c# date format

// create date time 2008-03-09 16:05:07.123
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2008, 3, 9, 16, 5, 7, 123);

String.Format("{0:y yy yyy yyyy}",      dt);  // "8 08 008 2008"   year
String.Format("{0:M MM MMM MMMM}",      dt);  // "3 03 Mar March"  month
String.Format("{0:d dd ddd dddd}",      dt);  // "9 09 Sun Sunday" day
String.Format("{0:h hh H HH}",          dt);  // "4 04 16 16"      hour 12/24
String.Format("{0:m mm}",               dt);  // "5 05"            minute
String.Format("{0:s ss}",               dt);  // "7 07"            second
String.Format("{0:f ff fff ffff}",      dt);  // "1 12 123 1230"   sec.fraction
String.Format("{0:F FF FFF FFFF}",      dt);  // "1 12 123 123"    without zeroes
String.Format("{0:t tt}",               dt);  // "P PM"            A.M. or P.M.
String.Format("{0:z zz zzz}",           dt);  // "-6 -06 -06:00"   time zone

// month/day numbers without/with leading zeroes
String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}",           dt);  // "3/9/2008"
String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",         dt);  // "03/09/2008"

// day/month names
String.Format("{0:ddd, MMM d, yyyy}",   dt);  // "Sun, Mar 9, 2008"
String.Format("{0:dddd, MMMM d, yyyy}", dt);  // "Sunday, March 9, 2008"

// two/four digit year
String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}",           dt);  // "03/09/08"
String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",         dt);  // "03/09/2008"

Servabat 85 points

                                    // create date time 2008-03-09 16:05:07.123
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2008, 3, 9, 16, 5, 7, 123);

String.Format("{0:y yy yyy yyyy}", dt);  // "8 08 008 2008"   year
String.Format("{0:M MM MMM MMMM}", dt);  // "3 03 Mar March"  month
String.Format("{0:d dd ddd dddd}", dt);  // "9 09 Sun Sunday" day
String.Format("{0:h hh H HH}",     dt);  // "4 04 16 16"      hour 12/24
String.Format("{0:m mm}",          dt);  // "5 05"            minute
String.Format("{0:s ss}",          dt);  // "7 07"            second
String.Format("{0:f ff fff ffff}", dt);  // "1 12 123 1230"   sec.fraction
String.Format("{0:F FF FFF FFFF}", dt);  // "1 12 123 123"    without zeroes
String.Format("{0:t tt}",          dt);  // "P PM"            A.M. or P.M.
String.Format("{0:z zz zzz}",      dt);  // "-6 -06 -06:00"   time zone

