2023 Cloud Computing MCQs with Answers - An essential guide for tech professionals and students.

Overview of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to the use of remote servers on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than using local servers. It has become an increasingly popular way to manage data and applications, and there are different types of services available, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

IaaS provides infrastructure like operating systems, virtual machines, IP addresses, and storage to users. It offers scalability, is flexible and allows users to enhance their infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS):

PaaS provides runtime environments, as well as development and deployment tools to software developers. It is a cost-effective solution that removes the need to purchase expensive hardware and software.

Software as a Service (SaaS):

SaaS is a software distribution model where the server manages the resources and end-users or clients access them on demand. It is accessible from any device, and there is no need to install the software on a PC, making it platform-independent.

Benefits of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing offers various advantages, including reduced investment, increase scalability, and increased availability and reliability.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing characterizes cost reductions, device and location independence, maintenance, on-demand self-service, security, and reliability.

Applications of Cloud Computing:

Some examples of cloud computing applications are online storage, photo, and video editing software, presentation software like Sliderocket, word processing applications, and location-based services.

Cloud Computing MCQ:

No MCQ provided.

Identifying Deployment Models

In computing, deployment models refer to how an organization chooses to distribute and manage its IT services. The most common deployment models include Private, Public, and Hybrid.

//Checking if a deployment model is valid
function isValidDeploymentModel(deploymentModel) {
  //Converting the parameter to lowercase to allow for case-insensitivity
  deploymentModel = deploymentModel.toLowerCase();

  //Checking if deploymentModel matches any of the known deployment models
  for (const model of ["private", "public", "hybrid"]) {
    if (model === deploymentModel) {
      return true;

  //If parameter does not match any known deployment model
  return false;

When identifying a valid deployment model, it is important to check if it matches one of the known deployment models, which are private, public, and hybrid. The above code shows a function that can be used to check if a deployment model is valid or not.

Cloud Services related term


is a term related to services provided by the cloud.

Reliability refers to the dependability of the cloud service.

Ownership refers to the legal rights and control of the cloud service.

AaaS stands for Anything-as-a-Service and is a general term that encompasses all cloud-based services.

Identifying the Correct IaaS Provider

Among the following options, the correct IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) provider is EC2.

   // EC2 is an IaaS provider 

EC1, EC10, and Hybrid are not IaaS service providers.

Components of a Hypervisor

In virtualization, a hypervisor is a type of software that enables virtual machines to share a single hardware host by managing the execution and allocation of resources. There are various components of a hypervisor, but the one that is specifically known as the hypervisor is the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). Therefore, the correct answer is B) VMM.

// Example:
hypervisor = VMM

Cloud Services Relationship with Customers

In terms of relationship with customers, cloud services are considered as one-to-many. This means that one cloud service provider can offer its services to multiple customers simultaneously.

// No code provided for this task

Understanding Cloud Computing and its Relation to Network or Internet

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the internet (also known as the network). Rather than owning and maintaining physical data centers and servers, companies and individuals can use cloud computing services to access computing resources on an as-needed basis from a cloud provider.

Therefore, option C) is correct as cloud computing is directly related to the network or internet.

Is Google Docs a Type of Cloud Computing?

The answer is True. Google Docs is a type of cloud computing, which allows users to store and access their documents online through the internet instead of on their local hard drives. Cloud computing provides users with a convenient and secure method to collaborate and share documents online with other users. Google Docs is a cloud-based productivity suite that provides users with a range of online tools, such as documents, slides, spreadsheets, and other applications to create and share documents online.

Understanding Cloud Computing Elasticity

In cloud computing, the term "elasticity" refers to the ability of a system or application to scale up or scale down its resource usage according to changing demands.

This means that the application or system can automatically allocate more resources when needed to accommodate high traffic and demand or scale down when there is low traffic or usage. Elasticity allows for efficient and optimized resource utilization in cloud computing environments.

Therefore, the correct answer to the given question is D) Both a and c are correct, as elasticity refers to the ability to scale up or down.

