bold csss text style bold in css property How to set text bold in css? make bold text in css how ot have bold text css propert text css to bold css bolding text css tex bold how to bold text in css to look like headings how to convert into bold using css how to make a font very bold in css making a font bold in css text css style bold The CSS property used to make the text bold is – howt o make text bold css make certain words bold css css bold works make the text bold in css inline css for bold make the text bold css css for boldtext paragraph tag bold with css how can i bold text in css hot bold text in css font: bold css how do you bold text in css how to get the bold letters in CSS how to change text bold in css bold a word using css css all bold set font bold css how to leeter fornt in bold css set a text bold in css css in html text bold how to text boldin css how to change text style to bold how to bold things using css ccss bold how to make everything bold in css how do i make font bolder in css bold font with css bold text css how to make it bold in css inline css bold text bold css custom how to bold fonts in css css bold letters html css how to bold text bolding in css font style to bold in css bolden text css making bold in css w3schools how to change the boldness of text css how do you make the text bold in css how to make a text bold css font make bold css make text more bolder css how make font bold in css custom bold font css custom font bold css css how bold text how to mmake text bold using css boldd in css create text bold css how to bold font on css bold mfont css how to make font as bold in css hw to bold in css how to put bold css how to make bold text css css how to make bold bold and bolder in css how to give the bold in css how to bold text cs how to make font bold using css howq to make text bold in css ccss text bold how to keep bold for text in css how to make text bold with css bold heading css w3schools text bold css text bold cs bold a font in css csss styel bold bold a font css text bold tag css css in bold style set bold css css how to make all things bold bolded text in css how to give font style bold in css css make font bolder how to use bolder css how to use bolder ccss font bold style css add bold to font in css how do you make text bold css bold text csss what is bold in css how to make the bold in css what is property of css for bold how can i make bold in html and css how to make a text bolder in css what is bold properties in css font boldin css how to make letter bold using css bold text attribute css how to change font bolded in css css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text csss text bold css to make the text bold how to make some words in a paragraph bold css Bold Property in css css set text to bold css bold fonts css p font with bold html style bold css css style bolds how to specify bold in css font style name in css for bold cahnge text to bold using css bold in css text css class bold text making a text bold in css how make text bold in css text as bold in css css command to make text bold how css bold bold in css and bold in html bolder in css how to give bold text in css bold text w3.css bolden text using css set boldness of text css apply css to bold tag css style set text bold css bold property make text very bold in css css text bold$ how to make a text more bold css how to make text bolde in css how to make the text bold css font to be bold css how to set font to bold in css make the font bold in css HOW TO HOW TO MAKE TEXT IN CSS BOLD css change font to bold how do i bold in css css bold text font bolde css bold through css css property text bold font bolder css font-style en css bold text bold in cs css text bold italic css bold* how to make paragraph bold in css w3schools bold css add bold text css bold ith css make text bold in main css css making text bold how to change font in css to bold style make text bold css css text to bold how to bold font css how to make font bolder in css how to change bold in css css use bold text cs style bold css font style bold\ how to set bold property using css css texto bold change font property to bold css inline css to make text bold how to display bold for text using css how to make bold using css css property for bold text text bold i css css code bold css bold text code css content bold text css to bold text how to bold a font in css bold letter css css property for making text bold bold font cssc how to make text more bold css how to bold a in cs What is the CSS term for specifying whether text is bold? how to bold using css css code for making text bold css bold tet give text bold css how to bold word with css $().css bold how to make text bold from css css bold texxt how to change the text to bold in css inline css to make a text bold bold type css style bold in css how to make your text bold in css how to make text bolded in css change text to bold css making text bold using css why is my text bold in css how toun bold the text in css html css set text bold bolded css font-style css bold css font bold how to set bold font css bold in text css css inline bold bold inn css how make a text bold in html using css bold property of css css for making string bold bold text for css The CSS property used to make the text bold is * style to bold text in css how to make a text bold in html css how to bold in csss css to make font bold css code to bold text how to set text in bold in