Agile Interview Questions to Master for 2023 - IQCode

Understanding Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology refers to a set of practices and methods used in software development and project management to deliver customer-centric products with a rapid development cycle. It is an iterative approach where each iteration is designed to be small and manageable, allowing for delivery within a specific timeframe. Agile methodologies are flexible and accommodating to changing requirements over time and encourage constant feedback from end-users. It is the most widely used approach as customers are involved in the process, providing updates and ensuring that their requirements are met.

Common Agile Interview Questions:

1. What are the different types of Agile Methodologies?

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Agile Process

The Agile process is a popular software development approach that offers numerous benefits but also has its downsides. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of Agile include:


  • Flexibility: Agile processes are highly adaptable, allowing for changes to be made easily throughout the development cycle.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Since the customer is involved in every stage of development, they are able to provide feedback and ensure that the final product meets their requirements.
  • Transparency: Agile processes involve frequent communication between team members and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is aware of progress and any issues that arise.
  • Efficiency: Agile involves short development cycles, allowing for quicker delivery of working software.


  • Uncertainty: Agile processes rely heavily on the customer's involvement, which can lead to uncertainty and changes in project requirements.
  • Team Inexperience: Implementing Agile methods requires experienced teams who are familiar with the process, which can be a challenge for new teams or those not familiar with Agile methodology.
  • Communication Overload: Agile processes involve frequent communication, which can lead to information overload and hinder productivity.
  • Dependency on Teamwork: Agile processes require high levels of collaboration and teamwork, which can be challenging for teams with diverse skills and experience levels.
Overall, the Agile process can offer significant benefits to software development teams but requires careful planning and execution to ensure success.

Explanation of Agile Testing and its Principles

Agile Testing is an approach to software testing that follows the principles of the Agile Manifesto. It emphasizes on incremental and iterative development and delivery of software and encourages collaboration between developers and testers throughout the project lifecycle.

The principles of Agile Testing include:

1. Customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Embracing changing requirements, even in late development stages. 3. Delivering working software frequently, with a preference towards shorter timescales. 4. Close collaboration and communication between developers, testers, and business stakeholders throughout the project. 5. Building projects around motivated individuals and giving them the environment and support they need to get the job done. 6. Using face-to-face communication as much as possible. 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Sustainable development, whereby the pace of development is maintained indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. 10. Simplicity is essential. 11. Self-organizing teams produce the best architectures, designs, and requirements. 12. Regular reflection and adaptation for improvement.

No code snippet required for this explanation.

Important Qualities of an Agile Tester

An Agile Tester must possess several important qualities in order to succeed in their role:

- Flexibility: Agile projects are known for being highly dynamic and constantly evolving. An Agile Tester must be able to adapt to changing requirements and timelines with ease.

- Collaboration: Agile development methodologies rely heavily on cross-functional teams working closely together towards a common goal. Testers must work collaboratively with other team members to ensure that quality remains a top priority.

- Technical Skills: Agile Testers must have a deep understanding of various testing techniques and tools. They should also have knowledge of coding and development practices.

- Communication: Effective communication is critical in Agile projects. Testers must be able to clearly and concisely communicate their findings and recommendations to developers and other stakeholders.

- Problem-Solving: In Agile projects, issues and roadblocks are bound to arise. Testers must have strong problem-solving skills in order to identify and address these issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

- Time Management: Given the fast-paced nature of Agile development, Testers must be able to manage their time effectively and prioritize tasks based on value and urgency.


Refactoring is the process of improving the design and code quality of an existing software system without changing its functionality. It involves making code modifications to improve readability, maintainability, and performance. The main goal of refactoring is to make the code easier to understand and change while preserving its functionality. Refactoring is an iterative process that is done continuously throughout the software development lifecycle. It helps to minimize code complexity, eliminate technical debt and reduce the risk of introducing new bugs.

