What is the difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning? – IQCode

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

In this article, we will discuss the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Though both are related to Artificial Intelligence, they are not the same.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. It is used to analyze large data sets and identify patterns that help in decision-making tasks.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that uses neural networks to simulate the human brain to analyze and process data. It is used to make complex predictions based on large amounts of data.

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

The main difference between Deep Learning and Machine Learning is the level of abstraction. Machine Learning algorithms use pre-defined features to learn from data, while Deep Learning algorithms use multiple layers of neural networks to automatically extract features from the data and improve accuracy.


In summary, Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that is used to make complex predictions based on large amounts of data. While Machine Learning uses pre-defined features to learn from data, Deep Learning uses multiple layers of neural networks to automatically extract features from the data and improve accuracy.


  1. Is deep learning and machine learning the same?
  2. No, though both are related to Artificial Intelligence, they are not the same.

  3. Which is better: deep learning or machine learning?
  4. It depends on the problem domain and the size and complexity of the dataset.

  5. Is deep learning more accurate than machine learning?
  6. Deep Learning generally provides better accuracy than Machine Learning for complex problems with large amounts of data.

  7. Is Lstm a deep learning method?
  8. Yes, Lstm is a type of Deep Learning algorithm.

  9. Should I learn deep learning first?
  10. No, it is recommended to learn Machine Learning first before moving to Deep Learning.

  11. Which is difficult to learn? Deep learning or machine learning?
  12. Deep Learning is more difficult to learn than Machine Learning because it involves complex neural network structures and requires a lot of computing resources.

  13. Why is deep learning popular now?
  14. Deep Learning is popular because it provides better accuracy than traditional Machine Learning algorithms for complex problems, and it is supported by powerful hardware and software tools.

  15. How to choose between machine learning and deep learning?
  16. You should choose Machine Learning for simpler problems with smaller datasets and Deep Learning for complex problems with larger datasets.

  17. Where deep learning is used?
  18. Deep Learning is used in various applications such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, Recommendation Systems, and many others.


In conclusion, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are both related to Artificial Intelligence, but they have different methods and applications. It is important to understand their differences and choose the right approach for the problem at hand.

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Key Differences between Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Deep learning and machine learning are terms that are used interchangeably in the field of Artificial Intelligence. However, it’s crucial to understand the differences between the two. It’s important to note that deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which is a subset of AI.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: The main objective of AI is to develop intelligent machines that can learn without human intervention. AI is responsible for automating human tasks using technology. Self-driving cars are one such example of AI where the cars can drive safely with minimum human intervention.

Machine Learning: ML is a subfield of AI and its purpose is to enable machines to predict outcomes based on available data using various algorithms. For example, Netflix uses ML algorithms to recommend shows based on your preference.

Deep Learning: DL is a subset of ML that uses artificial neural networks to replicate human decision-making like how we learn from our mistakes. Google translate and phone galleries grouping images based on location are examples of deep learning applications.

Therefore, to sum up, while AI is the superset, ML comes under AI and DL comes under ML. Each technology has a unique application and is used to maximize revenue for companies.

Machine Learning: An Overview

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to learn without explicit programming. In this approach, we feed data to the machine to build a predictive model, which is subsequently used to make predictions for new data. However, limitations of ML made way for the development of Deep Learning. One such limitation is that ML models require feature engineering, which is the process of identifying key features that help in improving the accuracy of the model. This data needs to be prepared by humans and then fed to the machine. In contrast, Deep Learning’s neural network automatically identifies these features without any human intervention. Further, ML algorithms cannot solve complex AI problems like Natural Language Processing, Image Recognition, etc., and do not perform well with large datasets. Deep Learning models are capable of overcoming these limitations.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a branch of Machine Learning that aims to simulate the human brain by building models that learn and improve on their own without human intervention. Deep learning algorithms use artificial neural networks that act as neurons for the machines to process data automatically. With artificial neural networks, deep learning algorithms overcome the limitations of machine learning, such as feature engineering.

In a neural network, raw input is given to a multi-layer network where computations are done automatically, and the feature engineering is done by adjusting the weightage of each input feature. Hidden layers, consisting of neurons, process the data and transfer information through weighted channels to other layers. The weights of each channel are continuously adjusted to improve results. Overall, deep learning is a powerful tool that can be used to classify images, recognize speech, and more.