css css font bolder text font bold css setting font to bold in css css word bold css font make bold how to make text bold using css css bolder rules css how to set up bold bold text incss how to bold text in html css how to bold inline css change to bold font css how to make my font bold css bold stype css css property bold to make text bold in css The CSS property used to make the text bold is how to change text boldness in css made bold css css make letter of text bold bold a text in css apply bold to font css how to make more bolder text in css how to bold inn css how to bold in font css css bold or html bold set font to bold css how to make heading bold in css bold css font make css style bold bolding text css font type bold css how to bold is css change font to bold in css css set font bold make things bold in css The CSS property used to make the text bold is: how to make bold css bold csss bold on css how to make the font more bolder in css css for boldd text bolder css make font more bold css set bold in css html text to bold css bolded in css make font bolder css css fonte bold text style bold html css bold cs making text bold by css paragraph bold css code bold text from css how can I use bold charecter in css? how do you make something in css non bold css set bold bold html font css how can I make a text bold by css? bold your text css fonst bold css how to set text as bold in css text boldcss css style font bold change bold font in css adding bold in css font-text bold in css how to make bold letters css css add bold inline css style bold bolder css weight css bold setting Which CSS property will make text bold? how to make a text bold in css css tag to make bold css font-style: bold css to make a text bold how to add bold using css css bold and underlined text bold css html APPLY BOLD CSS make css font bold how to bold text through css how to make bold font bold by css how to add text bold in css bold style in cs bold font types css css add text to bold tag css make a text bold how to make text bolder css how to change font to bold css bold css w3schools code to bold text in css bolden a text css font bold css w3.css bold make font as bold in css bold text in csss how to make text bold on css bold text hcss bold value css bold text inline css html bold text css property bold strong css bold in htm css make any font style also bold css how to do bold in css making bold text css how to make css bold make a text in css bold css command for bold text bold string css css text bold font css code text bold how to bold text in css. text bold property in css how do bold text css css and text bold how to bold a text in style css use bold hot wo bolden a text in css make something bold css text bold in style make a text bold in css html css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text css bold text how to text bold in css how to make a font bold in css which tag is used to bold the text in css bold letters in css bold font using css css font -style bold css font in bold how to bold a text in html css font is bold css css make bold text how to do bold text css w3 text bold css making text bold in css font size weight how to bold the font in css css bold words bolding text in css css text decoration bold how to set text bold in css how to bold text using css text-bold css bold font css? make a font bold css stylesheet bold text making font bold in css text in bold css make text bold using css cssadd bold font css code to make text bold letters bold css how ot make font bold in css how to make bold text in CSS 2020 how to make bold text in CSS bold in css code font weight in php css bold font style font-bold in css bold weight css How do you make the text bold? Select one: a. style:bold; b. font:bold; c. font-weight:bold; make a text bold in css css text-decoration bold how to add weeight to font css css font that is thin set font bold in css how to make it bold on css font text color bold black css bolt text css font declaration text boldness css how to bold text in value font-weight bold css how to use css font weight apply text bold scss example thin font html css font weight bold of /b css add text css make text smaller to fit text underline thickness css font weight tag css always dark mode css how do you make a text bold in the html document bhem css css battle soultion style for bold bold underline text font style italic green lime css css high class use the ________ property to configure bold text using css. erb tag make string bold property to configure bold text using CSS update string make bold one word in html border thickness css bold tag in html font hickness css ceracy bold montserrat bold how to add bold character to text area how to bold a text using css remove bold font css font adjustment css font size cbold text sparkle css bold interpunct bold font atom color font css css extra slim font weight scriptina font bold sbold in css bold ion css css class bold css change bold weight bold in scss How to make the text bold in css how to kaek text bold in csss css thiner font css difference between bold and bolder css color text make text cursive css text weight in css font size bold fat text css bold a text using css bold font css weigh css code for bolding text css for making anything bold css thin font boold style in css nbold css add bold in css font bold style html bold text weight html how to make the text for the whole page bolder css css text bold black how to decoret