Difference between Sprint Backlog and Product Backlog

In Agile methodology, the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog are two important terms that represent the scope of work to be done by a team. The basic difference between the two is as follows:

  • Product Backlog: It is a dynamic and prioritized list of all the features or requirements of a product. The Product Owner creates and maintains this backlog during the entire product development lifecycle. It consists of user stories, bugs, enhancements, and any other requirements that need to be addressed for the product. The Product Backlog is not a fixed list and can be updated at any time based on customer feedback or changing market needs.
  • Sprint Backlog: It is a subset of the Product Backlog that contains a list of items (user stories, bugs, or technical tasks) that the team plans to complete during the upcoming sprint. The Development Team creates this list during the Sprint Planning Meeting. The Sprint Backlog is a fixed list and cannot be changed during the sprint. It is a commitment made by the team to deliver the selected items by the end of the sprint.

// Example of creating and updating Product and Sprint Backlogs in Jira Software

// Creating a new User Story in Product Backlog
String newIssue = jiraRestClient.getIssueClient().createIssue(issue).claim().getKey();

// Prioritizing Product Backlog by arranging issues based on their business value
jiraRestClient.getSearchClient().searchJql("project = ABC order by priority desc");

// Selecting User Stories for upcoming Sprint Backlog during Sprint Planning
Iterable<Issue> sprintIssues = jiraRestClient.getSearchClient()
    .searchJql("project = ABC AND sprint = \"Upcoming Sprint\"").getIssues();
for (Issue issue : sprintIssues) {
    // adding selected User Stories to Sprint Backlog

Understanding Spike and Zero Sprint in Agile

In Agile methodology, a spike refers to an experiment or a research activity that aims to explore and gather information about a certain technology or framework, or to address a particular technical challenge. Its purpose is to help the team make informed decisions and identify potential risks before any significant work is done.

On the other hand, a Zero Sprint is a preliminary sprint that takes place before the actual development sprints. Its main objective is to establish the team's infrastructure, such as setting up the development, testing and deployment environments, and defining coding standards and project guidelines. The zero sprint also helps ensure that everyone on the team is familiar with the project requirements and expectations.

Both Spike and Zero Sprint are useful techniques that can assist Agile teams in achieving a successful project outcome.

Differences between Agile Methodology and Traditional Software Development Methodology

In traditional software development methodology, the development process is sequential and rigid, with each phase of development completed before moving onto the next. This approach is known as the Waterfall Methodology. In contrast, Agile methodology emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development, with a focus on delivering working software quickly and continuously improving it through feedback.

Some key differences between the two methodologies include:

1. Approach to Planning: Traditional methodology requires extensive planning and documentation upfront, whereas Agile methodology focuses on adaptive planning and prefers working software over comprehensive documentation.

2. Team Structure: Traditional methodology has a hierarchical team structure with specific roles for each team member, while Agile methodology has a cross-functional team structure where everyone is responsible for the project's success.

3. Communication: Traditional methodology stresses communication through documentation, while Agile methodology emphasizes face-to-face communication and collaboration.

4. Scope: Traditional methodology focuses on delivering software with all the requirements specified upfront, while Agile methodology prioritizes the highest value requirements and adjusts the scope as needed.

Overall, the main difference between Agile methodology and traditional methodology is the approach to software development. Agile methodology prioritizes flexibility and collaboration, while traditional methodology requires extensive planning and documentation.

Explaining the Meaning of "Velocity" in Agile

In the Agile methodology, "velocity" refers to the measure of work completed by a team during a specific iteration or sprint. It's usually calculated as the sum of the story points or tasks completed in a sprint. Velocity helps the team to estimate how much work they can accomplish in subsequent sprints and plan their workload accordingly. It's also a useful metric for predicting the team's ability to deliver the project within the expected timeline.

Definition of Daily Stand-Up Meeting

A daily stand-up meeting is a brief and structured team meeting conducted every day, usually at the start of the workday, where team members provide a status update on their progress on tasks and share any challenges they are facing. The meeting is called a "stand-up" because attendees are encouraged to stand to help keep the meeting short and focused. The primary goal of the daily stand-up meeting is to keep everyone on the same page and ensure that the team is aligned towards the completion of their goals.

What is Incremental and Iterative Development?

Incremental and iterative development is a software development approach that involves breaking down a project into smaller, more manageable pieces, and continuously building and improving upon those pieces over time.

In incremental development, the project is divided into small, functional pieces, with each piece being developed and deployed independently. Each increment builds upon the previous one, with new features and functionality being added incrementally.

Iterative development involves a similar approach, but with a focus on continuous feedback and improvement. In this approach, the software is developed and tested in cycles, with each cycle building upon the previous one. Each iteration focuses on refining and improving the software based on feedback from stakeholders and users.

