c++ cin operator

// cin with strings
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  string mystr;
  cout << "What's your name? ";
  getline (cin, mystr);
  cout << "Hello " << mystr << ".\n";
  cout << "What is your favorite team? ";
  getline (cin, mystr);
  cout << "I like " << mystr << " too!\n";
  return 0;

JokeSlayer94 110 points

                                      int i;
  cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Please enter an integer value: &quot;;
  cin &gt;&gt; i;

3.67 (3 Votes)
Kokoo 95 points

                                    cin &gt;&gt; varName;

3.63 (8 Votes)

                                    //Akbarali saqlagan C++ bo'yicha cin operatoriga ta'rif
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
using namespace std;
int main (){
  int a;
  cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Kattaroq sonni yozing: &quot;;
  cin &gt;&gt; a;
  int b;
  cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Tepadaginga nisbatan kichik bo`lgan son(qiymatni) yozing: &quot;;
  cin &gt;&gt; b;
  cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Birinchi kiritgan soningizdan ikkinchi kiitgan soningiz &quot; &lt;&lt; a-b &lt;&lt; &quot; marta katta ekanligi ma'lum bo'ldi.\n&quot;;
  return 0;

4 (9 Votes)
Nubtom 90 points

                                    int age;
cin &gt;&gt; age;

