Base class c#

public class Car
    // fields
    public bool isDriving = false;
    // constructor
    public Car( string make )
        Make = make;
    // properties
    private string _make = string.Empty;
    public string Make
        get { return _make; }
        set { _make = value; } 
    // methods
    public void drive()
        if( isDriving )
			// Car is already moving
            // start driving the car
            isDriving = true;

    public void stop()
		if( isDriving )
			// stop the car 
			isDriving = false;
			// car is already not moving

// ---
// An example of using this class in a console app

using System;
public class Program
	public static void Main()
        // construct a new class of type Car and set the Make
      	// property to "VW" using the constructor.
		Car newCar = new Car( "VW" );
      	// display the make of our new car
		Console.WriteLine( newCar.Make );
      	// call the drive method of the car class;		
      	// display the value of the isDriving property to
		Console.WriteLine( newCar.isDriving );
      	// call the stop method of the car class
      	// display the value of the isDriving property
		Console.WriteLine( newCar.isDriving );

// the class 
public class Car
    // fields
    public bool isDriving = false;
    // constructor w
    public Car( string make )
        Make = make;
    // properties
    private string _make = string.Empty;
    public string Make
        get { return _make; }
        set { _make = value; } 
    // methods
    public void drive()
        if( isDriving )
        		// Car is already moving
            // start driving the car
            isDriving = true;

    public void stop()
		if( isDriving )
			// stop the car 
			isDriving = false;
			// car is already not moving


                                    class Motore:Veicoli
        public bool Cavalletto { get; set; }
        public Motore (String marca, String modello, int cilindrata, bool cavalletto): base (marca,modello,cilindrata)
            this.Cavalletto = cavalletto;

        public void Accelera(double velocitacorrente )
            this.VelocitaCorrente += velocitacorrente;

4 (9 Votes)
Pippa 105 points

                                    // a Pseudo-example using interfaces. <--- Worked great for me!

public interface IPrinter
   void Send();
   string Name { get; }

public class PrinterType1 : IPrinter
  public void Send() { /* send logic here */ }
  public string Name { get { return "PrinterType1"; } }

public class PrinterType2 : IPrinter
  public void Send() { /* send logic here */ }
  public string Name { get { return "Printertype2"; } }

  public string IP { get { return ""; } }

// ...
// then to use it
var printers = new List<IPrinter>();

printers.Add(new PrinterType1());
printers.Add(new PrinterType2());

foreach(var p in printers)

  var p2 = p as PrinterType2;

  if(p2 != null) // it's a PrinterType2... cast succeeded

4 (7 Votes)

                                    using System;

public class A
   private int value = 10;

   public class B : A
       public int GetValue()
           return this.value;

public class C : A
//    public int GetValue()
//    {
//        return this.value;
//    }

public class Example
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var b = new A.B();
// The example displays the following output:
//       10

4 (2 Votes)
Deostroll 90 points

// ----------------- INHERITANCE and POLYMORPHISM ------------------ //

// ----- TOP CLASS ----- //
class Parent
  protected int ID;   // This will be inherited by the child class
  public Parent()   // This constructor will automatically be called when we create a child object 
    ID = 0;
  public Parent(int Id)   // This constructor will automatically be called when we create a child object 
    ID = Id;
  public virtual void Method1 (string someInput)   // The "virtual" keyword allows you to override this method
    Console.WriteLine("Hi there, this method will be inherited");
  protected void Method2 ()
    Console.WriteLine("Hi there, this method will also be inherited");
    protected void Method3 ()
    Console.WriteLine("Hi there, this method will also be inherited");

// ----- LOWER CLASS ----- //
class Child : Parent
	pritave int count;    // This class has both the "count" and "ID" properties, since the "ID" was inherited
	public Parent()   // Both the parent and child base constructors are called  
      count = 0;
    public Parent(int Id) : base (Id)  // Both the parent and child second constructors are called  
      count = 0;
    public override void Method1 (string someInput)  // This will override the original Method1 funtion
    	base.Method1 (someInput);  // This will call the original method from the parent that now, also belongs to the child 
        // ... some code ...
    protected new void Method2 ()   // This will not override but will instead make it a priority over the other Method2() 
    {                               // This is only used if you create an object like: Parent obj = new Child() and not if you create: Child obj = new Child()  
      Console.WriteLine("Make it do something different");
    public sealed override void Method3 ()   // This "sealed" keyword will stop other subclasses that derive from the child, from overriding this method again 
      Console.WriteLine("Make it do something different");
	public void Method4 (string someInput, int count)
    	base.Method1 (someInput);  //Or just: Method1 (someInput) since, in this case, the methods are different
        this.count = count;


3.83 (6 Votes)
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What is the base class in .net from which all the classes are derived from 21. How do you inherit a class into other class in C# class c# inheritance derived class c# what is inheritance c# inheritance starting out C# inheritanceitance starting out C# c# class must be inherited the base class in .net inherit a class into other class in C# derived member object c# c# create a class base on main how to inherit a class from another class in c# derrived class C# How to use inheritance in c# visual Studio A class can inherit from another class c# c# does everything inherit from object base class csharp base c# base class and child class in c# c# class only to derived There are two classes in C# Parent class and Child class where Parent is the base class and Child is the derived class. If they have to be related to each other through inheritance. 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