Both incremental and iterative development offer advantages over traditional waterfall development approaches, including increased flexibility, faster time-to-market, and improved ability to respond to changing requirements and user needs.

What is a Product Roadmap?

A product roadmap is a high-level visual representation that outlines the plan for developing a product over time. It helps to align everyone involved in the product development process around a shared understanding of goals, priorities, and timelines. The roadmap communicates the overall strategy for the product and provides a framework for making decisions, tracking progress, and adapting to changes along the way.

Popular Project Management Tools Used in Agile

Agile project management involves the use of different tools to manage projects effectively. Some popular project management tools used in Agile are:

  • Jira
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Basecamp
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps
  • VersionOne
  • Wrike
  • Targetprocess

Each of these tools has its own features and advantages, but they all share some common benefits, such as promoting collaboration, improving team communication, increasing productivity, and enhancing transparency in project management.

Advanced Agile Interview Questions

Question 14: What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?

Answer: Agile is a broader methodology that focuses on delivering value to customers through iterative and incremental development. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement. Scrum, on the other hand, is a specific framework within the Agile methodology that defines roles, events, artifacts, and rules for managing and optimizing the development process. Scrum is commonly used for software development, but can be applied to any project that involves complex work.

// Sample code demonstrating the use of Scrum principles within an Agile framework
class ProductOwner {
  // Define and prioritize user stories
  prioritizeStories() {
    // collaborate with customers and stakeholders to identify highest value features
    // create a product backlog and regularly review and adjust it as needed

class ScrumMaster {
  // Facilitate the Scrum process
  facilitateScrum() {
    // lead Sprint planning, daily stand-up, Sprint review, and Sprint retrospective meetings
    // remove any impediments to team progress and ensure Agile principles are adhered to

class DevelopmentTeam {
  // Implement user stories and deliver potentially shippable increments
  implementStories() {
    // work collaboratively to estimate and commit to Sprint goals
    // design, develop, test, and integrate features in small increments
    // regularly inspect and adapt the product and process to improve quality and speed of delivery

Pair Programming and its Advantages

Pair programming is a software development technique where two programmers work together on one computer to write code. One programmer is the "driver," who writes code, and the other is the "navigator," who reviews each line of code and suggests improvements. By working together, they aim to produce better code with fewer errors.

Some of the advantages of pair programming include:

1. Improved Code Quality: By having two people review each line of code, errors and bugs can be found and fixed more quickly. This results in higher quality code that is less likely to have bugs or errors.

2. Knowledge Sharing: Pair programming allows two programmers with different skills and knowledge to work together, learn from each other, and share knowledge. This can help to improve the knowledge and skills of both programmers.

3. Increased Productivity: By working together, pair programming can increase productivity as two programmers working together can accomplish more in less time than one programmer working alone.

4. Better Communication: Pair programming requires constant communication between the two programmers, which can help to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.

5. Better Focus: By working together, pair programming can help each programmer to stay focused on the task at hand, and prevent distractions or other interruptions.

Overall, pair programming can result in better code, improved skills and knowledge, increased productivity, and better collaboration between team members.

Agile Manifesto: Its Values and Principles

The Agile Manifesto is a set of guiding values and principles for software development that prioritize collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. The Agile Manifesto was introduced in 2001 by a group of experienced software developers who wanted to improve upon the traditional, plan-driven approach to software development.

The four values of the Agile Manifesto are:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 2. Working software over comprehensive documentation 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 4. Responding to change over following a plan

These values prioritize people and their relationships, working software that meets customer needs, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

The Agile Manifesto is supported by twelve principles, which include:

1. Prioritizing customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of useful software 2. Emphasizing team collaboration and communication throughout the development process 3. Delivering working software frequently, with a preference for shorter timeframes 4. Embracing changing requirements, even late in development 5. Supporting and trusting motivated individuals to get the job done 6. Fostering face-to-face communication, which is more effective than written communication 7. Measuring progress through working software 8. Maintaining a sustainable pace of work and avoiding burnout 9. Emphasizing technical excellence and good design 10. Keeping things simple and eliminating unnecessary work 11. Allowing self-organizing teams to determine the best way to deliver value 12. Reflecting regularly on team performance and adapting accordingly

By embracing the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, software development teams can be more efficient, effective, and responsive to business and customer needs.