IaaS Cloud Computing Examples

The following are all examples of IaaS cloud computing:

Linode <br>
Cisco Meta Cloud <br>
Digital Ocean 

Identifying SaaS Cloud Computing Examples

In the world of cloud computing, there are various types of services being offered such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. SaaS or Software-as-a-Service is a cloud computing model where software applications are hosted and provided remotely over the internet. In this task, we are asked to identify among the following which are examples of SaaS cloud computing.

Google workshop<br>

The correct answer is D) All of the above. All these services offer software applications hosted and provided remotely over the internet, which is what the SaaS cloud computing model is all about.

Examples of PaaS Cloud Computing

PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. It is a type of cloud computing where a platform for building, deploying, and managing applications is provided to developers. Heroku, Google App Engine, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk are all examples of PaaS cloud computing platforms.

These platforms allow developers to focus on building their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure or maintenance. All of these platforms are designed to make it easier and faster for developers to build and deploy applications on the cloud.

Characteristics of IaaS

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) has the following characteristics:

  • Highly scalable
  • Flexible and dynamic platform
  • Facilitates hardware access to multiple users

Therefore, option D) All of the above are the correct characteristics of IaaS.

Checking Whether DNS is a Network Resource to Balance Load - True or False

The answer to whether DNS is a network resource used to balance load is: True.

DNS stands for Domain Name System, which acts as a network resource that translates domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. DNS is utilized to balance the load across multiple servers by directing traffic to various IP addresses while handling client requests. DNS load balancing distributes requests across different servers, ensuring that no single server receives an excessive or unbalanced load of user requests.

Client Location in Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, the client is located on the frontend.

The frontend refers to the user-facing part of an application, where the client interacts with the software. This could include web interfaces, mobile applications, or other graphical user interfaces.

In contrast, the backend refers to the server-side of an application, where data processing and storage occurs.

It is important to understand the distinction between frontend and backend in cloud computing in order to design, develop, and deploy cloud-based applications effectively.

// Example code snippet
function handleUserInput(){
  // frontend logic to handle user input

function processUserData(){
  // backend logic to process user data

Google Compute Engine Release Date

The release date for Google Compute Engine was 2012.

// No code needed

What is the top concern in Cloud Computing?

The top concern in cloud computing is security.

//example of security concerns in cloud computing
if (cloudProvider == "AWS"){  //if using AWS as cloud provider 
    enableFirewall(); //enable firewall for added security
    useMultiFactorAuth(); //use multi-factor authentication for stronger access control

Total Types of Cloud Computing Services

The total number of cloud computing services is 4:


Each type offers different levels of control, flexibility, and security to meet the unique needs of businesses and organizations.

What does PaaS stand for?

PaaS stands for Platform as a Service.

Definition of Hybrid Cloud

The term "hybrid cloud" refers to a combination of both private and public cloud computing. This type of cloud infrastructure allows organizations to take advantage of the benefits of both private and public clouds, and to achieve greater flexibility and security.

Private cloud computing refers to the use of a dedicated, localized environment for computing and storage, whereas public cloud computing refers to the use of cloud resources provided by third-party vendors over the internet. A hybrid cloud combines both types of cloud computing to provide a more comprehensive cloud solution that can meet the needs of a wide range of organizations and workloads.

Hybrid cloud solutions can help organizations to achieve greater efficiency, cost savings, and scalability by allowing them to move workloads and data between private and public clouds as needed. This can also enable organizations to take advantage of new cloud-based services and technologies without having to make significant investments in their own infrastructure.

In summary, a hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public cloud computing that allows organizations to leverage the benefits of both cloud models in a single, integrated solution.

Technique Used for Creating Cloud Computing

The technique used for creating cloud computing is virtualization.

// Here's an example of virtualization using Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2:

// Declare an instance of the EC2 class
EC2 ec2 = new EC2();

// Specify the virtual machine image to use for the instance

// Set the instance type

// Specify the security group and key pair

// Launch the instance

// Once the instance is running, you can connect to it and use it as needed

In the code example, virtualization is used to launch a virtual machine instance on AWS EC2, which can then be used as a cloud computing resource.

Total Deployment Stages in Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, there are four total deployment stages:

  1. Development
  2. Testing
  3. Staging
  4. Production

Identifying a Runtime Environment for Applications

Out of the following options, PaaS provides a runtime environment for applications.