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format date now c# date formatting in c# date format in string c# string.Format dateTime date-time string datetime tostring c# how to format date in C# how to format a date in c# date formate in c# c# auto format string date formats to datetime output datetime to string system.datetime.now.tostring format date from string c# datetime in a format tostring to date format c# figure out custom format string for datetime valid DateTime toString format date to string with format c# c# datetime hh mm ss vb.net date formats formate datetime tostring datetime now format c# date for mat string datetime.now format preset datetime format %s all time format .net datetime format example DateTime.Now.ToString("y") c sharp date string format c# datetime format / c# datetime format en-us datetime.now format c# en us string time format console date format c# c# get date format from string c# format a date datetime format string example c# datetime formatters datetime now to string c# c sharp time format how to convert 12/01/2000 in 12/dec/2000 format in c# toString datetime formato datetime hh mm sss datetime format c# c# date string formats c# format date onnly c# datetime(6) full format c# datetime full format c# date time now format foramat date c# what string format is does datetime.now use in c# what is shortdatetime format in c# c# tostring format date month stringformat datetime how to change date format in c# c# format 8 o clock convert time with day format to number c# visual basic datetime format hhmm format c# formating time using tostring in c# how to format datetime C# default date time format c# c# date time now strings format date time string c# custom formatting in c# winforms spanish months datetime formatting c# datetime now format T datetime now format how to make date time in our own format in c# C# string ddd = new string() time format msdn how to format a text in hh:mm C# time tostring format c# c# datetime specifier string formats of date c# date time string give time in string format c# format time c# c# date formattiong how to custom date format c# day format in string c# c# timestamp format c sharp datetime to string c# format string date vb format datetime c# date long c# datetime long date string .net datetime format strings format datetime to time date in string format date in c# c# to date format asp.net net created date format datetime value format c# dattime string format - c# customize datetime output format datetime to string c# datetime.tostring c# format c# datetime.now format c# dateformat string date to string fotmay c# en-us date format dot list of timestamp format strings how to format datetime from string in c# datetime.tostring c# console.writeline datetime format datetime long date string c# c# datetime pattern custom datetime c# datetime now str C# formatting datetime displays c # datetime format c sharp datetime format not as string c sharp datetime format system.datetime format in c# date format asp.net in C# class date format c# date only string format yyyy format of datetime in c# c#: date to string C# date input format of datetime how to convert date to zulu format in c# c# string format datetime month.tostring format c# asp.net define datetime format c# datetime format 3f datetime custom format convert datetime format in c# date time in microsoft format Day Month DD YYYY hh:mm:ss GMT+0100 c# what is the date time format? how to use formate time c# time format example datetime dddd Date in T format in c# datetime formate in c# c# date to t format c# date to tz format String format datetime c# date time format string c# c# timestamp formats c# datetime string format with timezone list of datetimeformat c# date time output example hh mm time format c# date time as string GIVEN A number return date format c sharp format a string of date c# date time dormat format date time to string in c# c# string numeric to date datetime all formats Time string to format datatime format c# c# string format time datetime string C# ToString("s") datetime all format c# c# datetime all format Visual Studio 2019 C# convertir Date a string date time format c Format Date String datetime now with t and z c# asp net core datetime format aspnetcore: datatime format datetime now format in c# c# DateTimeFormat with time datetime formating how to better display datetime in c# datetime format with string vb.net tosring date datetime formatting custom date csharp long date to formatted string c# timestamp to formatted string c# created date format of datetime c# c# datetime format hours and minutes and seconds set pattern datetime c# timestamp formats in c# date to string format c# FormatString TIMEFORMAT VB.NET c# data format string date string formate change date time format c# type datetime c# string format date all datetime formats date time formats DateTime c to string time.ToString c# format datetimeoffset to string c# format datetime string c# date time to string format date format .net C# string.format for date how to display date time without seperator in .net vb c# month format datetime formate datetime tostring format c# dd mm yyyy hh mm C# date string c# datge format string en-us language Datetime format in c# format datetimeoffset date and time c# goodlooking datetime to string c# format date aaaammdd formate datetime c# datetime format to string c# .net format datetime visual studio datetime to string help text not showing datetime hms format c# default date format for datetime C# get the date and format c# date culture c# to string date format string format c# date time what is the datetime format in c# format date in c# date .format c# display datetime in diffent format c# csharp string format to date datetime format date string c# c# format order date return datetime c# stringformat formating time string date time format c# .net core date format hours and minute c#: format string for date .net date format tostring time format c# datetime format g c# dateformats string c# datetime custom format model datetime format c# .net format specifiers datetime datetime string formatting make a customized string date format in c# timestamp format c# c# unitxType date format all c# date formats ffff represents in time datetime format date string time format c# all datetime format in c# how do i specify which datetime format in c# .net datetime format mm MM c sharp data format specifier tostring("t") get date format c# .net datetime format c# fromat time c# convert date forma based on locale string c# datetime in en-us format new datetime format c# asp.net format datetime %date string.format c# datetime format +00 c# get datetiem in format c# datetime custom format string format datetime g c# datetime format hh c# Value.Date.ToString format %F $T time format convert himplecity convert date to sting c#] formatting date in c# string.format to string from date c# custome date and time format strings c# date format en-us c# datetime string datetimr format c# how to formate string time .net date to string without day datetime format c#7 c# custom format date gmt format timestamp with format method how dotnet get date time format c# datetime default format windows forms C# tostring date formats c# time of day string format string dateformat with string.format formatting date number in c# datetime format string to number csharp date format string c# datetime display format csharp full datetime vb. net date format ToString("") for date format change date with f format in c# vb.net date format c# string configuration date format c# format database output date date c# format date string c# date formst characters in date.tostring c# c# datetime to string o how to format date time c# date time to string in c# how to format time string in c# dateTime to string in c# date time to string format c# time to string c# c# long date string format tostring date formate c# .tostringformat(dddd-mm-dd) c# c# tostring date formatting format dates c# c# string to time format datetime strings c# datetime format hours minutes hove do i get Kl in datetime format string asp.net core datetime format c# now to string Time toString display name for date format c# asp net date format month format c# dat hour string to datetime format