and bold text in css how to make font size bold in css font-bold css css text weight bold font weight light css css style for bold text font-weight default value how to bold font in css internal style bold inline style bold font width bold css text weight bold css style bold in html how to add bold in style css change font bold font weight example css text-transform bold paragraph text bold css font weight thin css make text strong css how to bold heading in css style = bold css hwo to bold text font property in css how to make fat letters css font styke bold css make css text bold how to make div bold css making texy bold with css w3w font bold lighter text font css bold text font html not bold text html boldness of the font used on a web page css how to set the text bold in css font weight and font size bolder font family html style bold font style bold html code font bold style bold letters css set bold font css font weight inline font style vold css bold fonts in css font weigth css ccs bold text css bol how to make text bold in a paragraph css how to make a font font bold in css font-weight types in css css making somwthign bold text to bold how to bold in html css font weight html tag w3school css3 to make my tagline bold how to bold a css element bold in css html fontweight css ways to make text bold in html css put text in bold font wigt in html css font weight options heading bold font w3schools html css bold bold property css bold text html style proprty bold css inline css bold style text bold font: 12px css have text bold css style css bold css maek text bold text bold and size css bold text bold element css bold style html font bold cs p bold html how to make my fonts look bolder in css fontweight bold how to put font-weight in css bolders text css bold words using css how to make a tetx bold in css font bold in bcss external css for bold css style font-weight font boled css html font thickness CSS style sheet to make something bold lighter version of #3b7fad css fontweightin css fond-bold css css for bold face font style font bold Light text css css font size bold how to make font thin css change font weight in css css font-weight:bold; negrita css w3school make bold using css how to change the thickness of font in css font thickness css css fontweight bold label weight css bold txt css how to make font bold wo to make text bold in css strong font css how to make font bold htlm font of an element in css bold text with css font size and weight css, section font size and weight css make text light css change bold font css how to make text thicker css text : bold; css css line weight decrease font weight css css set bold weight css font weights html weight css how to bold text css black font css text bolde bold text htmkl css how to bold a text in css bold in cs how to increase the font boldness in html font css regular on type make font bold make a feature like making your font bold html how to made a font bold css make bold from css How to add bold text in css bold in html style css put text in bald how to reduce thichness of font in css how to less the text weight in css how to increase font thickness css how to use css to make text bold how to make font boldest in css strong text in css bold text by index css css fotn weight bold to text css how to make s bold in css add bold in css class change font weight css css bolded css font style thin thin text css How do I change the thickness of a font using css remove bold css how to make text bold in css css font bold italic how to show text look like bold in css display text fett css html bold style bold text html css bold bolder css sentence with different font weight fonts html css font weight in inline css text thin css make bold text css css boldness of text bold css styling bol font css html font style for bold css for bols css style for bold css put something in bold css set font as bold css bolder html font bold css css tbold make para text heavier in html font weight inline css part of text bold css how to make a lighter title in css text-style bold how to make font darker in css how to make text strong in css how to bold font using css bold font css and html css a font bold how to make font bold css bold text, css how to thin font in css define bold i css bold style letter strong css font font style in css bold html link wieght extra bold css css font thickness bold css property bold paragraph css bold font tag css style inline bold black add bold to text using css add bold to text css the font attributes css font css style html bold bold in sql html value font type bold css font weight medium how to bold a text css bold font weight css property for bold css how to make lettewr bold -apple-system font css fat text html font weight style html style font weright bold html bolder text bold html font-width: thin make letter bold in css how to add bold css css peropery for making text bod font bold in html style make text bold css make text bold in css file bold font-size bold n css how to remove bold in css font weight bold how to change font thickness in css css text weight css for text font set text font to bold css css attribute for bold how to bold charecter in css ass color how to bold charecter in css how to put font weight in css html font-weight weight css css bolde text css bold tag bold text in html using css css to make text bold how ot make a font bold How do you make the text bold? make very thin text css html text