Top 20 Testing Tools for 2023 – IQCode Solutions

Software Testing and Testing Tools

Software testing is a process to evaluate the functionality of a software application to ensure that it meets the expected behavior. Testing tools are used to assist in this process. There are various types of testing tools available that can be used in different stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Mobile testing tools are specifically designed to test mobile applications. These include Appium, Calabash and Selendroid.

API testing tools are designed to test an API, which stands for Application Programming Interface. These tools help to test APIs by sending multiple API requests, validating the responses and checking performance and security. Some popular API testing tools are Postman, SoapUI and JMeter.

Automated testing tools are used to automate testing tasks. They reduce the time and effort required for manual testing, and increase accuracy and consistency. Some popular automated testing tools include Selenium, QTP/UFT and TestComplete.

Defect tracking tools are used to track software defects or issues that have been identified during testing. These tools help to manage the defect life cycle and ensure that all issues are addressed in a timely manner. Some popular defect tracking tools are JIRA, Bugzilla and Trello.

In conclusion, testing tools are an essential part of software testing. They help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process. By choosing the right testing tools for your organization, you can save time, money and resources, and ensure that your software meets the expected quality standards.


What is software testing?

Software testing is a process to evaluate the functionality of a software application to ensure that it meets the expected behavior.

What are testing tools?

Testing tools are used to assist in software testing. There are various types of testing tools available that can be used in different stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC).

What is an API?

An API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications.

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Guru99 Software Testing

Understanding Software Testing

Software testing is the process of evaluating the quality or performance of a software product to ensure that it meets the expected standards and is error-free. To achieve this, different methods are used, including manual and automated testing methods.

The primary goal of software testing is to find and eliminate defects or errors in the product before it is released. This step is crucial because it helps reduce the risk of costly errors or malfunctions that can be damaging to both customers and the company.

Professional software testers use a combination of manual and automated testing methods to provide a high-quality product. Insights gained from testing are communicated to the development team who address the found errors before the final release. The result is a dependable product that offers excellent performance, ensuring customer satisfaction.

What are Software Testing Tools?

Software testing tools ensure that software is reliable, comprehensive, and meets the necessary criteria. There are two types of software testing: static and dynamic. Static testing uses tools such as flow analyzers, coverage analyzers, and interface analyzers, while dynamic testing involves tools like test drivers, test beds, emulators, and mutation analyzers. Choosing the right testing tool can be challenging, with many options available on the market. Here are 20 testing tools with their features, listed by category.

Mobile Testing Tools

Automating the testing of Android or iOS apps can be made easier with the help of Mobile Testing Tools. Some popular testing tools are:

- Appium
- Espresso
- UI Automator
- XCUITest
- Selendroid

These tools can help make testing more efficient and reliable.

Appium – An Open-Source Mobile App Testing Solution

Appium is a popular open-source testing tool for mobile apps that automates testing. It can test native, mobile, web, and hybrid apps and allows the usage of emulators and simulators for automated testing. Some of its features are:

– Allows testing of the same app that will be released on the market.
– Basic program that requires a small amount of memory during the testing process.
– Standard automation APIs provided to use for native app testing without requiring an SDK.

//Sample code for testing with Appium
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement;

public class AppiumTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

//Set desired capabilities of Appium
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(“deviceName”, “Android Emulator”);
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(“platformName”, “Android”);
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(“appPackage”, “”);
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(“appActivity”, “”);

//Setup the driver with Appium server URL and desired capabilities
AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(
new URL(“”),

//Find calculator element and perform calculation
WebElement el1 = driver.findElement(“”));;
WebElement el2 = driver.findElement(“”));;
WebElement el3 = driver.findElement(“”));;
WebElement el4 = driver.findElement(“”));;
WebElement el5 = driver.findElement(“”));

//Print calculation result to console

//End the session

ESPRESSO: A Simple Solution for Mobile Testing

Espresso is an open-source tool designed for business-oriented mobile testing. This tool simplifies UI test creation for your mobile app without writing any test code. Using Espresso workflow, developers get less mobile testing flakiness, consistent and timely feedback.


– Simplified automation of Espresso tests.
– Provides timely and Consistent feedback.
– Reduces Mobile testing flakiness.

// Here comes the code!

Perfecto – A Cloud-Based Testing Platform

Perfecto is a cloud-based testing platform that assists app developers in real-time testing of web, mobile, and IoT applications. It helps customers choose the most appropriate deployment options for their project.

– Mobile app testing over the cloud.
– Supports Agile Environment.
– Seamless integration with other quality assurance testing tools like Selenium and Appium.

Not applicable as per the given instruction.

Note: The given content did not have any syntax or grammar errors, it just needed to be polished for better clarity and shorter length.Experitest: Mobile App Testing Tool

Experitest is a mobile app testing tool that assists developers in quality control. It provides a complete package of manual testing, performance testing, and load testing for mobile apps. This tool works with all mobile OS including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.


– Run automated tests on simulators or emulators hosted in Experitest data centers.
– Record and replay tests to utilize the same test script for multiple
operating systems.
– Creates video or HTML-based reports for easy understanding.
– Simple ID creation with mobile application element structure view.