c# formatdatetime(timestamp string format string) datetime named format msdn datetime format strings string format c# to date string formats c# for date what is .net datetime format aspx c# datetime to string format string format add date format datetime to string date fromate c# date format in dotnet core format date in dotnet format time to string c# 11:11 format c# datetime? format C# datetime? to string full date format c# time format in c# change date format in c# without using tostring date format c# F datetime default format c# asp dotnet datetime tostring c# string to date and time format example datetime string example string format datetime vb.net ASP.net formatting time format datetime c# datetime formar c# datetime string date and time c# Convert date format datetime DISPLAY format c# formatting datetime to string c# c# date time format specifier c3 date time format specifier Visual Studio Data time format c# datetime t format c# c# date time now to string datime example string datetime c# tostring date format from Datetie c# datetime c# tostring "d" format date to string c# date time to string format date time formats c# string format year month day C# dattime tostring with format datetime format .net c# string date format 0:HH:mm format how to print formatted time in c# datetime tostring c# format string time c# tostring time format asp.net core format datetime s s string format c sharp date time formats data fromat with to string c# tostring formatting date C# to string time C# time to string datetime in format c# to stringc# time c# string format for date and time c# datetime? tostring format DateTime? tostring datetime format 42005.5040083333 how can we get datetime for all format locale with c#? c# datetime to string time format .NET DateTime f.tostring format c# datetime format yyyy-mm-dd no time c# date format method date format with / c# datetime format only minutes seconds datetime formats how to format datetime date formatting string u means date format string c# datetime string formatsz c# date string format c# datetime format strings to string date c# time string format dateformat string c# formate date in c# tostring date format mm/dd/yyyy c# different date formats in c# us date time string format format date string c# vb.net time formats c# add custom date datetimeformat with timezone c# c# DateTimeFormat set timezone what date is this string format c# date.tostring local or not C# now to string pattern C# dateime format with hhmmss date formats c# string to time c# format formate date c# date for mate to string c# formate string as datetime c# c# datetime to string options string format time c# format date time to date with time formatting dates c# format date en c# datepatterns c# c# format date time string date formats .net date format strings how to format datetime in c# date tostring format date and time format strings date and time format string c# how to format date time in c# data format c# c# date formatting dd month output year base on format yyyy or yy in c# datetim format c# datetime tostring format c# c# date format string .toString dateTime foramt c# datetime to string format c# string format date msdn c# format time string formatting date time C# c# date time formats c# time string format string format date c# subtag in date format in c# FormMat Dat in C# custom data format c# idata c# date format DATE TO string and date tostring local datetime to string format datetime.now format c# gmt c# datetime now format format string date to c# date format string tostring date format datetimeformat c# data and time format asp.net datetime time format c# c# how do I write DateTime in a string date string format date time to string C# c# format date to string c sharp date format asp.net date form asp.net date formn asp.net date format C# format a datetime date time today string format c# format date time now c# o string date format c# c# datetime format minutes seconds datetime.tostring include c# datetime c# tostrong datetime.tostring c# datetime strings c# c# dateformat c# format date to year time format c# dattime format c# format date time c# format time c# c# display date format datetime.now format _ c# datetime.now format c# formating datetime c# setting datetime display format c# c# tostring date format c# get datetime to string c# date time string formatting c# get minut tostring date yyyy C# asp.net datetime format c# string format date time am seconds c# string format date time C# formate datetime c# date MM vs mm c# date G format datestring with T in it c# datetime format specifiers C# date format types Date time format for C# datetime consist c# c# display string as date date format in c# c# time format C# datetime tostring format c# format a date time string date format c# Datetime now formate c# date string format c# c# string time format c# datetime.tostring datetime tostring format date format c# date.tostring format c# c# datetime now to string format datetime output c# formating output for time c# c# _ datetime : to string form date c# dont core date tostring format 1452686987 datetime string datetime.now in c# format C# Date to long string date month year format c# datetime string c# yyyy c# c# date formats examples display string in date format c# c# date time format string c# date to string datetime string with t date edit display formta string sample like g datetime tostring default format c# datetime tostring default format string date format date and time format from string format string date c# tostring format datetime c# how to format and option datetime in c# date.format c# format date c# string tostring date format c# datetime to string c# timedate format example datetime string format datetime format vb.net c# datetime format es-ES format datetime c# español DateTime Display format format string datetime .strpstring formats c# datetime format tostring c# date formatting c# datetime to specific date format string using default datetime format in c# c# datetime format timezone format tostring c# date "MMMM dd, yyyy" c# datetime c# string format / instead of . datetime c# format c# datetime.tostring formats c# date format string c# string time format to timestamp date tostring c# language c# hh:mm:ss C# hh:mm < 12. datetime format string c# format date as string c# date time format date to string c# date time to string hh:mm timer formats C# c# format datetime c# datetime date formatting vb.net format date string data time with format c# datetime with format c# format date c# c# make formatted timestamp C# dattime formatter c# format date {0} c# format date date time format vb.net datetime.tostring c# formats c# datetime to string asp.net format year c# datetime formats asp.net format data datetime formats c# format date time C# datetime tostring formatters formmatted datetime datetime format with time datetime to string with format c# string date time format date time format in c# c# date formats datetime.now format c# datetime format string c# datetime custom format dd/mm/yyyy c# datetimecustom format dd/mm/yyyy HOW TO CHOOSE A CUSTOM TIMESTAMP WITH C# to reformat datetime in c# tostring datetime c# datetime format in c# c# datetime string format print datetime c# datetime format format datetime c# to string date format c# long date format to date c# .net date formats date format types .net c# format time string.format date c# c# date format strings c# format datatime c# format a date time string format a date in c# .net datetime format mm/dd/yyyy date of birth format c# DateTime data type c# fomat date c# format C# Format DateTime to string c# datetime formatter string format datetime date time format date time string format date time formating c# C# DateTime tostring C# Date format month c# date tostring formatting c# datetime tostring show day month and year? datetime format c# to format c# datetime format datetime format c# c# custom time format custom date format C# c# custom date format c# date now format c# date formating c# time format strings c# date format code c# date format c# time formats c# time string convert c# datetime to custom string c# date to string format DateTime.Now string format day c# datetime to string format datetime now c# format
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