Burn-Up and Burn-Down Charts in Agile

In Agile project management, Burn-Up and Burn-Down charts are popular tools used to track and visualize the progress of a project over time.

Burn-Down Charts: These charts show the amount of work remaining in a project, typically measured in units of time or effort. As the project progresses, the chart depicts the decrease in the amount of work remaining until the project is completed.

Burn-Up Charts: These charts show the amount of work completed over time. As the project progresses, the chart depicts the increase in the amount of work completed until the project is finished.

Both charts are used to provide stakeholders with a visual representation of project progress. They help the team to identify potential issues that arise during the project and make adjustments to get the project back on track. By using these charts, team members can easily predict the completion of a project and manage tasks more effectively to ensure timely delivery.

Different Types of Burn-Down Charts

A Burn-Down Chart is a graphical representation that displays the progress of work completed over a span of time in a project. There are three main types of Burn-Down Charts:

  1. Sprint Burn-Down Chart: This chart illustrates the amount of work left to be completed by a team during a sprint. It compares the total amount of work that needs to be done with the work that has already been completed in the sprint.
  2. Release Burn-Down Chart: This chart tracks the overall progress of a project as it moves toward completion. It displays the work remaining in the backlog and how much work has been completed within a given time period.
  3. Product Burn-Down Chart: This chart provides a graphical representation of the amount of work remaining in a product backlog over time. It enables the team to see how quickly they are moving through the backlog and helps identify potential issues that may arise in the future.

By using these types of Burn-Down Charts, teams can monitor their progress and make necessary adjustments to ensure that they are meeting project goals and milestones on time.

Three Main Agile Frameworks for Product Development Other than Scrum

In addition to Scrum, there are several other agile frameworks that can be used for product development. Three of them are:

  1. Kanban
  2. Extreme Programming (XP)
  3. Lean Development

Each of these frameworks has its own unique approach to agile development, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs and requirements of a given project or organization.

Planning Poker Technique: An Explanation

Planning Poker is a technique used in Agile project management for estimating the effort required to complete a project. The technique involves a group of team members who collectively estimate the effort required to complete a task or project.

Team members each have a deck of cards with values that represent the level of effort required to complete the task. The values typically range from 0 to 100, and are based on a Fibonacci sequence to reflect the uncertainty and risk involved in the task.

The team member responsible for the task presents the details of the task, and the other team members discuss any questions or concerns they have before individually selecting a card from their deck that reflects the level of effort they believe is required.

Once all team members have made their selection, the cards are revealed simultaneously, and the group discusses any discrepancies and reasons for them. Then, the estimates are averaged, and the team reaches a consensus on the effort required to complete the task.

Planning Poker is a collaborative process that allows teams to gain a better understanding of a task's complexity and uncertainty while creating a shared understanding of the work involved. This technique is widely used in Agile methodology to ensure accurate and realistic project planning and execution.

Explanation of Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective Meetings

Sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective are meetings that are held in the context of Agile software development.

Sprint Planning Meeting: This meeting is held at the beginning of each sprint to plan the work that will be completed during the sprint. The development team meets and decides what tasks need to be accomplished and how to accomplish them. The output of this meeting is a sprint backlog that outlines the work that will be completed during the sprint.

Sprint Review Meeting: This meeting is held at the end of each sprint to review the work that was completed. The development team presents the completed work to stakeholders and receives feedback. The output of this meeting is a list of action items to be addressed in the next sprint.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting: This meeting is held at the end of each sprint to reflect on the work that was completed and identify ways to improve. The team discusses what went well, what didn't go well, and what could be improved in the next sprint. The output of this meeting is a list of action items to be addressed in the next sprint.

These meetings provide structure and accountability for Agile software development teams, allowing them to continuously improve and deliver quality products.

Understanding the Term "Increment"

In computer programming, "increment" refers to the process of increasing the value of a variable by a certain amount. This is typically done using the increment operator (++), which adds 1 to the variable.

For example, if we have a variable named "count" that has an initial value of 0, we can increment it by 1 using the following code:


This would increase the value of "count" to 1.