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year c++ how to take outputs of c++ script sample c++ program with input and output how to show \ in c++ c++ read input from keyboard operator &gt;&gt; read stdin c++ cpp cout number cin cout stream read statement syntax c++ method input c++ cin op in c++ std cin example print variable values in c++ cout example c++ input from console c++ how to print a var in c++ how to use cin cpp cout syntax how to use &quot;&quot; in cout c++ #define c++ allow input how to output \ in c++ cin &gt; &gt; int; c++ cin enter n numbers into a field cin cout c++ print variable value syntax of cout in c++ read from console c++ c++ cout example c++ cin example what library is cin in c++ cin and cout c++ print string with variable c++ make a input a variable how to read input to console c++ comp programming c++ read input c++ give a value from the keyboard c++ input stresam c++ cin variable directly c++ input from console cpp cin c++ read string from stdin taking input from stdin in c++ c++ c out int c++ cin for any input take int input and store as string c++ c++ cin &gt;&gt; cin in c print variable c++ what does cin do in c++ how to cinint in cpp how to use result of an output in c++ c++ integer input what is stdin in c++ stdin c+ c++ input integer cin c++ algorithm what can cin take in how to get input from user in c++ cin and cout in c++ c++ cout cin handle console inputs in c++ cin.get in c++ c++ io how to take keyborad input c++ cin &gt;&gt; c++ c++ input stream stdout c++ how to write output cin char in c++ create an operator in c++ that takes user input using cin in c++ c++ to use cout read console input c++ n = int(input()) code c++ c++ input output syntax c++ output to console how to cin cout int cpp ++ in c== in cout c++ cout statement how to print to screen and output text c++ cin in C== how to get something to type in a text thing c++ cin meaning c++ read input stream C++ how to use cin in c++ output c++ input number from standard input in cpp as long as have input in c++ cin c++ meaning cin functions c++ how to get input from user c++ how to write cin in c++ cin syntax in c++ how to input string in c++ on terminal how to get console input in c++ cin &gt;&gt; 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' ' &lt;&lt; asking for input and store it in C++ ask user for input and store it c++ user input with stream c++ ask to check text c+= cin to a veriable get value c++ variable input in c++ input from terminal c++ prompt user for input c++ how to have a program request a line cpp c++ standard input from keyboard print numbers in cout with variables c++ read input from console cpp what is standard input in c++ input code c++ for each line in console input c++ display variable c++ c++ printing to screen cin library in c++ read from keyboard c++ reading from keyboard in c++ ask for input c++ c++ get int input how to get a console input in C++ to a string how to use cin c++ c++ storing cin c++ read keyboard input a string or int cpp input in c++ int cout usage cout c++ print lin c++ using io IO c++ cout and cin code to print to screen c++ c++ how can the program understand the user input how to use cout in c++ cin user input c++ c++ print on screen cpp write to stdout can you index an output stream c++ c++ cin plus operator c++ cin + c++ output string &quot; c++ output string print std cin c++ how to use cin &lt;&lt; c++ reading user input c++ c++ get value int cin cout cin accepting a phrase in c++ c++ print stream c++ make input output stream single cin statement string output = (int) i c++ read input from console c++ read from stdin c++ standard input stream c++ c++ input a string into a variable how to catch a char input for an integer variable in c++ how to catch a letter input for an integer c++ cin.write c++ c++ input stdin how to change text while taking input in c++ how to enter &gt; on c++ function that accepts inopout c++ c++ get inputy do you need cin &lt;&lt; in c++ cin *char c++ how to take input from console C++ cin &lt;&lt; c++ program input and output sentence all input methods c++ read in put in cpp c++ cout &quot; c++ handle user input taking input c++ simple cin code c++ simple cin code read string c++ std::cin.get input capture user input c++ getline() v cout c++ how not to get default message in console c++ how to input values of variable without cin in cpp int(input()) c++ print variale c++ C++ accept input c++ stream &gt;&gt; use variable in cout c++ using variable in output string c++ reading input c++ how to set a variable = to a cin c++ how to cout on c++ anu ang cin in c++ c++ cout cin library c++ does user input give string or int get user input command line c++ read data from user c++ cout syntax in c++ c++ read console text c++ charng a cout to outstream how to use cin cin syntax c++ print out the entire review in sentence form. how to take all of user input c++ cin &gt;&gt; how to take input for int and string in c++ include cout but not cin c++ include cout only c++ cin integer c++ c++ syntax cin c++ extract whole line of input from keyboard stdin in cpp c++ take input stream instruction to seet a value c++ c++ how to display variable in string cin operator c++ cin&gt;&gt; c++ c++ output text c++ stdin best function for input number in c++ output code c++ how to get user input in c++ from command line How to do cin statements c++ input cin c++ c++ is taking input from even if there is no cin in code how to print **** in c++ with cout how to print in c++ with cout c++ read commands from input c++ read line from standard input c++ take input if it's there cout syntax c++ how to get input in c++ c++ cin uses input on the next cin c++ how to cout a operation c++ cin cout take input from user c++ c++ iinteger input stream input c++ cin c++ example accept user input c++ printing values in c++ with cout how to print variable c++ stdin read input c++ input() c++ c++ cin integer get text input c++ output in C++ c++ read terminal stdin c++ example c++ read stdin take int and string input in c++ cin to int c++ getting input from console c++ c++ input value c++ get text user input get console input C++ how to output variables in c++ c++ cin libray include *input c++ ? input int c++ %c howw to get something to show up c++ how to print a sentence in c++ cpp cin int cin syntax c++ c++ std::cin string how to print a