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

This article outlines the differences between machine learning and deep learning:

  • Machine Learning: A subfield of AI that teaches machines how to learn without explicit programming. We provide structured data to build the ML model.
  • Deep Learning: A subfield of ML that teaches machines to mimic the human brain to solve complex AI problems. We give the raw input to a neural network.
  • Volume of Data: ML models typically work with datasets of thousands of rows while deep learning models work with millions of rows.
  • Training Time: ML models are trained with smaller datasets, making training time shorter than that of deep learning models.
  • Feature Engineering: Human engineers are responsible for feature engineering in ML models while neural networks in deep learning models automatically identify important features.
  • Goal: ML models focus on providing outputs that are as close as possible to the expected outcome while deep learning models aim to mimic human brain processing to achieve the right output.
  • Interpreting Results: Results of ML models are typically easy to explain while results of deep learning models are more difficult to interpret due to complex neural networks.
  • Performance: ML models perform well on small to medium datasets while deep learning models excel in larger datasets.
  • Applications: ML is often used in fraud detection, recommendation systems, and pattern recognition while deep learning is used in speech recognition, image processing, and natural language processing among others.

Understanding AI: Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

This article introduces artificial intelligence and its popular techniques, machine learning and deep learning. It explains the meanings of these terms and explores the limitations of machine learning that led to the emergence of deep learning. Additionally, it highlights the differences between these two techniques.

Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning

Deep learning and machine learning are not the same. Both are subfields of AI, with deep learning being a subset of machine learning. Machine learning algorithms can only handle structured data, requiring feature engineering for unstructured data. In contrast, deep learning can work with both structured and unstructured data.

Which is Better: Deep Learning or Machine Learning?

Both deep learning and machine learning are important in today’s world. Machine learning models are effective for small and medium-sized datasets, while deep learning models require larger datasets to produce accurate results. Choosing between them depends on your specific use case.

Is deep learning more accurate than machine learning?

In terms of accuracy, it depends on the size and quality of the input dataset. When the dataset is small, it’s better to use machine learning models. Conversely, when the dataset is large, deep learning models are preferred. However, regardless of the dataset size, poor feature engineering can lead to subpar results with machine learning models.

Is LSTM a Form of Deep Learning?

Yes, LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) is a type of deep learning method that falls under the recurrent neural network category. While it is a complex field, LSTM is a powerful tool for analyzing complex data sequences.


Yes, you should learn machine learning before delving into deep learning. Machine learning is a prerequisite to understanding deep learning algorithms. Start by familiarizing yourself with basic machine learning algorithms such as linear regression and logistic regression, before moving on to more complex deep learning techniques.

Difficulty Level: Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning

Learning deep learning is more challenging than machine learning due to its intricate multi-layered neural networks. Some students may feel intimidated at first glance and might not even start learning. However, once you begin, you’ll realize how fascinating it is. If you’re new to the subject, you can take free courses on popular online platforms like Coursera, where deeplearning.ai offers excellent courses.

Reasons for the Popularity of Deep Learning

Deep learning has gained immense popularity among AI developers due to two reasons:

  1. The traditional ML models are incapable of handling the large amount of data that we have accumulated over the years; deep learning models can handle this data with ease.
  2. Neural networks require high computation power, and now with the availability of powerful machines, more people are interested in exploring this exciting field of computer science.

Choosing Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

When deciding on which algorithm to use for your AI project, consider the following questions:

– What is the size of your dataset? For datasets in the millions, use deep learning; for smaller datasets, use machine learning.

– What is your main goal? Compare your project goal with the applications of both machine learning and deep learning.

– What type of data do you have? For structured data, use machine learning models. For unstructured data, try neural networks.

Applications of Deep Learning

Deep learning technology is used in various fields for different purposes. Some of the most common applications are:

– Medical industry uses deep learning to detect cancer by analyzing MRI images.
– Customer support chatbots are built using deep learning algorithms to offer real-time support to customers.
– Self-driving cars rely on deep learning technology to navigate and make decisions on the road.
– Virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant use deep learning to understand natural language and provide relevant information to users.
– Entertainment providers such as Netflix, Amazon, and Youtube utilize deep learning to personalize user preferences and provide recommendations on movies and videos.

Understanding the Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine learning and deep learning are both parts of artificial intelligence. While machine learning involves machines being able to learn without explicit programming, deep learning involves machines learning to think through artificial neural networks. It is worth noting that deep learning is a subset of machine learning, and uses multiple layers of neural networks to process data and make decisions, with less human intervention. As the network continues to learn, it works towards improvement through its own errors and mistakes.


Here are some resources related to Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning:

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