Understanding SAN

In the context of computer networking, SAN stands for Storage Area Network. It is a dedicated, high-speed network that enables the transfer of block-level data between storage devices and servers. SANs are used to enhance storage devices' accessibility, scalability, manageability, and performance. Therefore, Option A) "Storage area network" is the correct meaning of SAN.

Identifying the Most Basic Level of Storage

In terms of storage levels, DAS or Direct Attached Storage is considered as the most basic level of storage. It is a form of storage where a device is directly connected to a host computer or server. This type of storage provides fast data transfer rates and is commonly used in small businesses and home offices because it is simple to install and manage.

 //no code to optimize 

Identifying the Best Storage Technology

Out of the given storage technologies, SAN has the best performance in terms of speed and efficiency.

NAS (Network Attached Storage) and DAS (Direct Attached Storage) have relatively lower performance than SAN.

On the other hand, if we select "none" as the answer, it means that there are no storage technologies with good performance, which is not true. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

// Example code implementation
// Variables named using camelCase notation
var nas = true;
var san = true;
var das = true;

if (san) {
  console.log("SAN has the best performance.");
} else if (nas || das) {
  console.log("SAN has better performance than NAS and DAS.");
} else {
  console.log("No storage technology has good performance.");

Identification of Layers in SAN Architecture

In SAN (Storage Area Network) architecture, there are four layers that work together to form a complete solution for data storage and management. These layers include:

  • Storage Layer
  • Host Layer
  • Fabric Layer
  • Object Layer

Out of these, the Object Layer is not related to the SAN architecture. The other three layers, Storage Layer, Host Layer, and Fabric Layer are fundamental parts of SAN architecture and work together to provide a complete and reliable storage solution.

GUI for Cloud Interaction

In cloud computing, the client infrastructure provides the graphical user interface (GUI) for interacting with the cloud. This allows users to easily access, manage, and manipulate their data and resources in the cloud.

The server, on the other hand, is responsible for providing the requested services or resources to clients. Applications utilize the client infrastructure to interact with the cloud, while the client is the device or computer that is used to access cloud resources.

Therefore, the correct option is C) Client infrastructure.

Utility Computing Based on the SOA Model

Among the given options, the Utility Computing model is based on the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) model. Utility Computing is a computing service model in which computer resources are provided as a utility, without direct user management of the underlying technology infrastructure. This model is based on the SOA model, which enables the creation of services that can be consumed by multiple users and applications, providing flexibility, scalability and efficiency in resource allocation.

//Example of using an SOA-based Utility Computing model to access a cloud-based computing resource.

public class CloudService {
  private String serviceName;
  private int serviceCost;
  private int serviceCapacity;
  public CloudService(String name, int cost, int capacity) {
    this.serviceName = name;
    this.serviceCost = cost;
    this.serviceCapacity = capacity;
  public String getName() {
    return this.serviceName;
  public int getCost() {
    return this.serviceCost;
  public int getCapacity() {
    return this.serviceCapacity;
  public void provisionService() {
    // code to provision the cloud service goes here
  public void terminateService() {
    // code to terminate the cloud service goes here


Cloud computing is a technology that enables users to access computing resources such as servers, storage, applications, and services over the internet, rather than from a local data center. These resources are delivered as a service over the internet and are based on virtualization technology.

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device, or network resources. In cloud computing, virtualization technology enables multiple users to share the same physical resources by creating multiple virtual environments that are isolated from each other.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Virtualization.

Code: N/A

Identifying a Cloud: Hadoop vs Web Applications vs Intranet vs None

One of the following can be identified as a cloud:

let isCloud = false;

if (technology === "Hadoop") { isCloud = true; } else { isCloud = false; } console.log("Is it a cloud? " + isCloud);

The output of the code above will state if the technology passed to the evaluation is a cloud or not. Based on the question presented,

  • Hadoop can be considered as a cloud.
  • Web applications are not clouds. They are applications that run on the internet, often served by cloud providers.
  • Intranet, on the other hand, is not a cloud. It is a network within an organization that is accessible only by those with access to the network.
  • The answer "None" is incorrect as Hadoop is considered a cloud.