We can also use the increment operator to increment by a different amount, such as 2:

count += 2;

This would increase the value of "count" by 2, so if it was previously 0, it would now be 2.

Overall, the concept of increment is a fundamental part of programming, as it allows us to change the value of a variable and perform calculations based on that value.

Standard or Common Metrics for Agile and their Explanation

In Agile development, there are several metrics that are commonly used to measure the progress and success of a project. Some of the standard metrics for Agile are:

1. Sprint Burndown Chart: This chart helps to track the progress of the team during a sprint. It shows the remaining work on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. It helps the team to stay on track and improve their performance.

2. Velocity: Velocity is a measure of the amount of work a team can complete in a sprint. It helps the team to estimate the amount of work they can complete in future sprints and plan accordingly.

3. Cumulative Flow Diagram: This diagram helps to track the progress of work across different stages of the project. It provides visibility into the amount of work that is in progress, yet to be started, or completed.

4. Lead time: Lead time is the time taken from the initiation of a work item to its completion. It helps to identify bottlenecks in the process and optimize the workflow.

5. Cycle time: Cycle time is the time taken to complete one unit of work. It helps to identify the inefficiencies in the process and improve the team's performance.

These metrics provide valuable insights into the progress and performance of the team, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve the quality and delivery of their products.

Scrum Master Interview Questions

Question 24: Could you please explain what Scrum is and list its advantages?


is an agile methodology that is used to manage and complete complex projects. It emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Some of its advantages include increased productivity, faster time-to-market, better quality, increased transparency, and better communication. Scrum uses the following roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team, as well as specific ceremonies like the Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective, and specific artifacts like the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. Overall, Scrum helps teams to work together more effectively to create high-quality products that meet customer requirements.

Scrum Roles

In Scrum methodology, there are three roles:

  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team

Each role has its own responsibilities and plays a crucial part in the success of a Scrum project.

Understanding the Role of a Scrum Master in Agile Development

In Agile development, a Scrum Master is a key role responsible for guiding and coaching the Scrum team to effectively implement the Agile methodology. The Scrum Master is a servant-leader who facilitates communication and collaboration between the team, the Product Owner, and other stakeholders.

The responsibilities of a Scrum Master include: 1. Facilitating Scrum events such as Sprint planning, Daily Stand-up meetings, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives. 2. Removing any obstacles or roadblocks that prevent the team from completing their tasks. 3. Training and coaching the team on Agile principles and practices to improve their processes and productivity. 4. Promoting a culture of continuous improvement and self-organization within the team. 5. Protecting the team from external interference and distractions to maintain their focus on delivering value to the customer. 6. Providing feedback to the Product Owner and stakeholders on the product development progress, risks, and opportunities.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, a Scrum Master helps the team stay on track and ensures that they are delivering high-quality products that meet the customer's needs.

Main Artifacts of Scrum Framework

The main artifacts of the Scrum framework are:

  • Product Backlog: This is a prioritized list of all the features and requirements that make up the product or project. The product backlog is dynamic because it can be updated and reprioritized at any time.
  • Sprint Backlog: This is a list of items from the product backlog that the team commits to completing during the sprint. The sprint backlog is owned by the development team and is updated daily during the sprint.
  • Increment: This is the sum of all the completed product backlog items during a sprint. The increment is the primary measure of progress in Scrum.

These artifacts help ensure transparency, collaboration, and alignment among Scrum team members and stakeholders.

Explanation of User Story, Epic, and Tasks in Scrum

In Scrum, a User Story is a high-level definition of a requirement, feature, or functionality from an end-user perspective. It is typically written in a simple language that both the development team and the end-users can understand.

An Epic, on the other hand, is a large body of work which can be broken down into several smaller User Stories. Epics are typically longer-term projects that span over several Sprints, and are usually too big to be completed in one Sprint.

Tasks, finally, are the smallest units of work in Scrum. They are concrete and specific actions that are necessary to complete a User Story or an Epic within a Sprint. Tasks are usually estimated in hours and are assigned to specific team members.

In summary, User Stories, Epics, and Tasks are all important aspects of Scrum methodology that help Agile teams define and manage their work in an efficient and effective way.

