IQCode: Over 15 Django Projects with Source Code

Django Projects: From Beginners to Advanced

In the tech industry, practical knowledge holds more weight than theoretical knowledge. Having a degree or certificate in programming is great, but being able to apply those skills is what truly matters. Building a strong portfolio of projects is crucial for showcasing your skills to potential recruiters.

In this blog post, we will explore ideas for Django projects at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. From a registration and login system to an e-commerce website, we’ve got you covered.

Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows you to develop secure and manageable websites without starting from scratch. It is open-source and offers great technical features, making it a top choice for companies like Instagram, Spotify, Pinterest, and Reddit.

Your projects can start off beginner-friendly and progress to more advanced ones tailored to industrial standards. So, start building your portfolio and let your actions speak louder than words.

Python Django Project Ideas

Developing Django projects requires a strong understanding of Python and web development concepts. Familiarity with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can also improve your project. If you’re new to the framework, start with small projects and make simple changes like tweaking colors, fonts, and text. You can also refer to existing websites. Here are some project ideas:

- Blog website with user authentication
- Online store with payment integration
- Social media platform with user profiles and messaging
- Todo list with task prioritization
- Weather app with API integration
- Recipe book with search functionality
- E-commerce site with shopping cart and user management
- Online chat room with real-time messaging
- Portfolio site with image gallery and project display

Django Project Ideas for Beginners

1. Registration and Login System: Create a basic login and registration system for a website using Django that includes email/phone number, username (optional), password, and a “Remember Me” option. Users will receive an activation code via email. You may also add a password reset feature.
Technologies: Python, Django, HTML, JavaScript.
Source code: Github

2. Calculator Application: Build a simple calculator app that can perform basic arithmetic operations. Users can input numbers, erase entries, or clear the entire result.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django.
Source code: Github

3. Text to HTML Converter: Develop an app that converts text to clean HTML code. Users can input text or upload documents for conversion.
Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, Django.
Source code: Github

4. Calorie Tracker: Create a web app that tracks calorie intake based on user input. The app can display nutrient breakdown and calorie goals for the day.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python, Django.
Source code: Github

5. Email Sender: Use Django’s mail function to set up a basic email system with Gmail SMTP. This project can be done without a frontend component.
Technologies: Python, Django, HTML.
Source code: Github.

Intermediate Django Projects

6. Chat Application

Most of us use chat applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc in our daily lives, so why not create one ourselves? You can create a simple person-to-person message chat application using Django. The app can use REST API and WebSockets for notifications and avoiding polling. It can display the last 10-15 messages which the user switches between the chats.

Technology Stack:

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Python – Django

Source code:

7. Music Player Application

You can create a music player application that can play music from your device libraries or online sources using Django. The application can include features of a standard music application like play next, repeat, pause, stop, etc. You will need to use external APIs for this project in case you include music from online sources.

Technology Stack:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python – Django
  • SQLite 3

Source code:

8. Weather Prediction Application

You can create a Django project which can predict weather details like cloud cover, rain, snow, wind speed, and temperature dynamically. The application can include features to view weather insights for a particular location and also the live location. You can make use of APIs available on the internet for the same since you may not have a proper dataset for weather predictions.

Technology Stack:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python – Django
  • SQL

Source code:

9. Resume Builder

Resume builders make the designing part easier and allows us to focus on our content and of course, our skills and projects. We can create a resume builder with the help of Django. The idea is to help the user enter their content such as name, skills, work experience, certifications, websites, etc in a form. Later the data is converted into a professional resume design. The user can choose from one or more templates according to their preference.

Technology Stack:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap
  • Python – Django

Source code:

10. Quiz Application

You can create your quiz app using Django. The app can include features of a standard quiz application such as sign-up and login, creating new quizzes or choosing from the existing ones, timers, and themes for the quiz, dashboards for corresponding users or global users.

