constructor in c++

struct TestStruct {
        int id;
        TestStruct() : id(42)

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

struct Rectangle {
    int width;  // member variable
    int height; // member variable

    // C++ constructors
        width = 1;
        height = 1;

    Rectangle( int width_  )
        width = width_;
        height = width_ ;

    Rectangle( int width_ , int height_ )
        width = width_;
        height = height_;
    // ...

4 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    class MyClass {     // The class
  public:           // Access specifier
    MyClass() {     // Constructor
      cout << "Hello World!";

3.83 (6 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    class Other{
    public Other(String message){

class scratch{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Other method = new Other("Hey");
        //prints Hey to the console

4.13 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    #include <iostream>
class Entity {
	float x, y;
	void Print() {
		std::cout << "( " << x << " , " << y << " )" << std::endl;
	void Initialize() {
		x = 0.0f;
		y = 0.0f;
	}//This method initialize x and y to 0

	Entity() {
		//A constructor is a function that will get called everytime you intantiate a class
		//1) A constructor function looks like this name of function  must be == to classname 
		//2) This function must not return anything 
		x = 0.f; y = 0.0f;//constructor will initalize the x and y to 0 when we will create an instance of class
		//we can use constructor member initializer list to initialize our variables which is better than using constructor check that out
//2 using constructor with parameters 
class Entity2 {
	float X, Y;
	Entity2(float x, float y) {
		X = x;
		Y = y;
		std::cout << "this is x: " << x << " this is y: " << y << std::endl;
		//Using constructor with parameters will create an instance of object with these parameters and output x an y
class DefaultC {
	DefaultC() {
		//making default constructor private will not construct an instantiate an object
	int a;
	DefaultC() {
		//This is a default construtor that creates an object without prameters  and if make it private or delete it we ca'nt construct the object
		T// This is default constructor and gets called always when you create object with no parameters and deleting it or making it private you will not be able to construct an object
	DefaultC() = delete; //making default constructor private will not construct an instantiate an object
int main() {
	Entity e;
	e.Print();//output => because Printing the uninitialised memory (-1.07374e+08, -1.07374e+08)
	//std::cout << e.x << std::endl; // Error => uninitialised local variable e used

	//Instead we can call Initialize method that will initialize to set x and y to 0.0
	//this will work but is not the best way 
	Entity e1;
	e1.Initialize();// using this method to initialize x and y
	e1.Print();// output => (0,0)
	std::cout << e1.x << std::endl;// output => 0

	//But the above is no a good practice we can use a constructor instead
	//A constructor is a function that will get called everytime we instantiate an object
	Entity e2;
	e2.Print();//output => (0,0)
	std::cout << e2.x << std::endl;//output => 0
    // This time we don't have to call any method the constructor initialized our x and y var on inistantiating an object
	std::cout << "=================================================" << std::endl;
	Entity2 entity(2.2f,3.3f); // create entity with parameters and will output x and y
	//Entity2 entity2;  //error =>	no default constructor exists for class "Entity2"	 this is because we have not specified the default constructor we specified a constructor that will take parameters x and y and will construct an object on these parameters
	//Default constructor is expalined below
	DefaultC C;// error =>  Default C constructor is inaccessible because we deleted it or made it private
	//To avoid this just the delete line and the private constructor and  you will bee good


4.11 (9 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    class MyClass {
      MyClass();  // This is the constructor
      int someInt;

MyClass::MyClass(void) {
   someInt = 1;

