c# ternary

/* In C#, if condition is true, the first expression is evaluated and becomes 
   the result; if false, the second expression is evaluated and becomes 
   the result. */
// The syntax of ternary operator is:
Condition ? Expression1 : Expression2;

// Here is a simple example:
string color = "blue";
string result = (color == "blue") ? "blue" : "NOT blue";

// Here is a really good diagram of the ternary operator:
// https://www.codebuns.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ternary-operator.png

// The normal if else statment is the same as the ternary operator.
// If else statement:
if (number % 2 == 0)
	isEven = true;
	isEven = false;
// Ternary operator:
isEven = (number % 2 == 0) ? true : false ;

// Another example use of the ternary operator:
class Ternary
	public static void Main(string[] args)
		int number = 2;
		bool isEven;

		isEven = (number % 2 == 0) ? true : false ;  
} // OUTPUT: True

Coop 115 points

                                    condition ? consequent : alternative

3.86 (7 Votes)
Madhav 85 points

                                    condition ? consequent : alternative

3.89 (9 Votes)
David Watts 110 points

                                    is this condition true ? yes : no

3.75 (4 Votes)
Paolo V 90 points

                                    (condition ? [true value] : [false value])

int x = a ? b : c;

5 (1 Votes)

// ---------------- Syntax of Ternary Operators ----------------- //

string stateOfMatter;
int temperature = 23;

// ---- For just one condition ---- //
stateOfMatter = temperature < 0 ? "Solid": "Liquid";
// If temperature is below zero, then stateOfMatter is solid, otherwise
// it will be liquid
// ---- For more conditions ---- //
stateOfMatter = temperature < 0 ? "Solid" : (temperature > 100 ? "Gas" : "Liquid");

