
function isPalindrome(sometext) {
  var replace = /[.,'!?\- \"]/g; //regex for what chars to ignore when determining if palindrome
  var text = sometext.replace(replace, '').toUpperCase(); //remove toUpperCase() for case-sensitive
  for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor(text.length/2) - 1; i++) {
    if(text.charAt(i) == text.charAt(text.length - 1 - i)) {
    } else {
      return false;
  return true;
//EDIT: found this on
//, it is much more elegant:
function isPalindrome(str) {
  return str === str.split('').reverse().join(''); 
//you can still add the regex and toUpperCase() if you don't want case sensitive


                                    //made by Kashish Vaid the great.
// Palindrome programme using for loop the easiest prgm
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
int main() {
    int n, rev = 0, remainder, num;
    printf(&quot;Enter an integer: &quot;);
    scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &amp;n);
    num = n;

    // reversed integer is stored in rev
  for(num = n ; n!=0 ; n/=10)
    remainder = n%10;
    rev = rev*10 + remainder;
// if else shortcuts
    ( (rev == num) ? printf(&quot;%d is a palindrome.&quot;, num) : printf(&quot;%d is not a palindrome.&quot;, num) );
    return 0;
//made by Kashish Vaid the great.

4.33 (6 Votes)

                                    function isPalindrome(text) {
  return [...text].reverse().join('') === text;

isPalindrome = text =&gt; {
	return [...text].reverse().join('') === text;

isPalindrome = text =&gt; [...text].reverse().join('') === text;

4.33 (3 Votes)

                                    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
int main() {
    int n, reversedN = 0, remainder, originalN;
    printf(&quot;Enter an integer: &quot;);
    scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &amp;n);
    originalN = n;

    // reversed integer is stored in reversedN
    while (n != 0) {
        remainder = n % 10;
        reversedN = reversedN * 10 + remainder;
        n /= 10;

    // palindrome if orignalN and reversedN are equal
    if (originalN == reversedN)
        printf(&quot;%d is a palindrome.&quot;, originalN);
        printf(&quot;%d is not a palindrome.&quot;, originalN);

    return 0;

4.67 (3 Votes)

                                    function Palindrome(str) { 

  str = str.replace(/ /g,&quot;&quot;).toLowerCase();
  var compareStr = str.split(&quot;&quot;).reverse().join(&quot;&quot;);

  if (compareStr === str) {
    return true;
  else {
    return false;


5 (1 Votes)
Igor Souza 110 points

bool IsPalindrome_true_false(const std::string&amp; );

int main ()
    std::cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Please enter a string:\t&quot;;
    std::string str;
    getline(std::cin, str);
    // convert the string from uppercase to lowercase 
    int i = 0;
        if(str[i] == std::toupper(str[i]) &amp;&amp; std::isalpha(str[i]) == 1024)
        str[i]+= 32;
    // looping while string is empty 
        std::cout&lt;&lt;&quot;\nPlease enter a string your string is empty:\t&quot;;
        std::string str;
        getline(std::cin, str);

    return 0;

// check if string is a palindrome and return true or false 
bool IsPalindrome_true_false(const std::string&amp; str)

    int i = 0;                
    int j = str.length() - 1; 

    while(i &lt;= j )
        if(std::isalpha(str[i]) == 0){
        }else if(std::isalpha(str[j]) == 0){
        if(str[i] != str[j]){
           return false;
    return true;

4 (9 Votes)
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