c# string to byte array

string author = "Mahesh Chand";  
// Convert a C# string to a byte array  
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(author);  

// Convert a byte array to a C# string. 
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);

TRomano 80 points

                                    var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(result);

4.33 (9 Votes)
Koyae 100 points

                                    public byte[] ConvertNumToByte(int Number)
  byte[] ByteArray = new byte[32];
  string BinString = Convert.ToString(Number, 2);
  char[] BinCharArray = BinString.ToCharArray();
    if (BinCharArray != null && BinCharArray.Length > 0)
      for (int index = 0; index < BinCharArray.Length; ++index)
        ByteArray[index] = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToString(BinCharArray[index]));
  return ByteArray;

4 (6 Votes)
Cromack 115 points

                                    // Convert an object to a byte array
private byte[] ObjectToByteArray(Object obj)
    if(obj == null)
        return null;

    BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    bf.Serialize(ms, obj);

    return ms.ToArray();

// Convert a byte array to an Object
private Object ByteArrayToObject(byte[] arrBytes)
    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
    BinaryFormatter binForm = new BinaryFormatter();
    memStream.Write(arrBytes, 0, arrBytes.Length);
    memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    Object obj = (Object) binForm.Deserialize(memStream);

    return obj;

3.44 (9 Votes)
Gvatofc 95 points

                                    // Convert a string to a C# byte[]
//change encoding depending on your data
string someText = "some data as text.";
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(author);

// Convert a byte array to a C# string    
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);  

4.5 (4 Votes)
Word_up 100 points

                                    using System.Text;
public static byte[] encode(string stringToEncode)
  UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UtF8Encoding();
  byte[] bytename = new byte[1024];
bytename = utf8.GetBytes(stringToEncode);
  return bytename;

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byte convert byte array extract text c# convert byte array to text c# c# byte to byte array c# turn to byte string byte* to string c# net 5 convert string to byte array convert object to byte array c# core 3.1 c# object for byte arrays c# byte* to string string to byte array c# .net core convert data table to byte array c# asp.net core byte array to string byte array to protobuf c# convert byte to byte array c# file to byte array c# byte array in c# csharp byte array to string byte[] to string c# string to binary array c# convertir de string a byte c# c# bmp to byte array c# base 64 to byte array int8array to byte[] array c# c# to byte array text to byte c# convert from string to byte array c# c# text to byte convert byte data to string c# convertir arreglo de bytes a string c# arreglo de bytes a string c# c# concvert string to byte array convert object to byte array c# C# bytesarray to string c# serialize object to byte array c# bytes from string c# cast class to byte array c# convert 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byte array from string to byte array c# c# string get bytes byte arra yto string c# c# strings to byte from byte to string c# c# ascii string to byte array csharp string get byte convert a sting to a byte c# c# how to convert string to byte array c# write string to byte array byte to convevert text message code in C#.net xamarin forms string to byte array c# string as byte array system.byte to string c# convert from bytes to string c# C# bytes[] to string c# create string from byte array c# parse string to byte array getbytes from string c# c# string to byte][ c# string into byte array c# convert byte to string string tobyte array c# from array byte to string c# array of bytes in string c# get bytes from string c# string a byte c# c# string to byte buffer string to byte convert c# c# convert array byte to string c# bytes of string decode byte array to string c# c# convert to byte example .net string to byte array best to chane bytes array to string in c# converting plain text to byte c# convert string to byte[] in mvc GetBytes(Source.Substring(Source, i, 1) to c#.net c# byte stream to string how to covert a string to byte array in c# c# convert byte[] to string c# number to byte array convert string to byte[] c# byte[] convert string c# how to convert from string to byte array in c# string to byte[] string c# string to byte string c# string to byte arr# string to byte buffer c# convert byte array to string in c# c# create byte array from string Get bytes froms tring c# byte[] array to string C# convert bytes to string c# encode byte array to string c# convert model to byte c# c# string bytes convert system.byte to string c# c# convert string into byte[] how to convert string to byte array c how to convert string to byte array c# string to bytes string c# convert a string into a byte array c# how to convert a string to a byte array in c# c# serialize byte array to string How to show byte data as text in c# convert a byte array to string c# convert string to byte [] C# of specific size convert string to byte [] C# convert string to byte [] add byte to string c# c# string to byte[] c# bytearray to string c# how to convert byte array to string Class to byte array c# c# most efficiant way to convert string to byte[] convert byte[] to string c# string to a byte array c# convert objects to byte array c# array byte to string c# c# object to byte array c# byte array to class instance convert byte array to string c# string to bytes array c# byte to string c# C# concer a string into a byte array c# read byte data to string array c# string list to byte array C# byte[] to string c# string to bytes c# bytes to string how to convert a string to byte array in c# convert buffer to string xamarin c# string is returning byte[] c# declare byte array to string C# parse string as byte array c# byte array convert to string how to convert byte array to text in c# attach string to byte array c# c# byte[] + string bytes to string c# decode byte array in c# object to byte array c# how to convert string to byte in c# c# string convert byte array string to bytearray c# convert string to byte string c# string getbytes how to convert string to bytes in c# convert string to bytearray wpf convert string to bytearray c# c# GetBytes from object .net core string to byte array convert text to byte array c# convert strign to byte array c# C# string to byte string to byary array string to byte [] c# encoding to string bytes c# convert string to byte c# c# get string bytes convert to byte array c# convert to byte array C# save object as bytes string byte to byte array c# c# convert string to bytes convert number string to byte array c# convert string into byte array c# c# getbytes from string convert to byte c# convert string to bytes c# c# converting string to byte c# converting string to byte array how to convert string to byte array in c# view string tobytearray c# c# string in byte array how to convert string to byte array in c# convert string to byte in c# how to make a string to a byte string c# c# get bytes from string how to declare byte string in C# convert string to byte[] c# how to convert string value to byte in c# c# convert object of byte to byte c# conver tobect to byte convert string to byte array string to byte byte array to string c# from string to byte array net core string to byte array string to byte dotnet byte array from string c# c# convert string into byte convert to string to byte array in c# dotnet core convert string to byte array text to byte array string to byte c# read string into byte array c# c# convert string to byte[] convert string to byte[] how to parse bytea to byte c# convert string to byte array c# c# turn string into byte array string to byte[] c# convert string to byte[] in C# strng t byte arr c# string to bytes c# get bytes from a string c# c# class to byte array
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