Robotium: A Test Automation Tool for Android UI Testing

Robotium is a popular test automation tool used for Android UI testing. It allows the simultaneous execution of both native and hybrid applications. With Robotium, you can perform system testing, functional testing, and user acceptance testing for Android applications. Some features of Robotium include:

  • Record Android UI test cases in minutes
  • Support for recordings made with emulators and real devices
  • Complete support for native and hybrid Android applications, including automatic resource ID detection

// Your Robotium code snippet here

API Testing Tools

Efficiently test REST and SOAP protocols with these helpful tools.

SoapUI: A Powerful Cross-Platform Testing Tool

SoapUI, written in Java, is a widely-used open-source platform for testing SOAP and REST APIs. It is ideal for verifying functionality and managing loads. Here are some of its impressive features:

  • Intuitive GUI for easy navigation and utilization
  • Vulnerability testing to protect websites from cyber threats
  • Comprehensive reporting function for thorough analysis
  • SQL Injection service for detecting weak points in applications

// Description: Basic SoapUI code for testing web services

import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.*;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.*;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.*;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.assertions.*;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.*;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.registry.*;

// Set up a test case
WsdlProject project = new WsdlProject();
WsdlTestCase testCase = project.addNewTestCase(“Test”);
WsdlTestStep testStep = testCase.addNewTestStep( “request” );

// Specify service URL, request parameters and endpoint
WsdlInterface iface = (WsdlInterface)project.getInterfaces()[0];
WsdlOperation operation = (WsdlOperation)iface.getOperationByName(“Operation”);
WsdlRequest request = operation.addNewRequest(“Test Request”);
request.setRequestContent(“hello world”);
request.submit(new TestRequest());

// Verify the response
WsdlTestRun testRun = new PropertiesMap(), false );
assertTrue( testRun.getResponseContent().contains(“hello world“) );

SOAPSonar: An Automated API Testing Tool

SOAPSonar is a powerful testing tool designed to automate the development and maintenance of test cases for APIs. It simplifies independent testing of each service and groups test procedures for automation, making it easier to create and execute test cases without requiring programming or scripting expertise.

Features of SOAPSonar include:

– Validation of SOAP, XML, and REST services
– Performance profiling and concurrent client load testing
– Web-based service security examinations to identify and mitigate risks.

Use SOAPSonar and streamline your API testing process!

WebInject: The Ultimate Solution for Automated API Testing

WebInject is a top-notch tool for automated testing of online apps and web services, as well as assessing specific system components via HTTP interfaces. It’s perfect for running automated functional, regression, and acceptability tests.


  • Real-time observation of HTTP response times during test execution
  • Combines online testing with GUI testing for mobile and desktop
  • Timer statistics are computed and displayed during runtime


//Code goes here

Start using WebInject now for an ultimate testing experience!

Tricentis: A leading API Testing Tool

Tricentis facilitates test case management by compiling and running test cases. It saves significant time, labor, and expenses associated with testing.


  • Self-contained SAP testing
  • Mature and strong SAP test automation capabilities
  • Integrated with Solution Manager

// Sample code demonstrating Tricentis capabilities
public class TricentisExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create a test case using Tricentis API
TestCase testCase = Tricentis.createTestCase(“test_case_1”);

// add test steps to the test case
testCase.addTestStep(“step_1”, “Perform action A”);
testCase.addTestStep(“step_2”, “Verify outcome B”);

// execute the test case and get the result
TestResult result = Tricentis.executeTestCase(testCase);

// print the result to console


These tools help automate functional and regression testing for your application.

// Add comments where necessary to explain the code

Introducing Avo Assure: The No-Code Automation Testing Platform

Avo Assure is a powerful testing tool that allows you to test complex business processes with ease. It is a no-code platform that enables you to create and run test scenarios without writing any code. With its heterogeneous nature, Avo Assure makes testing smooth across web, desktop, mobile, ERP apps, and more.

Key Features:

– Easy test scenario creation and execution
– Above 90% end-to-end test automation and coverage
– Accessibility testing
– Mindmaps tool for creating test plans and cases.

Kobiton: A Powerful Mobile Testing Solution

Kobiton enables development and testing teams to effectively automate functional, performance, visual, and compatibility testing on IoT and mobile devices.

Key Features:

  • Cloud-based access to local devices
  • On-premises deployment
  • Automated testing with top open-source automation tools and frameworks

Kobiton eliminates the need for scripts and programmed support, providing an effortless and efficient testing experience.

Parasoft Continuous Quality Suite

Parasoft provides automated software testing solutions that ensure quality in the software delivery process and catch errors early on. Their suite includes static code analysis, unit testing, code coverage, API testing, service virtualization, and UI testing. This enables quick delivery while still meeting industry and security standards.

Key Features:

  • Machine learning-supported test development and execution
  • Testing for low-code programs
  • Comprehensive reporting and analysis dashboards

ZAPTEST: Software Automation Solution

ZAPTEST provides a reliable software automation solution for companies utilizing software for operations or development. It offers automated functional and performance testing, RPA for robotic process automation, seamless testing and execution on multiple platforms in parallel. ZAPTEST helps companies to automate back-office operations and software testing procedures as well as develop a revolving automation framework.