variable in c++ how to except input from user then add them together c++ using cout in c++ C++ get unput how to take input by adding every input by a certain no in c++ print to stdout c++ c++ input cin c++ console app user inputs stdin c++ cin input on output c++ c++ how to take string input from terminal c++ print character at end of user input c++ print at end of user input as they type c++ print something after user input how to variable amounts of input in c++ while read stdin line c++ print line c++ c++ stdout example how to get adujuct value by %.nf in c++ how to get adujuct value by .nf in c++ c++ stdout how how to read input in c++ console input 2 numbers in c++ c++ printing on screen use of conturine in c++ how to ask for a value in c++ how to cout a sentence with variable in c++ c++ ask for input how to prin a value in c++ c++ cin and cout c++ reading user input print out c++ how to cin in c++ stdin cpp c++ input operator c++ cout value how to cin c++ get input c++ how to read from a variable in c++ c++ import to include cout input ? how to get input from the console in c++ get int input in c++ using character c++ read get data type input cout in c++ c++ basic keyboard read input from stdin c++ get user input from c++ console app input number in c++ get input from text std c++ get input from text c++ c++ print statement cin in cpp when to use cin with string in cpp how to recive inputs c++ how to take stream of word input in c++ printing and scannig in c++ get input as variable cpp scan input c++ inputting [int int] in c++ c++ how to take a number from keyboard input stdin stdout c++ input character only with calpha c++ string cin c++ how to read keyboard input with c++ cpp code to take input from user scan in c++ string input format c++ how to take input in cpp cin cpp read input from stdin in c++ how to read input from stdin in c++ c++ accept user input C++ print command how to get the current value of a number in c++ a out in c++ example get string data from the console c++ get console input cpp how tp read user input data in c++ set your standard output and standard input c++ cout c++ \ c++ output c++ cin int number format c++ read from console terminal input c++ write specification and print code of c++ c++ read input c++ print line c++ cin operator output a string and input c++ how to run through a line of input in c++ print out line in stdinput in c++ c++ read onscreen c++ read text from console stdout c++ how to get input into variablein iostream console app c++ c++ cin int 4197103 output in c++ input c++ cin how does the standard header print c++ no libraries c++ console c++ how does iostream print text how does c++ print to console how does c++ print to console no iostream how to read keyboard character like a and store as int in C++ how to read keyboard character and store as int in C++ take variable input and display in c++ cin &lt;&lt; c++ cin in c++ c++ enter c++ using cin c++ get integer input C++ input from stdin kekboard and c++ what if user enters string when reading integer via cin in C++ c++ read user input line c++ read int from cin c++ cin string cin with strings how to get cin enter from user C++ taking input in C++ c++ cout int cout == c++ c++ get input cout and cin in c++ keyboard c++ how to cout c++ function to print 1234567890123456789012 c++ cin cout in c++ cin c++ string c++ text input how to get any input from user in c++ specific words in c++ std::cin use specific inputs in c++ c++ cout C++ cout include string input output c++ c++ print variable in a line cin string how to cout a user define variable enter value c++ c++ outputting variables in string c++ entering variables in string get data from terminal c++ stringing together output c++ cout c++ C++ accepting user in C++ key input values print variables c++ scan value from system in c++ read from standard input c++ cin a string for int c++ console input in c++ using stdio how to input values in c++ how to print out a variable in c++ std:cout extraction and cin c++ how to prompt user to input enter in c++ how to output in c++ how to cout &lt;&lt; n^i in c++ how to print to screen in c++ how to input variable in c++ c++ cin why did c++ output 4201337 how to read into a variable c++ how to read a input in c++ how give input in c++ for variable get input cpp cout format in c++ how to store input number using %d and print in c++ how to take input and print datatypes in c++ c++ cout format c++ user input string how to add the node in array after declaration in c how to get api using string as input in java how to get the data from a text box in tkinter how to get into the steam folder in linux javascript get all attributes for a device user control add javascript in the end of document get aaabbbbaa as a3b4a2 in javascript c++ how to take a specific variable type from an input c++ input and output how to take input in C++ control stdout c++ c++ cout variable getting input in c++ c++ input output how to take user input into variables c++ which way is the &gt;&gt; supposed to face for cout c++ how to get inputs c++ how to enter an input into c++ input string extract value stream c++ c++ console input how to collect input from user in c++ c++ printiing variable how to put output values into string c++ c++ getting input input output c++ cpp cin to string C++ user input declar variable in cin c++ variable input how to grab the input data in c++ c++ enter data print statement in c++ c++ cin get all text written in console c++ take input cin string c++ user response c++ c++ user input c++ how to write output c++ get string from cin basic input in c++ how to input in c++ console how to get a line that was outputted with cout c++ how to input in c++ how to define user input c++ input in c++ cin ++ string when user input c++ how to take in input with c++ get input value c++ c++ inpute values sstream c++ terminal input c++ input console input c++ how to get console input c++ c++ asking for user input c++ read user input how to get number input c++ how to get input c++ c++ get user input c++ Console Read input user input sting variable i c++ taking input directly from keyboard c++ C++ print out prompting the user to enter their name on string variable using c++ input and output c++ how to input value in c++ print statement c++ best way to get user input in c++
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