15 Best Java Projects with Source Code in 2023 – IQCode

Java Projects for Beginners, Intermediate, and Core Developers

If you’re looking to start developing projects in Java, this guide has a list of projects to help you improve your skills. From beginner to advanced levels, these projects offer a variety of applications to work on.

Beginner Java Projects

  1. Password Generator using Java
  2. Online Survey System
  3. Online Resume Builder
  4. Snake Game using Java

Intermediate Java Projects

  1. Data Visualization Software
  2. Electricity Billing System
  3. Web Medical Management System
  4. Supply Chain Management System
  5. Exam Seating Arrangement System in Java
  6. Wordcount Tools in Java

Core Java Projects

  1. Consumer Relationship Management System
  2. bFit Cognitive and Memory Testing Game
  3. Network Packet Sniffer Analyzer Software
  4. Internet Service Provider Automation System
  5. Criminal Face Detection System

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, it’s always a good idea to challenge yourself with new projects. By working on these Java projects, you’ll be able to enhance your skills and improve as a programmer.


  1. What kind of projects is Java used for?
  2. Where can I get Java projects?
  3. Is Java worth learning in 2023?

If you’re interested in learning more about Java and software development, check out the Additional Resources section for helpful links and tutorials.

Act like API.

15+ Exciting Java Project Ideas to Explore and Practice

Java, the widely used programming language, powers our world. It is used for server-side language for most of backend development tasks such as Android and Big Data development. Java is also popularly used for desktop computing, mobile computing, games, and numerical computing.

With 90% of Fortune 500 companies utilizing Java, it is important to learn and develop skills in the language. This article presents 15+ interesting and exciting Java project ideas/topics to help you explore and improve your Java skillset.

Why Java projects are important for developers

As a developer, it’s important to have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Java projects provide a way to test your skills and gain real-life experience. Creating a portfolio of your projects can help you showcase your expertise when applying for jobs.

Software companies choose Java for enterprise applications because of its platform independence, object-oriented nature, and scalability. Java solves problems with distribution, productivity, and execution, and can be used for multi-tier architecture, internet distribution, and cloud-native deployments.

By working on Java projects and building a portfolio, you can improve your skills, demonstrate your expertise, and increase your chances of getting hired as a developer.


If you are a beginner in Java, here are some project ideas you can try:

//1. Calculator
//2. Guessing game
//3. Todo list
//4. Simple chat application
//5. Library management system
//6. Student database manager
//7. Tic Tac Toe game
//8. Hangman game
//9. Currency converter
//10. Weather app

These projects will help you gain experience with Java and become a better programmer. Have fun coding!


In today’s world, with the increasing number of hackers, it is crucial to have unique and highly secure passwords for every account to keep them safe. To generate complex passwords, password generators are used instead of writing them down, which is not a wise idea. Java offers a built-in function to create such a generator. For added security, passwords can be saved in encrypted form using cryptography and the Java Cryptography Architecture.

Check out the source code on GitHub: Password Generator

Online Survey System

The Online Survey System is a Java application that collects opinions from a targeted audience via the Internet. Businesses can use this software to gather feedback on their products/services and send promotional emails and online surveys to their audience. Registered customers have the option to submit feedback anonymously. The key features of this application are:

– Compatibility with SQL and NoSQL databases
– Anonymous feedback submissions
– Cost-effective installation

View source code: Code is not provided.

Online Resume Builder

The Online Resume Builder is a Java project that helps individuals create professional resumes easily. The project provides industry-accepted, well-crafted resume templates, which the user can customize with their details. The project also allows the user to publish the resume instantly and generate it in pdf and doc format with a single click of a button.


  • Multiple engaging resume templates to choose from
  • Customize each piece of information as per the user’s needs
  • Functionality to publish the resume instantly

Check out the source code [https://github.com/meetakbari/CV-Resume-Builder]

Snake Game in Java

The classic snake game from our childhood can be enhanced with the use of Java concepts. This program requires a strong understanding of OOPs concepts and the Java Swing library. The snake can move in four directions, its length increases when it eats food, and the game ends when the snake hits itself or the boundaries of the box. Food is generated at random positions. You may find the source code at [https://github.com/janbodnar/Java-Snake-Game].

Intermediate Java Projects with Source Code

// Code for intermediate Java projects goes here

Looking for some Java projects to practice your programming skills? Check out these intermediate level projects with source code provided. They cover a range of topics and are great for those looking to improve their Java coding abilities.

Act like an API and utilize these projects to enhance your Java development skills.

Data Visualization Software

Data visualization plays a crucial role in modern business practices such as Data Science, Business Analytics, and Business Intelligence. It involves presenting data in a visual format, making it easier to comprehend. This project is a beginner-level Java project that focuses on providing guidelines for presenting data effectively using graphics and images.

The purpose of this project is to communicate insights derived from data using appropriate visual representations. It includes presenting network availability information as data visualization that can be accessed using a mouse or trackpad. The best part is that you can customize and enhance the product features to meet your specific requirements.

