save text file c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    char sentence[1000];

    // creating file pointer to work with files
    FILE *fptr;

    // opening file in writing mode
    fptr = fopen("program.txt", "w");

    // exiting program 
    if (fptr == NULL) {
    printf("Enter a sentence:\n");
    fgets(sentence, sizeof(sentence), stdin);
    fprintf(fptr, "%s", sentence);
    return 0;

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mean java reading a file and writing appending c create read write file in c C save to file writing a file in c file * c FILE IO IN output to file in c function to write to file in c' c write infile file input in c c function that writes in file write into a file in c write to a file in c save to file in c write to file in c write to file c write in a file in c c print to file write to a file using write function in c write to a file using write c write in c programming how to write to a new file C from a file how to write / in c how to write to a file c C output data into a text file c programming write to text file save file in C using write() in c to text file c writing to a file c writing to a text file i/o in c c write line to file functions to read files in c how to write a command line to a file in c c read in file read and write in c in file function to write drata to text file in c open and read from file c write in a file c writing files in c c program output to file c export print to file how to read file c how to write in C c FILE( write in file c read and write file in c write word specific file c program how to read from a file c how to read .c files in c c read from file c reading files read form a file c file op c read a file in c c file i/o c open file and read how to read from file in c read file in c program file input output in c write content to file in c language open a file in c print to file c c write on file read from file c programming input file C program to write the contens in c c reading from files C file read how to write to a text file in c c programming read file c get from c file out file how to read from a file in C from scratch how to write to a file in c how do you write text to file in c c write text on a file read file c How write into a file C c write to text file C file IO .c file read a file c== c write to a file file io in c how to read in a file in c c write data to file read files in c read in a file c read in files c c file save text file c files in c read in file in c writing to a file in c c99 read file how to writ e to a file in c write file c example c write example reading a file using a function in c write to text file c how to read a file in c writeto() in c read a file c how to write in a file in c c read file how to write to file in c c reading a file read file in c File I/O file io through memory c opening and reading files in c file io c c file reading write to a file with c file c write a file in c C file fcts read from file c c write to file c open and read file write in a file using c how to read from a file in c write file in c
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