static c#

In C#, static means something which cannot be instantiated. You cannot create an object of a static class and cannot access static members using an object. C# classes, variables, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors can be defined as static using the static modifier keyword.

Lupa 105 points

                                    class SimpleClass
    // Static variable that must be initialized at run time.
    static readonly long baseline;

    // Static constructor is called at most one time, before any
    // instance constructor is invoked or member is accessed.
    static SimpleClass()
        baseline = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

3 (3 Votes)

                                    In general, static means “associated with the class, not an instance”.
// Search c# static review for more detail

3.75 (8 Votes)

                                    public static string saytest = "test";

private static void Main()

4 (4 Votes)
S. Thornton 120 points

                                    (static) >> means that the method belongs to the Program class 
			and not an 'object' of the Program class.

4 (4 Votes)
Java Drinker 105 points

                                    // The using static directive designates a type whose static 
// members and nested types you can access without specifying a type name.
using System;
using static System.Math;

public class Circle
   public Circle(double radius) 
      Radius = radius;
   public double Radius { get; set; }
   public double Diameter 
      get { return 2 * Radius; }
   public double Circumference 
      get { return 2 * Radius * PI; }
      // otherwise if not using static "get { return 2 * Radius * Math.PI; }"
   public double Area 
      get { return PI * Pow(Radius, 2); }
     // otherwise if not using static "get { return Math.PI * Math.Pow(Radius, 2); }"