bold css css font property how we do bold in css font height css ont-weight in css style bold text font css property text bold css style Page should consist of an HTML paragraph element with the CSS property font-weight and value 500 text font weight css bold type css text make bold in css how to make download font bold in css css font properties how to bolden text in css css remove bold from text light font css make font lighter css div bold style font weight bold css tag bold css font decoration bold text-decoration: bold css html bold font syntax for bold in css how css bold letter font type css html css font bold extra bold in css font thin css how to decrease font to light in html making text bold with css css make text bolder text waigth css how to set text to bold in css css get text bold bold text through css how to bold css css making fonts bolder set weight font css bold font cc edit bold style css text edit bold css text css make font bold making text bold css text bold html css css light font family text-weight property in html how ot bold in css font weight regular css html bold style css text style bold css css font thickeness font property css making specific words bold in css style - bold how to make links bold in css html text thickness bold fornt in css css font-weight w3schools light font weight CSS attribute "font-weight set font weight html bold text css css fonr-weight css italic css font-color bold bold in html or css css text bold code To specify a font to be bold & italic, use font style value_______ remove font weight css make font bold make font bold in css make text bold in css very bold hatml text color and bold css CSS text font font weight in html font width add bold to text in css html bold css css bold bolder bold css tag less bold font html div font bold make html tag lighter text bold in div css html font bold font wieght bold increase font boldness css bold italic font in css css bnold how to add bold in css how to add bold text on button css text weight css font weight values wiegth css italic text css css bolf font bold syntaz font italic bold css css make bold font bold font in html css text style css italic how to make a font bold in cdd make fonts thick css css text italic bold using css css bold schrift adjust font weight css how to set font weight in css html font is thicker css italic bold text bold css property how to make bold dext css how to make a word bold in css to make bold in css bold text style css p style bold html font-weight="bold" font weights css how to make a text heavy in css bold text style css font size and weight font weight or size change text from bold css how to set the weight of text in html and css fontweight in bold css styling vold letters textdecoration bold css font weight bold bold text in html css how to define font as bold in css how to make bold in css thin text in css how to make font lighter in css make bold css bolt html font how to get bold text in css css for bold how to make my text bold in css how to set bold value in css how to use bold in css how to do bold font in css css how to bold html default font weight css font-bold how to increase bold css html bold font css bold html css make all text bold css html to set font to bold font style bold in scc style="Bold" make text bold css css fonts with low weight css test bold in html increase font-weight in css how to change font weight of label tag in html css how to make font bold header font wieght css css font boldness html font weight how to set text bold weight in html how to set text bold in html style bold html css font-weights bold html style how to make css text bold css make bold bold and italic css w3 bold text css decrease font boldness css add bold css bold property for style css font remove bold different font weight css css how to make text bold p tag font bold bolder html how to make bold font css Font-weight HTML css text font-weight how to bold the text in css css bold attribute css bold inline em css bold inline thin text html font family not bold html tag for normal font weight how to bold none how to set bold in css set it to bold css set bold css heading bolder font weight properties how to add a bold property in css bold styling in css text css bold html css bold text how to add font weight to css text decoration bold in css make font lighter color html make font lighter html css font family bold text font bold using css text boldd css css thinner text text style bold bold type in css bold the font in css make font in bolder css font in bold css inteput text bold in css set font bold css weight size bold font style css bold text in css text in bold in css bolding font css bold incss text decoration bold css text weigt font width css font weiht css css bold tedt bold style how to make p bold in css css font normal nbold thin text color bold css weight font bold how to specify text as thin css bold tetx how to increase the boldness of text in html html how to bold text how to increase the value of bold css format blod alert box font weight values how tO make font bald to <html> css boldness in css how to make text bold in cs textstyle bold css html bold inline css how to make text thicker with css how to bold with css css bold italic javascript bold text css how bold text in css add bold to my font css how to define a font as bold in css thickness font css how to make a certain font be bold tag with cs make text bolder css how to bolder the text