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implementation constructor example in c++ struct in cpp can have constructor constructor function c++ example declaration inside c++ class constructor class constructors cpp call a constructor of a class in c++ c++ when to use this-> in constructor cpp create constructor c++ constructor in struct c++ class constructeur constructor c++ ~ where should method and constructor java C++ constructor o constructor in c++ with this constructor inside constructor java constructor for structs in c++ calling a constructor in c++ c++ constructor ":" constructor : in c++ class constructors in c++ constructor for c++ constructor c++ example c++ reference to class constructor c++ class constructor reference using a constructor c++ class constructor c++ what is a constructor c++ why is constructor used in c++ how to declare constructors in C++ constructor method in java create constructor for struct c++ how to call a constructor in java standard constructor c++ do constructors java cpp constructor syntax What kind of a constructor does Java provide for you? c++ using this in constructor what is the purpose of a constructor java when is a constructor called java c+= constructor c++ constructor with arguments java constructor ... what is a constructor name in java constructor syntax cpp write constructor in java what is class constructor in java what is a constructor java creating a constructor java constructor definition in java c++ class constructor example how to call constructor java constructor in java with java class constructor example constructor this java construct class c++ c++ define constructor in cpp how to create an constructure in java create constructor c++ can cpp struct constructor what is the purpose of constructor in java why we need constructor in java c++ struct constructor how to create a c++ constructor does a java class need a constructor java constructor explained creating a class in java with constructor how to implement a constructor in java the constructor java struct c++ constructor using new in constructor c++ C++ can a struct have a constructor do you need a constructor in java use class function in constructor c++ c++ create class constructor define constructor in c++ create object with constructor cpp constructor cpp cpp constructor definition c++ constructor : or {} function constructor c++ create a constructor c++ what is the uses of constructor in c++ how to call a constructor in c++ java create a class with constructor c++ class constructor create new how to make constructors in java object constructor c++ java <> in constructor java when to use new with constructor constructors in cpp how to call a constructor in cpp type of constructor in c++ how to create java constructor constructor creation in c++ constructor {} c++ constructor in c++\ c++ constructor for struct C++ oop constructor c++ where to define constructor how to access a contractor parameter in c++ is constructor a member function constructor in java 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constructor in jaba constructor array c++ cpp constructor and classes what is constructor in programming constructor java parameters class constructor cpp constructor this c++ constructor -> c++ creating constructor java how to use a member of struct in constructor c++ What is constructor in C++ with example? what is constructor in c++ with example what is the use of constructor in c++ cpp class example with constructor constructr=ors cpp default constructor in struct c++ deconstructor functio in c ++ how to use a constructor in java using class constructors java What is constructor in c++? Explain its types. defineing constructor in c constructor in java * c++ how to make constructor java how do add a cunstructer to a class how to use struct constructor c++ c ++ constructor class and constructor how to make constructor in jav how to contruct with constructor constructor in class java constructor parameter java how to build a java constructor constructor c++ struct constructor in ava name of constructor in c++ is constructor a function java class object in contructor how to create a constructor with parameters in java constructro in cpp constructor in c ++ a constructor in c++ how to declare constructor in java Set the values of name and findFace in the constructor java object constructors in java how to add consturctor to structure struct in c++ constructor java example of constructor constructors for struct c++ constructor of struct constructor methods c++ constructor method c++ java constructor class consturctor example in java struct constructor techniques in writing constructors c++ c++ how to declare constructors C++ how to declare construcftors struct c++ vs constructor constructor in struct java construcutor waht is a constructor creating consturctor java java constructor calss java thisconstructyor c++ constructor struct c++ struct with constructor constructor struct cpp using a struct constructor in c++ example struct contrustor c++ constructor in a struct c++ java constructor parameters how to build constructor class create an object with constructor c++ int... in constructor java can a struct have a constructor constructor c++ definition cpp struct constructor how to write constructors for a class in java define constructors c # consturctor in struct struct constructor in c++ example what are constructors for java constructor for class java constructors cpp how to create constructor c++ constructor for struct in c++ constructor for struct c++ constructor for struct how to write a contructor java constructers in java java constractor how to make constructor in java constructor java example constructor in c++' c++ define constructor constructor function c++ what is constructor in c++ documentation class with constructor c++ c++ constructors with parameters c++ constructor example this contructor c++ c++ class constructors c++ class constructor with parameters object in constructor c++ entering string in class using constructor in c++ constructor c++ class java construcotr constructors c++ how to create conistructor in java cpp constructor with object c++ constructors java class constructors what does a constructor do in c++ what is java constructor constructor in java class constructors in c # how to use a constructor in c++ how to make a constructor of a function in c++ constructor iin c++ main constructor c++ make a constructor for a java class constructors in c++ constructor instantialting in cpp writing constructors in java how to make all constructors appear in c++ java create co structor contructors in c++ construcor in java java constructer example how to define a constructor in c++ java new constructor deconstructor in c++ mean constructor in c++ mean create constructor in java what do constructors exactly do C++ java constucters contructor java object constructor java how to use constructors in java constuctor java java class constructor how to write constructor java constructors in java create a constructor java what is the constructor java what is a constructor in java create class with parameters java class constructor java java what is a constructor constritor method java java construction java constructor method hwot o use a java constructor make a constructor java java class and constructor how do constructors work in java constructor example in java how to create a class constructor in javaa consturctors java constructor syntax in java constructors class java constructor java create class with parameters Constructor[] java Constructor[] java constructor call constructor from object java constructor in c++ class c++ c++ inheritance constructor parameters c++ constructor child class alternate constructor java without this alternate constructor java how to create a class constructor in java how to make a contrsctor in java java how to make a constructor java constructor examples create a constructor in java java constructors example how to make a java constructor c++ class constructor constructor example constructor in java class with parameters java constructor in java examples how to make a constructor for a class java how to write a constructor in java how to create constructor in java constructors java how to make a constructor in java constructor method example java constructor java java class constructor creating a constructor in java java constructor ::new java constructors java constructor java contructors java constructor example how to create a constructo r in java how to create a constructor in java
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