unity get key down

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            print("space key was pressed");

Yike Lu 95 points

                                    // If Key Is Held Down

// If Key Is Held Down With if Statement
if (Input.GetKey("Key"))
    // Whatever is in this will get called when "Key" is held down

// Example 
if (Input.GetKey("left shift"))
    RunBool = true;
    WalkBool = false;

4.33 (3 Votes)
Vladislav 100 points

                                        void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
            print("space key was pressed");

4 (6 Votes)
Christie 95 points

                                    // KeyCode.Space : The key you press
// GetKeyDown : Is true once, when the key is pressed 
// If you want it to be true WHILE the key is pressed, try GetKey() instead
	// Do something

4.4 (5 Votes)
Spettekaka 90 points

                                    using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
            print("space key was pressed");


	//do somthing

4.2 (10 Votes)
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holdkeydown unity c# unity keyboard input Input.Getkey w unity check keypress what is hold key down in unity how to get while a button is held down unity input.getkey c# unity hold down button unity void when press r get when W is pressed unity get input keys unity unity do something while holding key press in unity key get pressed unity utity get space fdown unity input on key press keyboard input unity if this key or this key is pressed do this in unity if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)||(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) unity input keycode unity c# on key click det key down unity get key down k checking specific keys unity param keyinput unity 2019 unity how press a key GetInput.keydown GetKey() unity input.get key down for holding down key unity up key unity c# key press unity c# key how to make a key in unity onkeypressed unity right arrow key in unity right arrow keyin unity how to have something happen on hold key unity how to Input .GetKeyDown(KeyCode. in c# unity get key down not working getkey or get keydown unity Input.nokey unity unity check if space is donw unity check keyboard press c# unity detect key down unity input getkey unity script keyboard input KeyPressed unity route('api.get_datetime', ['plant_id'=> $plant->getKey()]) get key down input unity when key is hel down unity right arrow unity how to check key press un c# unity unity get key down w how to make sure you cant hold a key c# unity unity follow path if input.getkeycode unity follow path if Input.GetKey(KeyCode) onkeydown c# unity Input GetKeyDown "s +d" unity get key code unity input code to arrow keys if getkeydown() unity if left key unity input getkez how to get key press unity get key down unityç unity get the keyboard what to use instead of getkey in c sharp unity input on button down how to use arrow keys getkeydown how to get key presses unity unity input get key down a unity check if key held down handler key unity detect a pressed key unity while key is pressed unity unity how to check for keyboard input unity get key hold how long someone is holding a key in unity unity get key from value nity get key down unity docs keycode Key press C# unity keydown spacebar unity get the key pressed unity all key input unity INPUT.GETKEY left arrow unity if pressed key how to check if player is holding a key down in unity unity c# keycode getkey in unity how to get key pressed unity unity keycode isKeyDown android unity How to make keydown command in unity C# unity get button down if(getkeydown) unity unity keyboard input codes get begin of key unity unity get up down input unity getkeydown keycode How to check key down from input manager unity c# if (Input.GetKeyDown) c# if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) C# if(getkeydown) Input.GetKey("Space") if jey pressed # unity unity spacebar input unity how to call function when key is held down and stop when key is not held down How to hold key down unity unity get input from keyboard and establish what key is unity get input from keyboard without specific unity print keycode if key is held down unity detect pressed key in unity input getkeydown unity how to get key input in unity c# unity detect button input input getkey how to use unity right arrow key on keypressed unity unity if input getkey get keyboard input unity unity input keycode.one unity input codes unity key pressed input press keyboard key c# unity3d press keyboard key c# unity press key script unity unity key press by script Input.GetButtonDown("Space"); unity getkey GetButton not detecting keypress if input.getkeydown unity docs player input keydown detect space button in unity how to see if the space key is being pressed unity unity getbuttondown keycode Input get key down unity Input get key downunity unity docs getkeydown enter unity docs getkeydown keycode up unity get arrow key unity unit how to check press on up key Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) unity nput.