in html how to make text bold with css inline bold html text give big font css weight size bold font family css p bond font type not bold texto bold css div text bold How to make something bold in css css code to bolden a text css syntax for bold make something bold in css css font weight very bold how to add bold text to html css strong font font-style bold how to bold text in scss font-weight attributes how to make a bold letter in html how to make the test bolder in css inline html bold font bold all css how to make a font bold css bold line in p tag css how to make font bold in html class apply bold style how to make characters bold in css p element bold incss html span font weight make a bold lleter in css bold usign css font weight bold css font style bold in css bold font in html and css bold elemetn in css bold:true; css increase weight of text bold font html bold text inm css bold word html text bold css3 to make text bold in html css how to make div bold how to change lettertype to bold css boldest css css font bold normal how to add bold attribute in css how to bold text in css bold button in html HTML MAKE FONT BOLD text thickness css font lighter css how to make a paragraph bold in css different font-weight in html HTML type bold css bold part of text how to css bold how to lighten font in css how to write a css to make a bold text css weights how to do bold css css change to boldfont make characters bold in css html which size to use bold make p bold bolding css css style - bold font CSS rules make text appear in a bold face fon bold font family in css css font add thickness bolden text in css how to make the font bold in html make text in bold css fontstyle bold make text bold html normal font weight css html tag for font weght in paragraph how add bold font in css https://wbold css css black fon bold text html make bold text with css implement font normal and weight in css text-decoration bold how to make text bolder and biger by css css class bold font in CSS how do you make the text bold how to make tthhe text bolld css how to make text bolt css bold font, css how to get very bold text html css how to specify bold text in csws Which one of the following will be the correct style of displaying the contents in bold? Select one: a. (font-display: bold) b. (font-style: bold) c. (font: bold) d. (font-weight: bold) make font bold css tags inline style for bold how to set a font to bolder css bold css text bolöd css bold cdd make text bold cs fnot bold css css class for bold letters BBOLD CSS What is the correct way to set text as bold with CSS? add bold font css text decoration bold how to increase the thickness of text in css paragraph bold css how to increase font thickness in css how to make a header bold in css bold item css bold and color css how to change font thickness color bold css css fontweight Changin text to bold in css get letters bold in css make a font bold in css css set text bomd make bold effect css css to make <p> bold bold tag css material text bold html css how to make text lighter in css how to make style text bold with css css style to make text bold how to make the font bold in css html normal font weight tag font-style bold in html html bold font weight how to make text bold in external css font bold html css How do you make the text bold? css styles html bold css rules make text appear in a bold face font bold to in css css normal font weight value' how to make a text little bold in css how to make content bold in css creating bold in css ways to make font thicker in css vbold css font weight html css css bond how to edit paragraph size and boldness in css how to use strong in css p elements bold how to set font boldness in css how make bold in css how to make fontbold in css how to make the text bold in css how to bold the font css html how to thicken text font size bold css text blod css css bold text style make non bold css making <p> bold in css how to make a text box lighter css dark font in css font bold in css css types of bold how to give a font of bold in css w3.css bold type text type bold css css tag for bold text css to make bold bold style to text html 5 how to make very bold css how to get thick text in html css css text strong bold scss a link text bold bold font style html fontbold css how to increase font-weight of text over image in css how to change text weight in css css code bold font css code color bold how to make a bold text in css how to decrease the darkness of font in css how to set bola bold text css how to make the text bold in html css how to change font weight in html How to make a text super bo;d in css css property to make text bold how to stop bold font css decrease the thickness of text css how to make text lighter in your website using html bold paragraph html text strength css width how to make thinner text css how to add font weight in css div text bold html css boldness css make font thicker how to make letters bold in css create bold text css remove the bold in css default font weights css css make text bold html text weight bold words css bold color csss make text bold html css how to get bold text css how to make test bold in css trasnform text to bold with css css text font bold bold text font css set css bold how to thick a text using html how to make a text strong in css how to make text bold in css css make tex bold css bol;d how to make element bold in css bold ttext css how tio make css font bold css strong