To check the source code, visit: https://github.com/gavalian/groot

Electricity Billing System

The Electricity Billing System is a Java project that automates the traditional process of gathering electricity meter data and calculating the bill amount based on units consumed. It is a beginner-friendly project with the following features:

  • Accurate calculation of the bill amount
  • Instant sharing of data between local electricity offices and users
  • Secure to prevent tampering

Check out the source code at: https://github.com/Adarsh9616/Electricity_Billing_System.

Web Medical Management System

The Virtual Medical Home web application allows patients to schedule appointments online with their preferred doctors. The doctors can then recommend medical services, provide e-prescriptions, view patient medical records, lab reports, and more. In addition, users can browse and connect with organ and blood donors. This JAVA project provides a safer alternative to visiting hospitals during the pandemic. The application consists of two modules: an Admin module responsible for the online scheduling system, and a Doctor module that allows doctors to communicate with patients.

Check out the source code on: https://github.com/mokarrom/medical-center.

Supply Chain Management System

The Supply Chain Management System is designed to streamline the supply chain process by maintaining control over sellers and customers while tracking items through multiple points in the supply chain. With this application, clients can communicate their item requirements directly to the manufacturer, who then contacts various vendors to acquire the necessary resources. Vendors typically compile a list of items for the manufacturer to select from based on the client’s specifications. The manufacturer sends the chosen list of items to the inventory department for processing, and production begins once the materials are available. After completion of production, the records office calculates the cost of raw materials and assembly to generate the final bill with the product and invoice sent to the customer.

See the source code at: https://github.com/sonnyhcl/Backend

Automated Exam Seating Arrangement System in Java

This Java project automates the seating arrangement for exams using different inputs. The system includes two entities, the administrator and the student, who can log in and register to the system. The administrator can access and check all student details and provide inputs based on their branch, semester, year, and subject. The administrator will input details such as the total number of students, available classes, and number of seats. The system generates a seating arrangement based on the row number and the students’ roll number.

To view the source code, visit:

Java Wordcount Tool

This Java project can help engineering students improve their file and string handling skills in Java. The interface allows customers to input their content and receive a word count. The content is saved and processed using the String class. The project offers additional creative options, and Java’s APIs can be employed for formatting. Check out the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/lucassrg/javawc


Explore the following Core Java projects with source code:

// code for Core Java projects with source code

Developing a Java-based CRM System

This Java project requires expertise in Java database connectivity, MySQL, HTTP, and the Spring framework, specifically Spring core/MVC, ORM Framework, and Hibernate. The project involves building a CRM system that allows community managers to access and revise consumer data, resulting in better consumer relations.

The project’s source code can be accessed at [https://github.com/machowina/CRM].

BFIT Cognitive and Memory Testing Game

If you’re interested in becoming an Android developer, it’s essential to include Java Android development application projects in your resume. The BFIT Cognitive and Memory Testing Game is an online game that challenges your cognitive and memory skills. As a developer, your responsibilities include designing the user interface, implementing game logic, making a splash screen, building a game guide, arranging game screens, and creating a release APK. Additionally, you must create an automated scoreboard to track the player’s answers. Source code is available at https://github.com/Dk35840/bFit-A-Cognitive-Game.

Network Packet Sniffer

This project aims to develop a packet sniffer software for system monitoring and network administration. The software includes 24/7 monitoring, packet decoding, protocol analysis, and real-time data storage. Additionally, it features modules like statistics, packet analysis, and user-interface. The source code is available at [https://github.com/rizesky/nps].

Internet Service Provider Automation System

The task is to create an automated troubleshooting and error messaging system for an internet service provider using Java and J2EE technologies. The project encompasses four modules: user login, hardware and software, service, and connection. The communication systems between the server and the ISP should also be linked. Code available at [insert Github link].

Criminal Face Detection System

This project is tailored for those interested in face detection. It involves 3 modules: eyewitness, investigator, and admin. The objective is to create a reliable image detection system. The system should input sliced image data and have an instantaneous viewing feature.

Check out the source code on Github [code].

Recommended Java Projects

In conclusion, there are numerous Java projects available for students and professionals to develop their programming skills and gain valuable experience in the tech industry. Starting with basic projects and progressing to complex ones is the best way to understand real-life application development challenges. This article has highlighted some excellent project ideas for beginners and advanced developers alike. By selecting a project that showcases the relevant skills for a desired role, job seekers can stand out to potential employers.

Java Usage in Projects

Java primarily serves as a server-side language for back-end development projects, such as big data and Android app development.

Where to Find Java Projects?

Java projects can be easily downloaded from popular IDEs such as Eclipse, MyEclipse, and Netbeans.

Is Java worth learning in 2023?

Definitely yes! With the increasing demand for mobile apps and convenience, Java has become an essential programming language. It is one of the most robust languages in today’s time.

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Useful Resources for Java Developers

If you want to improve your Java skills, here are some valuable resources:

Top 10 Productivity Tools for Programmers

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