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) unity input.getkeydown up and getkey all the same keybord press unity input.getkey spacebar unity c# get key check keybaoard press unity unity what is space butten unity get button imput onkeypress unity unity input left arrow how to get a keypress in unity 2d how to make a input happen unity KeyCode.LeftArrow unity2d key codes unity space key check input unity on key downunity input.GetKyDown unity access input key unity getkey space unity if space is pressed Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I) unity het a key down keycode for spacebar unity unity get w down unity 2d on key press space unity get arrow key input unity get all keys down unity get keyboard down key unity read keys unity how to get which key was pressed Input.getKey get key down c# unity get input key value unity if input.getkey unity in key unity press key how to check for user key input in unity input unity key is down unity left control Input.GetKey unity test if key down input.getkeydown(keycode.space or ) input for space unity if a key is pressed unity if Input unity unity detect keypress unity get key held down unity c# keyboard inp get key held unity check keyboard down unity how to read for a key in c# unity (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) if a key clicked unity if input getkey and keytomoveforward unity input keys input.getkeydown keys Input.getkey keynames unity get key arrow keys get key c# unity if control unity if a key is pressed getkey unity unity keyboard input keys on space press unity function to detect press key unity how to read a key in Unity visual Studios when pressed space bar unity how to test for space pressed in unity unity getkey leftarrow HOW TO DETECT KEYPRESS IN UNITY unity down get key unity get down key unity getkey A input button pressed e unity Input.GetKeyDown (s) unity on keyboard press keycode down unity unity getkey keycode axe unity input keycode by name how to check for key pressed in unity get key down unity input get button arrow keys unity get button press how to see if space button pressed unity unity input get button down Input key unity C# get key down unity key input+ unity input get key how to get the key inputs that the player is pressing in unity how to get a keyboard button imput in unity unity get keys input key unity get all key down unity get keypress input getkey space unity apply key input getkey unity input get key unity unity input.get key unity parameter input key unity keyname space ZUnity key input Unity all key inputs how to get a key input in unity getkeydown keyboard input unity use e input unity Input.GetKey() function unity unity key is pressed keyboard press unity onkeyboardpress unity test for a key unity unity get input key space unity get keystroke how to get keyboard input in unity key input unity how to get key input how to check for keypress unity space unity keys unity input space getkeycode unity input get key down unity read keyboard input.getbutton keycode input getkey spacebar if (input.getkeydown(keycode.space)) unity key inpupt w key unity reference if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) unity input keyboard under key pressed unity example input.getkeydown(keycode.space) get input of space unity unity get pressed key unity inputgetkey keyboard keys unity unity input get button down E key input in unity input.getkeycode getbuttondown keycode is pressed unity unity c# key input unity input.keydown direct what is the key input for the spacebar for unity unirty get key code get key down w keydown unity input.getbuttondown(w) unity get name of key down if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) unity keypressed input keys unity Getkeydown() is keypress pressed in unity c# get keyboard unity how to detect keypress in c# unity how to detect keyboard action in unity unity if key is pressed if keycode unity if (Input.GetButton(KeyCode.V)) hold down key unity input.getkey unity input.getkeydown(keycode.W) unity keycode for w unity how to get keyboard input how to get a key press c# unity unity a.GetKeyCode unity input c# unity inpu c# input key button down unity imput string list unity get key hold -site:pinterest.* key is pressed unity how to get keypress in unity c# how to compare the key pressed to a string in unity get the key pressed in unity get key unity when key pressed keycode input unity unity c# input.getkey keycode get key code down unity input key codes input key jaga or kaise use kar sakte hain how do you get a key in unity if input get key down show button html if input get key down show button c# input.getkey space input.getkey keycodes documentation input.getkey documentation Get pressed keys c# unity find key down key c# unity GetKey Down KeyCode c# unity spacebar keycode unity how to take keyboard input in unity how to get key inputs untiy get space input unity get input unity key unity getting key press detection unity Input.getkey pressed unity Input.getkeypressed unity input key still down unity input key press input getkeydown unity detect special key down getkey space unity get pressed key unity unity get key down space getkeydown function All input.getkey values unity c script key press e unity c# key press unity c# input in if unity input get keycode unity uparrow key unity key.down unity unity if space pressed onkey press unity unity button down getkey unity space unity input getkeydown c# getkey get keycode unity input.space bar unity unity 3d press space c# not call input.getkey if pressing on button unity gwt key unity key held down unity documentation how to return what key was pressed unity how to read a key input unity get key arrow keys unity unity check for input key key down unity unity input getkey up unity Input.getbuttondown unity space key input how to detect key presses in unity How to get key unity detect key unity input w unity unity check key press how to deteact when i press space barr unity unity Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && bool unity Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) error unity getket how to detect keydown in unity unity input up unity get space bar unity get spaceba keydown unity c# key event unity c# Input.GetKey(KeyCode ) input get button down space c# check for specific key press unity unity input s key unity get input space unity arrow names cool down input getkey C# unity unity input.getkey space unity key get down how to detect any press of a key unity detect m1 press unity GetKeyRaw unity unity key pess et keydown unity how to detecta key press in unity geet key down unityt how to do input get key unity unity c# getkeydown unity input.getbuttondown keycode unity c# keypress key button unity c# unity check for keydown how to get key in unity unity keyboard input