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c# inline if else statement inline if else in c# c# ternary operator as statement how check variable using ternary operator c# c# inline if eles using ternary operator c# c# inline if method c# string ternary operator ternary operator c# int ternary operator in c#? how to use ternary operator c# ternary operator iin c# ternary operator void methods c# ternary operator with object in c# c# ternary operator or if else c# ternary if else loop c# ternary ternary c# example ternary trong c# ternary operator c# in string and operator in ternary operator c# ternary conditional operator in c# c# ternary operator for string run a method c# ternary ternary conditional c# execute code in ternary operator c# c# ternary operator with bool inline #if c# c# ternary operator only if c# ternary operator if f# ternary are ternary operators good practice c# c # ternary operator ternary operation c# int inline if else in c sharp c# if inline example ternary operator c# with return statement c# ternary operator with && condition ternary operator .net ternary operator c# ternary operator statement. c# ternary if statement c# c# inline if and else what are ternary operator in c# ternary c# true ==true c# inline if html tag c# ternary operator return boolean operator ternary in C# .net inline iff inline if else statement c# ternary operator in c# how to create 3 ternary operator in c# else if in ternary operator C# c# | ternary operand ternary operta in c# ternary operator (c#) ternary operator with ?? in c# ternary c## c# ternary operator no else ternary operator c# else if c# ternary else if c# ternary operator 3 conditions ternary operator example with and operator in c# ternary operator example in c# why can't you use c# ternary as statement when to use ternary if else c# ternary assignment c# ternary operator c sharp ternary operations c# check 3 condition on ternary operator c# c# inline if esle inline c# else if inline c# if inline c# if or inline c# if and ternary operator no else c# ternary expression in c# c# inline function if else how to use ternary condition in c# csharp ternary expression ternary operator in c#.net what is ternary operator c# ternary if c # what does a ternary operator do c# ternary condition csharp c# inline ifg f# ternary operator c# short ternary how to create the ternary operator in c# is there ternary operator in c# ternary conditional operator c# example ternary operator+c# ternary c# ?? only if condition in ternary operator c# else if ternary c# no else in ternary operator c# conditional ternary operator c# c# ternary operator three choices ternary operator string to c# c# ternary operator shorthand if else inline c# what does used ?? in ternary conditon in C# how to Use the ternary operator for three condition in c# how to Use the ternary operator in c# if ternary c# c# ternary if ternary c# else if execute ternary operator c# ternary operation in c# c# ternary call function c# inline if with function ternary expression c# ternary opeartor C# if else condition with ternary operator in c# ternary operatörü nedir c# inline if else example in c# return ternary operator c# ternary c sharp inline if statements c# c# string to Ternary Operator c# Ternary Operator from string c# ternary operator string c# ternary operator in string c# ternary operator example c# ternary no else c# using ternary operator with exception ternary operator c# example c# ternary operator method call c# inline if statement example c# ternary operator short c# ternary loop c# ternary for loop short hand if in c# inline conditional ternary operator c# true c# conditional 2 ternary operator for assigning c# c# ternar operation ternary operator in if else c# use ternary operator in c# inline c# inline if statement one line conditional c# shorthand if else Condition c# and operator ternary op c# short operator '*' conditonal boolean c# if else condition in one line c# c# if true then false else using operator | if else one line c# single line if condition c# if statement one line c# dot argument operator c# simplified if statement conditional() c# c# inline assignment if ternary operator boolean c# visual studio c# if statement one line ternary expression with value c# ?? 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conditional operator 1 line c# if else short if c# short form if else c# c# as operator in if statement c# shortened if statements ternary operartors c# ternary operator c# bool if statement one liner in c# How to use if else in one line in c# conditional expression c# string c# if(1<a<0) x += in line conditional if short form if else short form in c# c# if statement with ? operator C# shorthand if statement shorthand if c3 Use the ternary operator in the CheckedChanged event handler c# c# codotion in 1 line how to use the ternary operator c# ternary operator c# work shorthand @ c# short ?? condition sub ternary operator c# conditional with assignment c# c# tertiary example short if c# (?) if else in one line c# ternary operator in c# for more than if else ternary operator in c# for 3 conditions ternary operator in vc# what is ternary operator in c# if value 0 to ternary operator c# c# condition in one line single line if c# using ? operator c# c# if operator using ?? int x = x > 0; c# how to create a ternary in C# ternary + c# + example c# if shortcut new if else syntax c# inline iff c# c# one line conditional ternary statement c# c# if else short conditional and c# if statement c# one line c# short if else notation c# short notation for using c# if else shorthand C# + ternary operator shorter notation ternary operator c# ternary operator c# string use ternary operator in c# list model c# ternary method ternary conditional operator c# if condition in one line c# inline condition wpf single if statement C# shorthand if statement c# in line if statement c# if statement one line with else if c# true false statement simplified if statement c# if else operator in c# c# ternary ?? 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if one line c# if line in line if else c# assign value in ternary operator c# Ternary operator c# return int or string shorthand if c# c# turnary single line conditional c# c# conditional operators if in 1 line c# how to do one line if else statement c# c# if statement one line c# thernery inline if c# C# 7 quikc inline iff check c# if else one line c# bool shorthand condition c# c# turn if else into ternary inline if statement c# c# ?? vs ? in inline if c# short if ternary if operator c# C# one line if statement c# itinerary operator shortcut for if c# c# if else inline [COndition()] c# C# Conditional Expression opertaor c# operator ternary operator if condition c# c# inline if not working how to use conditional operator c# conditional operator c# c# inline if statement condition expression in c# c# one line if else c# inline condition c# ?: ternary operator csharp csharp ternary operator if else ternary operator c# inline if else c# single line if statement csharp itinerary if c# ternary operator in c# ternary operator in c# c# turnary operator ternary expersioon C# one line if statement c# if else statement one line c# one line if syntax C# single line if statement c# turnery operator C# c# for statement in 1 line how to use ternary operator in c# ternary condition in c# c# if ternary c# conditional operator trinity operator in c# c# operator ternary !! conditional operator c# example c# ternary trinary c# ternary operator c# ternary c# trinary operator c# c# ternary operator
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