What is SaaS?

SaaS stands for Software as a Service.

It is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is provided over the internet, and users can access it through a web browser. This eliminates the need for organizations to host and maintain the software on their own servers.

SaaS is a cloud computing model that provides flexible and scalable solutions for businesses. It is cost-effective, easy to use, and provides businesses with access to software that would be too expensive or complex to develop in-house.

Number of Hypervisors

The answer is A) There are two types of hypervisors:

1. Type 1 or native or bare-metal hypervisors
2. Type 2 or hosted hypervisors

Native or bare-metal hypervisors run directly on the host’s hardware, whereas hosted hypervisors run on a conventional operating system like Windows or Linux.

Total Types of PaaS

The given question is incorrect as it is talking about the total types of hypervisors and not PaaS. The correct answer is that there are four types of hypervisors, namely:

1. Type 1 or native or bare-metal hypervisors.
2. Type 2 or hosted hypervisors.
3. Hybrid hypervisors.
4. Para-virtualization hypervisors.

It is important to read and understand the question properly before attempting to answer it.

What does QPS stand for?

QPS stands for Query per second.

Identifying the Most Important Use of Cloud Computing

According to industry experts, the most important use of cloud computing is data storage.

Cloud storage services allow users to store and access their data on remote servers, rather than on their local devices. This provides many benefits, including:

  • Increased accessibility and flexibility in accessing data from any location and device with an internet connection.
  • Easy scalability and cost-effective storage options for businesses and individuals.
  • Automated data backup and recovery services that provide additional security and protection against data loss.
  • Reduced need for physical storage devices and less reliance on expensive on-premise data centers.

While data privacy and security are also essential aspects of cloud computing, data storage is often considered the primary use of cloud services.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) - A cloud computing platform by Amazon

The correct answer is C) Amazon Web Services (AWS) as it is a cloud platform provided by Amazon.

Real-time Monitoring of Cloud-based Services with CloudSensor

In terms of monitoring real-time performance of major cloud-based services, CloudSensor is the right choice. CloudSensor is a tool designed to monitor the performance of cloud-based infrastructures, applications, and services to ensure availability and uninterrupted user experience.

The other options listed (CloudMetrices and CloudWatch) are real tools, but they do not specialize in monitoring the performance of cloud-based services in real-time, making them less suitable for this task.

Therefore, if you need to monitor the performance of your cloud-based services in real-time, CloudSensor is the ideal tool to use.

Meaning of GAE

GAE stands for Google App Engine.

This is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offered by Google Cloud, which allows developers to build and run web applications on Google's infrastructure.

Identifying the Most Restrictive and Refined Cloud Service Model

After analyzing the different cloud service models, it has been concluded that Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the most restrictive and most refined cloud service model. PaaS provides a framework where developers can create, test, and deploy their applications. This streamlines the process of building applications, as PaaS includes the necessary components and infrastructure required to develop software.

Additionally, PaaS provides a high level of customization and control compared to other cloud service models, which may have limitations. Moreover, PaaS eliminates the need for developers to manage the underlying infrastructure, as it includes all necessary components such as middleware, support services, and operating systems.

In summary, PaaS is the most restrictive cloud service model as it provides a higher level of control and customization than SaaS or IaaS. It is also the most refined model as it streamlines the development process by including all the necessary components required for building, testing, and deploying software.

Understanding Cloud Infrastructure: Deployment

In cloud computing, deployment refers to the activities and processes involved in managing and locating cloud infrastructure within a particular environment. Cloud deployment involves three main types: public, private, and hybrid.

Public cloud deployment is offered by cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Private cloud deployment, on the other hand, refers to cloud infrastructure that is exclusively used by a single organization, while hybrid cloud deployment combines both public and private clouds.

Effective deployment of cloud infrastructure requires proper planning and adherence to best practices to ensure stability, security, and scalability.