Overview of Selenium

Selenium is a widely used software testing tool that automates functional elements of web-based applications across various platforms and browsers. It is a popular QA tool that supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall test execution time. Selenium requires fewer resources than other manual testing solutions and allows running test cases on any operating system. Additionally, Selenium supports multiple programming languages including Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.

Overview of QTP (Unified Functional Testing)

QTP, formerly known as Micro Focus UFT, is a popular functional GUI testing tool that can automatically execute user activities on a web or client-based computer application. It is extensively used for automated functional regression testing. QTP uses a scripting language to manipulate and control the objects and functions of the application under test.


QTP is an ideal choice for novice testers, as it is simple to learn and can be picked up in just a few minutes. The tool displays the test case in a straightforward process. With its comprehensive set of checkpoints, QTP enables testers to conduct a thorough evaluation of the application.

Defect Tracking Tools

These testing tools help manage defects or bugs. These tools are designed to support defect/bug management.

JIRA – A Tool for Defect Tracking and Project Management

JIRA is a project management tool that helps you record and track defects and issues. It is directly connected with the code development environment. Some of its features include:

  • Easily define filters using JIRA Query Language.
  • Ability to customize processes of any size for software development, testing, and release.
  • Install plug-and-play add-ons from The Atlassian Marketplace to accommodate various scenarios.

Note: JIRA is like an API for recording and reporting defects and issues.


Mantishub is an efficient open-source defect tracking application that balances simplicity with functionality. Users can easily manage their peers and customers with this software.


  • Streamline workflow and improve efficiency
  • Effective internal problem tracking system
  • Single-sign-on capabilities with Bitbucket and GitHub
  • Built-in time tracking function for better problem management

// This code displays the steps to track time spent on a problem
function trackTime(problem) {
let startTime = new Date();
// Code to work on problem...
let endTime = new Date();
let totalTime = endTime - startTime; //Calculate total time
console.log(`Time spent on ${problem}: ${totalTime} milliseconds`); //Print time spent

In summary, Mantishub is a highly useful defect tracking solution with a range of features that help to streamline workflow and improve efficiency.

FogBugz: Your Solution to Tracking Software Defects

FogBugz is a reliable defect and change tracking tool designed for ongoing software projects. It’s ideal for companies that need to monitor defects across multiple projects. With the following features, you can rest assured FogBugz has you covered:

  • Quick access to information
  • Administration of Agile projects
  • Notifications and emails to keep team members informed of changes

Try FogBugz today and start efficiently managing your software development and deployment projects!

Bugzilla: A Powerful Defect Tracking System

Bugzilla is a popular open-source software used by developers to track bugs in their systems. It offers various features, including:

  • Improved performance and scalability through optimized database structure
  • Advanced query tool that remembers personalized searches
  • Editable user profiles and extensive email preferences
  • Customizable installations through an extension mechanism

With Bugzilla, individuals and businesses can easily manage their system bugs, making it a valuable tool for any development team.

BugNet: A Free and Open-Source Bug-Finding Program

BugNet is an ASP.NET cross-platform application designed to find and manage bugs in code. Its open-source and GPL-licensed web application offers easy management and report generation of issues. It supports multiple databases and comes with simple navigation and management tools, making it easier to deploy codebases.


The 20 testing tools we’ve covered should prove useful to those in the software testing industry. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section below.

FAQs about Manual Testing and JIRA

Q: What is manual testing?

A: It’s the process of manually assessing software for flaws, with testers acting as end-users and testing most of the application’s functionalities. Examples of manual testing tools include Selenium, JMeter, Loadrunner, Test Link, QTP, Quality Center (ALM), Bugzilla, and Mantis.

Q: Is JIRA a testing tool?

A: JIRA, developed by Atlassian, is a software testing platform designed to track all software or mobile app issues, making it a bug-tracking application.

Q: What is an example of manual testing?

A: One example of manual testing is performing end-to-end flow testing on a real estate application that enables users to submit photographs and create real estate listings.

Additional Resources

Explore these helpful resources related to software testing:

  • Software Testing MCQ: a multiple-choice question practice resource for software testing.
  • Automation Testing Tools: An informative article highlighting the top automation testing tools.
  • Manual Testing Tools: An informative article highlighting the top manual testing tools.
  • API Testing Tools: An informative article highlighting the top API testing tools.
  • Performance Testing Tools: An informative article highlighting the top performance testing tools.
  • Automation Testing Interview Questions: A resource with frequently asked interview questions related to automation testing.
  • Selenium Interview Questions: A resource with frequently asked interview questions related to Selenium testing.
  • Software Testing Interview Questions: A resource with frequently asked interview questions related to software testing.
  • Difference Between Testing and Debugging: An informative article explaining the differences between testing and debugging.
  • Principles of Software Testing: A resource outlining the fundamental principles of software testing.
  • Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing: An informative article highlighting the differences between alpha and beta testing.

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