text html submit value test bold bold im css CSS rules make text appear in a bold face font? css style bolf css how to set bold font bold text decoration css font css bold bold en css embolden letters css what number is normal font weight css bold and bolder css p tag bold css how to adjust font thickness in css how to make text bolder in css font-weight in html how to do the text bold in css text style css bold make the font bold in html css html css text bold css text weight normal font weight css light font weight inline html lighter text weight in html form lighter text in html how to light text in css change font bold in css change font bond in css fontweight in css css font regular font how to make font thicker css reset font weight css css for bold font-weight font bols in css how to apply bold in css display bold text in css how to decrease the thickness of words in css how to make font bold in css how to make bold text inline css font text bold css css bolder font increase default font weight html thin font css bold tag in css font-style bold css bold styling css font weight in css css text type bold change the thickness of bold text javascript change the thickness of bold text css html css make text bold css make text weight css font regular bolding css element font wight css how to make font extraordinary bold in css how to make font big and bold in css font bold html style font bold html css text strong css small text bold bold in css class html a tag font-weight bold with css % bold style fonts css how to write bold text in css bold with css make font weight bold after the space inside text tag in javascript bolder css css font light inline css bold and color text weight css how toset bold font with css css font thin adding font weights css webfont css bold regular font weight html css bold style css color wegit css for font bold make bold by css bold in css for p make p bvold css code for text to make bold in css thickness css font style bold css css attribute for bold text style strong css css style text bold change thickness of text css css code for bold how to bold text in html text-decoration-style bold css txt bold large bold text in html css a tag bold no bold css weight html font weight css how to get font bold in css font-weitght of text inside button html how to make the heading very thin in html change text bold css css bold font weight html style bold in a button change font weight html css make font thin css text weight syntax css text thickness style bold css make text not bold font-weight bold fat fonts css css make something bold increase thickness of font css font style strong css for strong text font bold font weight of label in html lighter font in css font style css bold how to increase the font weight font styl bold class font bold css how to make the text bold remove bold in css define <p> as bold how to bold 3 paragraph in css css change text bold html css bold example html make bold more darker how to use light font in css font-weight normal Which of these CSS rules make text appear in a bold face font? 1 point css style bold bold font style font wight bold css bold in a <p> font family bold how to bold in css bold css text html bold css extra bold text fontweight css to change font weight in a div negrita css property text-weight css font style bold changing text to bold in css boldness css css for bold content font-weight how blod text in css <style> font bold tag bold in css style how to make word bold in css display bold in css font weight font size bold in css how to make bold fonts in css how to a make a sentence bold in internal css style bold css css font width bald font css bold inline css html bold in html css html bold text how to make text really bold css bolded words in css make letters bold css font-weight in css how to style half text in button css css max bold css wrap text html with css font css text decoration css font-style bold how to make text bold in html css make text bold with css set text to bold css bold in css bold font in css how to make text bold in css tag All p tags bold in CSS inline bold css how to change boldness of text in css css to bold css tect bold make font bold in html with css inline css for bold text css bold] Which of these CSS rules make text appear in a bold face font? .bold in css strong font style css text bold in css change font to bold css font family of bold html font bold style css how to embolden text in css make a text bold css blod text css make font bold with css bols css tag tag font bold css css how to make p bold make font bold css css for text bold bold a text css css font strong css change font thickness bold css style css how to make a heavier font css font stile bold add weight to font css how to make bold html css css for bold text css font pr css font style bold how to bold text css css bold class css html font bold how to make text bold html css css p bold text to be bold in css bold text css\ css text style bold css bold font css font-weight scss bold css set text bold bold font css how to change font weight in css font regular css blod css font wieght css bold text css set text bold css css text bold css not bold font-weight css font bold css css <bold> text bold css css texxt bold css font weight css font bold how to make text bold css bold css css font weigth css bold html make size bold css font family bold css fonts bold css bold text
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