how to allocate on heap in c++

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using String = std::string;
class Entity
	String m_Name;
	Entity() : m_Name("Unknown") {}
	Entity(const String& name) : m_Name(name) {}
	const String& GetName() const {
		return m_Name;
int main() {
  // new keyword is used to allocate memory on heap
	int* b = new int; // new keyword will call the c function malloc which will allocate on heap  memory = data and return a ptr to that plaock of memory
	int* c = new int[50];
	Entity* e1 = new Entity;//new keyword Not allocating only memory but also calling the constructor
	Entity* e = new Entity[50];
	//usually calling new will  call underlined c function malloc
	Entity* alloc = (Entity*)malloc(sizeof(Entity));//will not call constructor only  allocate memory = memory of entity
	delete e;//calls a c function free
	Entity* e3 = new(c) Entity();//Placement New

Chintu Kuch 165 points

                                    //placement new in c++
char *buf  = new char[sizeof(string)]; // pre-allocated buffer
string *p = new (buf) string(&quot;hi&quot;);    // placement new
string *q = new string(&quot;hi&quot;);          // ordinary heap allocation
/*Standard C++ also supports placement new operator, which constructs 
an object on a pre-allocated buffer. This is useful when building a 
memory pool, a garbage collector or simply when performance and exception 
safety are paramount (there's no danger of allocation failure since the memory
has already been allocated, and constructing an object on a pre-allocated
buffer takes less time):

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