append string to another string c++

// appending to string
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main ()
  std::string str;
  std::string str2="Writing ";
  std::string str3="print 10 and then 5 more";

  // used in the same order as described above:
  str.append(str2);                       // "Writing "
  str.append(str3,6,3);                   // "10 "
  str.append("dots are cool",5);          // "dots "
  str.append("here: ");                   // "here: "
  str.append(10u,'.');                    // ".........."
  str.append(str3.begin()+8,str3.end());  // " and then 5 more"
  str.append<int>(5,0x2E);                // "....."

  std::cout << str << '\n';
  return 0;


                                    // string::operator+=
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;

int main ()
  std::string name (&quot;John&quot;);
  std::string family (&quot;Smith&quot;);
  name += &quot; K. &quot;;         // c-string
  name += family;         // string
  name += '\n';           // character

  std::cout &lt;&lt; name;
  return 0;

4 (4 Votes)

                                    // appending to string
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;

int main ()
  // easy way
  std::string str = &quot;Hello&quot;;
  std::string str2 = &quot; World&quot;;
  std::cout &lt;&lt; str + str2 &lt;&lt; std::endl;
  return 0;

4 (4 Votes)
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how to add character in string in c++ how to append string c++ add a charcter to an empty string c++ c++ add char to new string append to a string in cpp append c++ string concatenation of string in c++ should be use append with a null string in c++ add char[] C++ how to append a character to string in c++ how to add x number of characters to the end of a string c++ c++ string append \n adding a string at the end of another in cpp how to concact a string from a string in c++ how to add a char to the end of a string cpp how to append A CHAr to the end of a string cpp appending string in c++ how to append string to string in c++ string.append cpp how to append char to string in c++ how to add to a string in c++? append string to char array c++ Add character to a string c++ string append in a function c++ string append in a function std string cat c++ append to a string c++ add string to end of string append into string c++ append string c++. append in c++ paramters concat char and string 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string cpp c++ append string append char c++ add character to end of string c++ add strings c++ cpp add to string c++ append char to string from another string string c++ appedn add character to bottom of string c++ how to append text to a variable in c++ append in cpp c++ concatenate char and string string appenf sring append add char c++ add item to string c++ concat string with char c++ how to append a string to a array in c++ add data to end of string in c++ adding a string to a string c++ append string in cpp append to std::string how to add a append a variable to string c++ std::string array c++ append element std string add c++ string append char string append to other string c++ concat chat to atring in c++ string sppend add chars to string c++ add onto string C++ c++ concatinate char* with string string cpp plus operator add char to string c+ string append function c++ how to append a char to string in c++ add the character to the string. c++ add certain amount of characters c++ c++ eappending to no assigned string c++ std string append string std string append string add values to string c++ c++ concatenate size to string string class append in cpp c++ append strings append em c++ append to string while not character c++ c++ 14 string append c++ str append add characters to string c++ how to add characters onto end of string C++ how to append to list of strings c++ append string to string c++ c++ add a character to a string adding string and char in cpp append string in c++ c++ string add character to end how to add caracters to string c++ append to string type c++ append a character to a string how add a char to empty string in c+++ string class c++ append add letter to the end of string c++ add onto end of string C++ concatenate string with char c++ c++ add and if it is string c++ add char beginning of string c++ string .append append in c++ how to append to a string cpp how to use append in string in c++ add in string c++ string plus string c++ assign string plus string c++ string append in start s++ append values in string c++ ad a character iin a string how to add letters to a string c++ add onto string in C++ add std::string to string c str append in c++ append at the end of a string std c++ string add .append c++ c++ += on string c++ data append with size how to add a char in string c++ string.append how to add characters into one string c++ c++ apend string string add character in cplus plus c++ stl append to end add a string to a string c++ append a string to string c++ string append char cpp append char to string cpp append char in string append string value in c++ how to append char to string c++ adding a character to a string c++ adding a word to a string c++ how to add character at the end of string in C++ append char to string append to string variable in cpp how to add a string to c++ c++ string add char .append in C++ append strogn c++ how to append to a string str append add string to char* c++ string cpp append append to stringc++ add to end of string c++ appen string hwo to append a string in c++ add string to an empty string c++ how to append in c++ how to add char to a string c++ adding char in c++ c++ add character add end of string appending a value in string c++ how to add characters together to make a string c++ string add char c++ how to append in string in c++ add to back string c++ append in string in cpp add char at end of string c++ add . in the end of string cpp str append adding chars concact c++ hwo to add characters in between string c++ adding a char to a string c++ c++ adding onto a string add string in c++ string.add c++ add a class to a string c++ append fuction in c++ std::string append add to string c++ append strings c++ c++ add value to string concatenate to end of string cpp add string to string c++ how to add string to end of string in cpp c++ how to add char to string append() iin cpp how to append string in c++ c++ plus char concatenate a char to a string in c++ appending to string in c++ appending to tring in c++ concat char to string c++ how to add on to a string in c++ append in string c++ append string to string in c++ concatenate string vs insretion c++ c++ string append cha how to append to string c++ add a string and char* how to append a strinig in cpp how to append to a string in cpp append to beginning of string c++ How append to string in for c++ adding characters to a string c++ c++ append something to string append string c++ c++ concatenate to string append() in cpp c++ append string to string cpp string append appending to a string c++ add one to string c++ add a character to a string c++ add to a string c++ c++ append string how to add to a string in c++ s.append c++ cpp append string c++ string.append append to a string c++ append string to char C++ how to add words to a string in c++ string.append in c++ cpp append char to string cpp append to string how to append character to string in c++ c++ how to append a char to a string c++ hot to apend to strings append function in c++ how to add at the end of string in c++ appending to a char* in c++ append string cpp c++ add string to string how to append to a string c++ add all characters of a string together c++ c++ add to string add character to string c++ how to append a character to a string in c++ append a char to a string c++ string append one char cpp concatenate char to string c++ how to add character in string c++ string.append c++ string append funtion in cpp append a string character c++ add character to string adding a char in c++ c++ string add character append cpp s append cpp string append cpp s.append(l) adding sting in c++ how to add a character to a string c++ how to add a char to a string c++ c++ add strings together append char to c++ string c++ append char to string c++ string adding add sting to string c++ append function in string in c++ how to append c++ add character to buffer c++ append to a string in c++ c++ append char* to char* append in a string in c++ how to append a sting c++ c++ add string to string variable c++ add string to char variable string appender c++ append to std::string c++ append to string adding chars to string c++ c++ string add new string to back of string how to append to a string in c++ append a string to a string c++ append string to another string c++ string append c++ c++ strappend append to strings c++ append to string c++ append a string c++ std string append how to use appeend in c++ c++ string add char to back append character to string c++ add a string into another string c++ c++ how to append to string string . append how to combine a string and a character in C++ C++ adding a character to a string s.append in c++ how to add character to a string c++ string appneder std::string how to append char to string std::string append to string how to add to string c++ c++ add text to string append to string cpp cpp string addition append chars to string c++ string addition c++ stringbuilder append 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