Types of Dimensions in Cloud Cube

In Cloud Cube, there are four types of dimensions:

  • Time Dimension
  • Geographic Dimension
  • Product Dimension
  • Customer Dimension

Identification of IaaS service model

It is true that IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) service model is followed when a service concentrates on hardware. In IaaS, the third-party provider hosts hardware, software, servers, storage, and other infrastructure components on behalf of its users.

// Example of IaaS service model
class IaaSProvider {
  constructor(hardware, software, servers, storage) {
    this.hardware = hardware;
    this.software = software;
    this.servers = servers;
    this.storage = storage;
  // provide IaaS services
  provideIaaSServices() {
    console.log(`Providing IaaS services with ${this.hardware}, ${this.software}, ${this.servers}, and ${this.storage}`);

// create an instance of IaaSProvider
const myIaaSProvider = new IaaSProvider('Dell Servers', 'VMWare ESXi', 'Microsoft Windows Server', 'NetApp Storage');
myIaaSProvider.provideIaaSServices(); // output: 'Providing IaaS services with Dell Servers, VMWare ESXi, Microsoft Windows Server, and NetApp Storage'

Defining IaaS

IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service.

It refers to cloud-based services that provide virtual computing resources to organizations over the internet. With IaaS, companies can rent servers, storage, and other computing resources rather than having to buy and maintain hardware themselves. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

Identifying the Highest Degree of Cloud Computing Integration

In terms of cloud computing, the highest degree of integration can be identified as Software as a Service (SaaS). The other three levels of cloud computing integration include Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Containers as a Service (CaaS). Among these, SaaS is the most fully integrated cloud computing solution.

To clarify, SaaS involves the delivery of software applications over the internet, meaning that users can access and use the software from anywhere with an internet connection. On the other hand, PaaS includes a platform for developers to create and deploy applications, while IaaS provides infrastructure such as servers and storage. CaaS is a newer concept that provides a container-based platform for application development and deployment.

In conclusion, SaaS is the most comprehensive form of cloud computing, offering full integration and accessibility for software applications.

Virtual Machine Monitors (VMM)

A Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is software that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine by creating virtual machine environments. Each virtual machine runs its own operating system, which is isolated from the host system.

Therefore, the correct answer to the given question is - C) VMM allows the different OS to run in their memory space.

Identification of VM Monitor and CPU Emulator

The VM monitor and CPU emulator can be identified as follows:

QEMU is the VM monitor and CPU emulator.

The other options are:

  • Parallels: It is a virtualization software for macOS.
  • VMS: It is not a specific software or technology related to virtualization.
  • None: It does not provide any information related to VM monitor and CPU emulator.

Identifying Type 1 Hypervisor

Out of the following mentioned hypervisors KVM is the type 1 hypervisor where hypervisors are classified into type 1 and type 2 based on their functionality and purpose.


Virtual Server 2005 R2 Wind River Simics

IT Architecture Development in the Planning Phase

In the software development life cycle, IT Architecture Development is a critical aspect that needs to be addressed during the planning phase. This phase involves identifying the project requirements, determining the scope of work, and creating a roadmap for the project. IT Architecture Development is focused on designing the system architecture that will support the project requirements. It involves creating a high-level design that defines the structure, components, modules, interfaces, and data flows. This design will serve as a blueprint for the systems development team to follow during the subsequent phases of development, testing, and deployment. Therefore, IT Architecture Development is a crucial process that lays the foundation for the successful implementation of any software project.

Types of Cloud Architecture

In cloud computing, there are two main types of architecture:

  1. Frontend
  2. Backend

The frontend is the part of the cloud architecture that interacts directly with the user, such as the interface they use to access the cloud services. The backend is the part of the cloud architecture that manages the various aspects of the service, such as data storage, security, and processing power. Understanding the difference between these two types of cloud architecture is key to designing and implementing a successful cloud computing solution.

Which Individuals Primarily Utilize Backend?

The primary users of backend are service providers.

Backend is the part of a website or application that runs on the server and is responsible for processing and storing data. Service providers are the individuals or organizations who provide services such as web hosting, cloud computing, and database management. They use backend to manage and maintain the servers, databases, and other backend components that support the website or application.

This distinction is important because knowledge of backend technologies is typically required for service providers and not as much for clients or end users.

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