Important Tools Used in a Scrum Project

In a Scrum project, several tools can be used to optimize the process and collaboration between team members. Some of the essential tools include:

  • Scrum board: A visual representation of the project's progress, tasks, and backlog items. It helps team members track their work and provide transparency.
  • Product backlog: A prioritized list of features and requirements that need to be built. It helps product owners and team members understand the project's scope and goals.
  • Sprint backlog: A subset of the product backlog containing the tasks and items that the team plans to complete within the current sprint. It provides a clear focus for the team to achieve the sprint goal.
  • Burndown chart: A graphical representation of the progress made by the team towards completing the sprint. It shows the amount of work remaining and helps the team to adjust their effort and pace.
  • Communication tools: Agile manifesto emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration over documentation. Common communication tools used in Scrum projects include chat apps, video conferencing software, and project management software.
  • Version control: To manage codebase changes and versioning, a version control tool is crucial. Git is an example of a widely used version control system that is supported by most IDEs.

These tools help teams collaborate efficiently, ensure transparency, and maintain the focus on delivering high-quality products iteratively.

Timeboxing in Scrum

In Scrum, timeboxing is a technique that ensures that the team uses the time available for a meeting or activity efficiently. It involves setting a fixed time limit for each meeting or activity and sticking to it strictly.

Timeboxing keeps the team focused on the task at hand and ensures that meetings don't go on for too long, making the team unproductive. It also ensures that the team meets its Sprint goals and objectives within the allocated time.

For example, in Scrum, the Sprint planning meeting is timeboxed to a maximum of 8 hours for a one-month Sprint. The daily Scrum meeting is timeboxed to 15 minutes, and the Sprint review meeting and the Sprint retrospective meeting are timeboxed to a maximum of 4 hours for a one-month Sprint.

In conclusion, timeboxing is an important technique in Scrum that helps the team to manage time effectively, remain focused on the task at hand, and achieve the Sprint goals and objectives.

Understanding Impediments in Scrum

In Scrum, impediments refer to any factors or issues that hinder the team's progress towards completing a sprint or achieving their goals. These can be external factors, such as delays in receiving necessary resources, or internal factors, such as lack of communication or low team morale.

Identifying and addressing impediments is a crucial aspect of the Scrum framework, as it allows the team to work more efficiently and effectively. Scrum Masters are responsible for facilitating the resolution of impediments, often through daily stand-up meetings or other forms of communication.

By addressing impediments in a timely and effective manner, teams can maintain momentum and deliver high-quality products within the timeframe of a sprint.

The Role of Sashimi in Scrum

In Scrum, Sashimi is not a defined role. It is a concept used to describe a type of User Story that is thin-sliced and easily consumable in a short period of time. These stories should be small enough to be completed in a single Sprint and provide value to the customer. The goal of Sashimi is to allow the team to deliver incremental value to the customer with every Sprint.

Understanding Story Points in Scrum

Story points are a unit of measure used in the Scrum framework to estimate the relative effort required to complete a user story. Story points are assigned to each user story during the sprint planning meeting, where the development team and product owner collaborate to define the scope of work for the upcoming sprint.

Story points are not meant to be a measure of time, but rather a measure of complexity and effort required to complete a user story. The development team assigns story points based on the level of effort required, taking into account factors such as technical complexity, unknowns, and risks.

The story point scale used by the development team can vary, but it is common to use a Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.). This scale allows for flexibility in estimation while still providing relative sizing of user stories.

The benefit of using story points is that they provide a more accurate and consistent way to estimate the effort needed for each user story. This allows the development team to better plan and manage the sprint, as well as track progress and velocity over time.

Understanding the meaning of Scrum of Scrums (SoS)

Scrum of Scrums (SoS) is a scaled agile framework used for coordinating communication between multiple teams working on the same project in a larger organization. The SoS meeting is organized to discuss progress, goals and identify potential challenges faced by each team. The aim is to ensure alignment of the individual team goals with the overall project goals and to identify the needs for cross-team coordination and collaboration. This helps in ensuring that all the teams are working towards the same goal, which leads to the successful delivery of a larger project.


In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the proposed API functions as intended and meets the requirements specified by the client. The API was successfully implemented and tested, demonstrating its potential for use in future projects.

Additionally, the code was optimized for efficiency, and clear comments were added to improve its readability and ease of maintenance.

Overall, this project was a success and has the potential to positively impact the industry by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of API implementation.

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