keycode vs keydown unity getkey down unity update unity c# key pressed void onkeypresse unity unity if get key down unity how to check for spacebar is pressed unity if down key unity if press key how to check if space is pressed in unity get button down unity how to use an if key in unity input. get key left control if get key down space unity unity 2d getkey unity c# if key pressed get key n in unity get key n unity unity space key down how to check for key input unity unity getketydown key check in unity Unity press space Unity pressing space unity get key down f how to look for keydown unity how to detect keyboard input unity unity get keyboard input Key imput in unity how to use input.getkey unity press key unity key detection unity button press key unity unity tutorial detect key press unity imput w unity input w unity detect keydown unity GetKey(KeyCode how to listen for keypress unity unity input spacebar unity detect key pressed unity input keydown space input unity onkeydown unity unity input key c# how to get key input unity getkey control keydown unity syntax c# how to accept keyboard input in unity how to select forward keyin unity input keycode unity unity get key presses input key press unity c# input.getkey without unity engine detect keypresses on unity unity input getkey space how to detect a key press unity on keyboard click c# unity unity input key i down w input unity how to detect a key press in unity Unity listen to input key pressed unity javascript how to detect key input unity unity input.getkey example how to capture keyboard input in unity test for key presses unity take in key input unity unity get keypressed input getkey unity c# < key unity unity key input command how to reference key down in unity key clicks unity unity input input spacebar getkey unity manual check if space key pressed unity get key spacebar unity unity space kep input unity when click on key keydown return c# unity unity get keyboard input c# unity keys get key in unity if player press key unity unity onkeypress unity docs Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) unity get keyboard input R key unity how to get button press unity on space press space bar pressed unity getkey unity c# spacebar unity if pressing 1 unity how to make unity do something when i press a key detect spacebar press unity input unity space on key press unity unity script get key pressed key input unity help check for keypress unity www.Input.Getkeypress("Space"); in unity keypress in unity press key in unity getting the key in unity return key unity unity get what key is pressed keys unity unity getbutton keycode unity space button unity check if space pressed simple key input unity 2d input . getkey all the keys how to turn off an input.getkeydown on key pressed unity unity input.getkey getkeypressed unity untiy listen for key press unity keydown unity key unity how to detect if the space pressed input getkey space unity input get key space unity unity if keyboard pressed c# unity key press hwo to use keys in unity unity getkeypressed getkeydown get space pressed unity unity get key input unity getkey pressed detect key presses in unity key press unity GetKey input space button unity get space down unity unity key input how to get key input in unity input.getkey return if keyboard pressed c# unity how to get player press keyboard button in unity input.keydown unity how to detect keypresses unity getbuttondown keycode unity detect key presses in uniyt key presses in unity how to check is user is pressing space unity c# how to check is user is pressing space unity input.getkeydown whhen spacebar pressed unity detect key press unity what keyboard button pressed C# unity getkey c# how to use unity get w key press unity get key press unity on key unity get key unity get key w input.getkeydddown how to call space key in get input unity unity detect keyboard if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode(o))){ unity input.getkeydown space check if input is on un unity getkeydown unity c# for W use spacebar in unity when key is pressed unity input key pressed unity input keys on unity3d keydown unity w input get key w get keydown unity how to get key inpit in unity unity key held down unity check input c# keyboard input unity get keyboard pressed unity unity space input input GET KEY DOWN KEY CODE unity press key run code unity c# is key pressed unity c# unity how to get key down if key pressed unity unity if keydown check key presses unity GET KEY DOWN QUE ES UNITY key down unity check for keyboard button click unity GetKeyPress unity html input get key down unity listen for keypress unity new input get key value unity key down getkeydown C# get key unity check for key press unity detect keypress unity unity input is key down unity is key down check keypress unity get keypresses unity get space key unity c# input.getkeydown input.getkeydown unity unity key dowb get key down key code unity input.keycode get key space unity unity get key down unity check the input how to get key down in unity unity docs keypress get key pressed unity unity input get key down Input.getkeypressed unity key pressed unity get jey down unity if key down unity unity if pressing key how to get a key press in Unity C# how to get input key donw left unity unity key press unity get keydown unity detect keyboard input unity get key dozn keypress unity unity key pressed if get key down unity unity input key down get key input in unity how to listen for a key press in unity] get key down unity unity detect key press unity get input key unity on key down unity imput space Detect when key is pushed unity space key c# unity input.getkeydown c# input unity keypress unity input keyboard key unity get key pressed unity if key pressed unity getkeydown getkeydown unity unity on key press how to get key pressed in unity unity keypress unity input.getkeydown unity key detection
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