octokit oauth2

public class HomeController : Controller
    // TODO: Replace the following values with the values from your application registration. Register an
    // application at https://github.com/settings/applications/new to get these values.
    const string clientId = "106002c37f27482617fb";
    private const string clientSecret = "66d5263cadd3bfe056dd46147154ba1eb2fe60b8";
    readonly GitHubClient client =
        new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("Haack-GitHub-Oauth-Demo"), new Uri("https://github.com/"));

    // This URL uses the GitHub API to get a list of the current user's
    // repositories which include public and private repositories.
    public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
        var accessToken = Session["OAuthToken"] as string;
        if (accessToken != null)
            // This allows the client to make requests to the GitHub API on the user's behalf
            // without ever having the user's OAuth credentials.
            client.Credentials = new Credentials(accessToken);

            // The following requests retrieves all of the user's repositories and
            // requires that the user be logged in to work.
            var repositories = await client.Repository.GetAllForCurrent();
            var model = new IndexViewModel(repositories);

            return View(model);
        catch (AuthorizationException)
            // Either the accessToken is null or it's invalid. This redirects
            // to the GitHub OAuth login page. That page will redirect back to the
            // Authorize action.
            return Redirect(GetOauthLoginUrl());

    // This is the Callback URL that the GitHub OAuth Login page will redirect back to.
    public async Task<ActionResult> Authorize(string code, string state)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
            var expectedState = Session["CSRF:State"] as string;
            if (state != expectedState) throw new InvalidOperationException("SECURITY FAIL!");
            Session["CSRF:State"] = null;

            var token = await client.Oauth.CreateAccessToken(
                new OauthTokenRequest(clientId, clientSecret, code)
                    RedirectUri = new Uri("http://localhost:58292/home/authorize")
            Session["OAuthToken"] = token.AccessToken;

        return RedirectToAction("Index");

    private string GetOauthLoginUrl()
        string csrf = Membership.GeneratePassword(24, 1);
        Session["CSRF:State"] = csrf;

        // 1. Redirect users to request GitHub access
        var request = new OauthLoginRequest(clientId)
            Scopes = {"user", "notifications"},
            State = csrf
        var oauthLoginUrl = client.Oauth.GetGitHubLoginUrl(request);
        return oauthLoginUrl.ToString();

    public async Task<ActionResult> Emojis()
        var emojis = await client.Miscellaneous.GetEmojis();

        return View(emojis);

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