4 (9 Votes)
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Is constructure used in static class in c# c# static property in a class how to static variable in c# how to use a static method c# what is a static function inside a method in c# what is a static class C# static using c# c# public static string variable what are static constructors in c# how to call static constructor in c# learning static in c# what is static class in c# with example when is static class constructor called c# c# use static class what is a static string c# c# static in function static new C# c# this static why use static method in c# what is static method c# what does static really mean c# c# main static whats the purpose of static in C# when should something be static c# what is static constructor in c# with example using static in c# c# static classes static java in c# what is static constructor in c# c# static using static constructors in c# do static classes have constructors c# static c# explained static string[] c# what does static in a function do in c# what does static function mean in c# c# when to use static methods static in class c# does static class have constructor in c# example of static constructor in c# why we use static class in c# public static string method c# static string method c# c# class static use this in static c# c# using static what does static keyword mean c# can constructor be static in c# What are static methods and properties? c# use static class c# what the static mean c# static methods, C# c# what does static do static keyword in c sharp when to use static class c# what does static do c# c# constructor static class c# what is static how to use static in c# what is a static variable in c# what is a static variable c# what does static do in c# static keyword use in c# how to declare static method in c# c# when use static methods what is Static Class with example in c# c# why do we use static when declaring a method declare static function c# static meaning c# what does static float mean in c# C# can a class be static int static in c# add static method to class c# c# access modifiers not allowed static constructors c# static constructor in static class C# return static class as instance c# static function refer windows static keyword in c# using static fnuntion in C# public static function in C# what are static functions c# whats static c# c# static method when static classes .net what is static class in c# c# class can only contain static declarations. c# create static object class as a static member of this class c# class as its static member c#. static methods and classes in c# static c# C# static methods static class can implement interface c# c# abstract class static create methode c# new static c# public static class static variable C# c# this. static method initializing a static class in c# when should a method be static c# get method form static class c# creating a static class in c# disadvantage of static in c# c# create static class with method to run on startup c# this on static classes c# why static lcas is system running time using a static class in c# static and dynamic C# how to instantiate static classes c# how to declare static int variable in c# what does a static methods do c# static concept c# creating a static variable for an object c# static function c# class static function c# class asp/net how t use a static method c# c# do static collections get initialised every isntance of class declaring static collection c# runtime declaring static c# runtime how to make a static class in a constructor initiate static class c# what is a static class dotnet static class C# static methods in classes .net static class constructor static interface c# c# call static while constructor c# static class initialization value c# static constructor initialization set value static instance field c# set static c# public static class initialization static contructor static ckass set value on static class static public in c# static method c# instantiate c# call properties from static funtion c# init static class static field c# class variables of a static clas C# c# how to reference a static class can a struct use non static members c# internal static method internal static how to use c# static definition c# c# hot to create a static class with a configuration constructor? 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The this keyword can be used inside of static class members. C# The this keyword can be used inside of static class members reference static method in non static class c# Static class members exist without any object instantiation c# when to make a static method c# static class instance static constants c# explain static C# what does a static method do c# public and static in C# non static c# non static member C# declare a static class in c# c# static keyword static function in c sharp static variable in non static class c# c# public static function static constructor in static class c# how to access static int in C# c# static jelentése why we use static c# c# return member variable in static method initialize object member in static constructor c# static class with constractor net core static class with constants c# how to use static c# static class constructor static class in .net core How to change a static string to noramal in c# c# static data how to call static constructor in static class c# static function c# meaning public static function c# what is a static class in c# class public static variable c# calling static methods c# using static methods c# public static classes with constructors what does static mean in c# static class constructor parameters c# static ctor purpose of static constructor in c# c# static classes and values c# why static property c# public static variable static variable c# c# static using console what is static c# c# declare class variable as static static properties c# static c3 how do i call a static method from another class c# what does it mean to statically import a namespace can a static class have non-static members public class with static methods c# static class and static method in c# static function in class c# C# method type static c# static definition c# static meaing c# what are static methods c# struct static constructor c# static method variables static c# method How to instantiate a static object C# public static class c# c# function static what is static class or static method in c# static c# object variable accessing static methods in c# c# what is static create static method c# static classes and members program in c# static mehtod C# C# access static field in constructor static method access instance variable c# how to initialize a static class in c# static constructor take static field how to call constructor of static class in c# static class can have constructor in c# static class with properties and methods in c# private static void c# using static system.console call static method c# static class c# new and static c# as new with static static constructor for static class c# C# classes in static methods c# resolve static assign value from non static method static method and class in c# static c# simplified what is a static method in c# call a class in static void main c# public static in c# how to make a class in console be static private static int C# csharp static constructor static method can access only static variables c# class static c# c# static class used what is a static function in c# what static means in c# c# static calss how to create a static constructor in c# public static meaning in c# guidelines for static class c# meaning of static classes and methods in c# staatic method in c sharp static meaning in c# static constructor c# public static string function static constructor in c# how to call static method of a class in c# visual studio static functions saving to a static variable in c# static methods c# static c sharp making a static field c# Debug' is a type not a namespace. Consider a 'using static' directive instead what is static used for in C# static import in c# c# static variable in class C# - Non Static Class, Methods, Constructors, Fields C# puyblic static "=>" C# puyblic static => C# how to use static c# static field c# static namespace static fields of c# classes using static static void c# static class can have non static member in c# c# class static method C# static string => static function c# get class that called static method c# c# what static means what is public static string in c# how to make static class c# static classes in C# return static class c# c# accessing class static variable static directive c# static init c# C# wat is a static method static, private and parameterized constructor execution order c# get static method from constructor c# static method meaning c# c# static method example C# use static class inside static class static constructor c# cannot find static type c# what does it mean with static c# static class in c# static constructor c# net core static class constructor c# c# can a static class have a constructor can you create a variable in a static class in c# c# static methode c# static constructors what is static methods in c# c# private static variable c# what is a static method static method void c# how to reference obejcts from static class c# ways of invoking static members c# c sharp static c# static method static classes c# static class with constructor c# c# static initializion block c# static class state C# static c# static member variable .net static function c# static constructor class with static members c# what is static in with example c# static class constructor what is the use of static method in core c# call static method c# static simple static using statement c# c# static {} public static string c# access static member of class c# create object in static class c# create static string c# c sharp static method when to use static methods c# static class vs static method c# static function in c# what is a static method c# make a method static c# how to call static method in c# static method c# meaning of static c# c# instance of static class static c# meaning c# access static variable from same clas static method c# meaning c# static import enum c# what is static method define and call static class method c# public static int c# C# what is static? c# static function C# "using static" referenced method not found what is static method in c# static void c# example C# create static string not main C# create static string C# createstatic string c# using static class when to use static class in c# c# public vs static c# static class set static class membersv c# static method in c# static in c# what does static c# c# what does static mean C# convert data to static class meaning of static in c# static field in non static class c# what does static mean c# what does statoic mean c# c# static string what is static in C# c# static meaning c# public static string
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