Technology Stack:

  • BootStrap4 library(you can choose other frontend technologies too)
  • Python – Django

Source code:

Top 5 Django Projects Ideas for Advanced Level

Build an e-commerce website using Django. Add a customer login, filters for sorting products, a shopping cart, a wishlist, reviews, shipment tracking, and FAQs. Use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python, Node.js, and React.js. Check out the source code on GitHub.

Integrate video and audio call features to a chat application using Django and WebRtC or Twilio frameworks. Add registration and profile management, contact synchronization, security measures, and text chats. Use React, React Native, Python, MML, Firebase, and WebSockets. Check out the source code on GitHub.

Create a Django news aggregator that collects and displays news from different sources. Add customized news viewing, sharing and reporting options, analytics, and a comment section. Use libraries like BeautifulSoup and requests, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Check out the source code on GitHub.

Develop a location-based web app with GeoDjango sub-framework. List nearby shops based on user’s location, add search bars, responsive graphics, security measures and permission popups. Use Python, Django, GeoDjango, React.js, React Native, PostgreSQL, and PostGIS. Check out the source code on GitHub.

Create an open-source job portal using Django. Add registration and login pages, account control, job filters, and profile management. Use PHP, React, JavaScript, Python, and external APIs. Check out the source code on GitHub.

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Importance of Django Projects

Django is a popular framework for rapid development in Python. Its coding principle DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) allows for code reuse and focus on unique code. Learning and creating Django projects can help you become proficient in the framework and showcase your skills to potential employers. Projects also provide practical knowledge in addition to theoretical knowledge gained from books. It is a great way to upskill and gain familiarity with the framework, and may lead to job opportunities in the field.

Tips for Building Your Django Projects Portfolio

Starting off with Django projects might be a bit overwhelming at first, but practice makes perfect. It’s crucial to create an impressive portfolio on well-known platforms like GitHub, BitBucket, Gogs, etc. Additionally, you can showcase your work on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., and provide a link to your GitHub source codes if you want to. Writing blogs on Medium, WordPress, Gatsby, Hugo, etc., and answering technical questions on platforms like HARO, Quora, etc., is another fantastic way to showcase your Django projects portfolio. Best of luck as you build your Django projects!

# Sample code to get started with Django projects
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

def home(request):
# return the HTTP response
return HttpResponse(“Welcome to my Django project!”)

Is Django Suitable for Large Projects?

The suitability of Django for large projects is dependent on the specific nature of the project. While it may work well in some cases, it may require external APIs or frameworks to implement certain features in applications that require high scalability, such as e-commerce and video calling apps. Additionally, a significant portion of the components provided by the Django framework may go unused.

// Add code here if applicable

Is Django difficult for beginners?

For beginners, it may take some time to become comfortable with the Django framework. It is suggested to have a good understanding of Python programming before diving into Django.

# Example code

# Importing Django module
from django.shortcuts import render

# Defining View function
def my_view(request):
# Code logic
return render(request, 'my_template.html', {'my_variable': 'Hello World'})

Is Django a Good Framework for Web Development?

Yes, Django is a great framework for web development. It provides developers with pre-built modules that can be used to create apps and websites, thereby reducing the need for writing code from scratch. Utilizing these modules can also speed up the development process significantly.

Is Django Suitable for Small Projects?

Django is not recommended for small, basic apps as it is quite complex and may not be necessary if the app does not require backend development. It could be used for learning purposes or experimentation with beginner-level projects.

Alternatives to Django

There are several alternatives to Django, as stated by G2:

Flask, web2py, Tornado, Cherrypy, Bottle, Pyramid, TurboGears,
ArcGIS API for Python,, BlueBream, etc.

All of these are competitors to Django.

Additional Resources

Check out these articles for more information:

Top 10 Productivity Tools for Programmers

C++ vs Java: 10 Key Differences Between C++ and Java – IQCode

Cloud Computing Types: A Comprehensive Guide – IQCode

Salary of a Google Data Scientist in 2023 – IQCode